Chapter Ten

Tanya POV

Waking up, I realize I was in the same room but missing was the bed. I was laying on the cold,hard floor. The curtains were jet black blinding all inch of light to come in.

"Can this man get any more disgusting and cruel",I mentally screamed at myself.

The door opened and a lady looking around her early fifty came in front of me reminding me of my mom, my beautiful mom I may never see again.

"How old are you?", I asked

Both my eyes filled with water.

"How is that of importance to you kid?", She replied rudely to me before throwing down a uniform at me and walking off opening the door to leave.

"My mom has strawberry coloured hair like you, dark brown skin that was remarkably smooth for her age and beautiful light grey eyes which I wish I had instead of these stupid light brown ones. Your feature reminds me so much of her",I told her as hot tears started running down my cheeks, I watch as the lady slowly close back the door and turned to me with a speechless expression.

"Well she sounds nice, now get dress", she command turning to leave.

"Can you help me? ",I asked in a whispering tone.

"What are you... Two?",She asked in a irritated Spanish accent turning to look over at me.

I closed my eyes as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I was completely alone in the lion's Den.

Sighing she walked towards the bathroom returning with a small tub and rag kneeling down infront of me raising my hands above my head slowly slipping my blouse over my head gasping in the process. Slowly trailing her finger tips over my bandages she looked up on me.

"Am feeling better",I told her with a genuine smile.

Clearing her throat removing her hands as if nothing happened, she began wiping me off.

"Crying shows weakness to Luke. A sense of victory and he will take disadvantage of it", She spoke out of the blue.

"Why are you telling me this? ", I answered curiously.

"You look pathetic wasting tears as though someone is going to be sorry for you. Wake up, you're in a world of monsters and devil that doesn't give a shit about you. You fight or get eaten", she told me unwrapping the bandages around my waist and tummy cleaning the wounds placing new bandages around them.

"How am I supposed to fight when I have nothing to fight for? ", I asked watching her looked up on me slapping my forehead.

"Ouch!.... You people have slapping problems you know that ", I yelled a bit in pain rubbing the bandages around my forehead.

"You have life... A gift many don't. If that's not enough for you to fight for.... You're three storey high, I'll open the window and all you gotta do is jump ", She told me all casually as if tell someone to commit suicide was normal.

Blinking rapidly at her completely stunned, I decided to keep my mouth shut as she finished getting me dressed in a short white and black maid outfit.

"What's taking so long? I sent you to get her ready", An impatient Luke stepped in looking down on the both of us. Shaking in fear, I was scared of what may happened to both of us even though this woman didn't budge once in the presence of this monster.

Looking over at Luke who was neatly dressed in his black suit,messy hair looking all professional finishing off with his serious expression. I must admit, he's dead drop gorgeous.

Stop okay! Don't admire the enemy

"I need to know who am I working with", She spoke with authority,without fear which was stunningly awesome.

Who is this woman?... I needed to know.

"Excuse me? ", He answered

"Luke, if you allow me to repeat myself again, you'll regret it", She spoke again getting up from infront of me taking a step towards him.

"Mom, Don't Start", He spoke bitterly at her.

"Luke Martardo Alexander Devado, Do not push my botton" She warned.

"Just get her to work, Don't let her leave the house. Watch her like a eagle. I'll be home by seven" He told her just not in the all serious tone as before.

"She's not my responsibility", She spoke sternly.

Watching him standing there speechless giving off a cold glare . I sat quietly enjoying the sight of seeing him being tortured by the lady I assume is his mom.

"Luke Martardo "-

"Okay, Okay ",he yelled throwing his hands up defeat.

"Am leaving ", He continued

Giggling a bit, I could have sworn I saw fear,irritation and frustration on his face even though I couldn't confirmed it since he already left slamming the door behind him.

"You are his mom?", I asked finally.

"Biological No! The lady now who wiped his ass when he shit, taken care of him when he's sick, wiped the nose snot, bathe, feed and teached him the difference between his head different from his toes will be me. So basically I practically raised him since his real parents were always on business trips and after long years of working with Luke's parents. Am staying here in charge of Luke's household but with a monthly income in my bank account. Many would say am working for him but he made it clear I wasn't. I just deal with him like how any mother deals with their son", She answered staring me directly in the eyes turning it side to side.

"Hey! That hurts ", I told her hitting her hand away.

"You're going to need make-up to cover up ", She told me

Suddenly the door opened again revealing the one and only; Luke.

"I need Tanya with me for the day",Luke came in ordering causing us to snap our attention to him.

"I changed my mind she's staying here", The lady answered ignoring his demands.

"She's my responsibility and she's coming with me Samantha ", He spoke aggressively.

"Take one of those things downstairs called the maid, she'll stay with me "She demanded

Laughing to myself, I just couldn't believe this right now. It was hilarious.

"What's so funny. Care to share", He spoke serious, this caused me to shut up instantly,holding down my head, I ignore him,soon hearing a annoying sigh.

"She's staying, argument finish ", She spoke angrily turning her attention to me.

"Samantha, you have been a good mother and I respect you but if you put a marker limiting my powers, You will regret it" He threaten her

"And if I do , What's gonna happen?",She asked serious.

"I destroy that trip to Paris with your husband with just a phone call", He threatened her again being shocked immediately to flash cross her face.

"You Wouldn't ", She spoke,her voice cracking up. Quickly, she wiped it away with a serious and deadly tone. Taking out his phone, He dial and held it up to show her some number.

"Try me. Just one tap and Paris is gone ",He told her

Wow...he's cold.

"If you hurt her or let her hair, Just one patch turn will have to deal with me...Paris Can kiss my ass. This girl doesn't need to go through your shit", She yelled at him,bloodthirst in her eyes. She look like she wanted to hang him, fear in his eyes but he quickly blind it away

"Get that piece of trash ready and with me down stair in 15 minutes ", He told her leaving with the door slamming loudly.

"I should be leaving this hell,living peacefully with my husband but here I am", She yelled angrily causing me to jump

"I want to slap the heck out of him",she yelled even more.

Finishing up with make-up, She smiled taking up the stuffs helping me to my feet.

"All ready", She announced walking off indicating with a come here guesture to follow her. Following her commands, taking my crutches, I went with Samantha downstairs to meet a busy Luke texting away on his phone ,lost in his own world, he didn't even realizing we entered the living room.

"Am ready",I told him so that he'll glance up on me.

"Finally", He muttered looking back in his phone walking off.

I rolled my eyes looking at Samantha who shake her head in annoyance and I walked off. Luke who was already out the door was waiting in a white Kia SUV. Slowly taking my leave, Samantha grabbed my hands ,handing me a purple sweater.

"To keep warm",she informed me.

"Well wish me luck, I'll need it",I whispered suddenly being interrupted from the horn blowing loudly...God he was so darn impatient. Walking down what felt like one million stairs, I began breathing heavily since it was a lot. I stopped at the curb entering the vehicle having the driver close the door for me after I mouthed a thank you which he politely acknowledge with a nod. Sitting down out of breath resting the crutches on the floor, I looked over to Luke whose eyes were piercing through my soul.

"Sorry didn't you get the memo. I only allow important people to sit on these seat and you my dear are far from it. You....well maids sit on the floor", He told me rudely, clear command and authority in his voice . Shocked, I didn't realize my mouth was literally opened taking even the slightest fly passing by.

"Luke -",

Raising his finger shutting me up, he kept looking at me with those cute,amazing, breathtaking eyes which were very serious. I instantly corrected myself.

"Master Luke "-,

"Sit on the floor, Am I not clear enough or Am without realization, Seemed to not be speaking English ", He interrupted rudely.

Not wanting him to continue. God he was so darn full of himself, it sickens me and drove me crazy as well because he was so damn sexy and cute,like a Greek God but his personality, that fucking personality was messing him up. Sliding off the seat I curled in a ball sitting on the ground which wasn't all that bad,it wasn't completely hard or soft but my ass could endure it for a while I guess. Resting my face on my knees, I just couldn't bear to see that stupid cute ass face of his right now.

"Good",I heard him muttered

Father... Please help me. I need you more than ever.