Chapter Eleven

Tanya's POV

Being shaked from my sleep, I looked at Luke who wasn't serious. He looked at me sterned but it didn't felt threatening.

"Do you fall asleep easily? I won't tolerate this when you are at work" He warned

Rolling my eyes when he wasn't looking, He slid his phone inside his jacket pocket exiting upon the opening of the door which his driver held. Hissing in pain as I felt a slight numbness in my ass, I quickly began to gain strength to stand to my feet's out of the vehicle. Upon exiting with the help of the driver who was kind enough to ensure I didn't fall on my fucking face when I stand up, I did a quick yoga stretch since my back was killing me. Turning to face this fine gentleman. He placed a warm smile on his face.

"Thank you", I spoke immediately shaking his hands returning a smile


Watching as pure shock spread across on his face. I ignored it diverting my eyes to looked on his ID which wrote a Spanish name.

"Mr Pe...Pebo ...."-, I tried pronouncing embarassedly.

I should have paid attention in Spanish class, I muttered in my head stupidly seeing how much this language never fails to become a God Damn pain in my ass.

"Mr. Peboizar Narmarlo", He corrected me in a accent clearly not English.

"Am very sorry", I apologized covering my embarrassment with a smile. He nod at me in approval letting go of my hands with the sudden anger calling of my name. Turning on my heels in the direction that Luke was standing.I exhaled heavily.

"Tanya!", ,Luke called impatiently

Does this asshole not see that am coming, How rude!

Taking my own sweet steps walking over to Luke. He begin walking off to a building which looked like a forty five story glass skyscraper in my conclusion but who knows. I definitely didn't. I wasn't a Architect. Stopping in awe in front the glass door leading to the inside of the building was a neatly designed sign written bold; Devado Company. Looking around, the outside was exquite with beautiful trimmed flowers and a big drive way along with a parking lot down to the left with cars of all designs. Models, I didn't even know the name of.

So this was the place of the rich and assholes......

"Am super blessed", I muttered under my breath, my voice laced in sarcasm.

How will a poor girl like me look to these high class people?

Pondering the question over and over in my head,I felt a strong arm gripping me by my hands pulling me towards the entrance door which slide open upon our arrival.

"Am not paying you to stand up looking like an idiot", Luke threaten as he pulled me in the direction of the elevator which was in the distant.

"Oh please Jackass, you're not paying me so being a idiot doesn't sound too bad does it now?", I answered back confidently clearly not thinking of the consequences.

We are dead as fuck thanks to that smart mouth of yours ,My thought screamed in pure despire.

Gripping my arm tighter digging his nails in my flesh, I hissed in pain looking up at him with apologetic eyes trying my hardest to released myself from his grip without causing a scene or commotion making my little situation worse. As if God was answering my prayers I didn't started praying as yet, a rush of employees came crowding in around us with folders, inside were large piles of papers. Releasing my arm, I took the opportunity to back away giving us enough space so that if he explodes.

"RUN FOR YOOUR LIFE!!" , a gentleman in a big nerd rim glasses screamed causing everyone to threw up the folders in the air as the paper started raining down scattering all over the place, people started throwing computer through the windows running out like a wild stampede as Luke stood in the middle with red eyes, Sharpen devil looking horns with razor sharpe teeth sinked in a woman's neck blood running like a waterfall.


Blinking rapidly coming back from my sick Fantasy, I turned looked over at Luke.

"Mhmm..What?", I asked trying to shake off the fact that I just pictured him as a blood sucking devil monsters.

Bitch! FYI he is a monster.

"I just told you to do something" He told me folding his fist that was by his side in frustration.



Rubbing my sweaty palms together nervously wanting so much to follow my thoughts and run, I stepped back further away wanting to secretly shit my pants.....Literally.

"Miiii..." with quivering lips, I ruffed my mind trying to construct a sentenced but it was hard with his stern face and devil eyes looking about minutes away to rip my throat out.

Swallowing heavily mustering courage, I began looking from left to right filling my eyes with these hoes in heavy make up you could just pull off their faces and don't let me get started on those extremely short dresses which I shouldn't be talking about if you should start on me as well like HELLO! Have you seen this made outfit? I look like a stripper ready for the pole.

God if I ever did you wrong, Forgive me and take me from this stupid host of a body.

Was I seriously thinking about outfit when I had Freddy krueger, well he wasn't as ugly like that mother fucker but his eyes and face expression wasn't pleasant and....


"OH Shut up!", I yelled at my thoughts loud enough for Mr. you're gonna regret you were ever born right now to hear.

"Excuse me", He answered back with plain authority stepping over to me

"Am sooo sorry your highness, majesty, your grace sir", I answered in a trembling voice raising my hands up in defense.

Receiving some mean looks of satisfaction given from some of these hoes here as I was suffering from fear. I rolled my eyes ignoring them. Just a few seconds more for Luke to be directly in my face, a savior was born as a woman looking about her late 50's came in between us with a handful of files in her hands struggling.

"Please sir, these are rather heavy", She expressed shyly.

Watching him snapped his fingers and turning away on his heels. We started following him through the parting crowd that has already began going there separate ways back into whatever work they were doing before the whole Luke and I drama. Seeing she was struggling towards the elevator, I took some of the folders from her. She had a surprised look at first but replaced with a genuine smile.

"Thank you", she responded

"You're welcome plus it's the least I can do after you save my ass back there", I told her genuinely.

"That's nothing love, Luke's rough on everyone on there first day, Happily we don't live with him so we only deal with his shit at work",she whispered the last part laughing as the elevator door slide opened for Luke.

If only she knew I was dealing with his shit beyond work space...Fucking torture

After entering, Luke press Private floor allowing the door to close.

Complete silence.

Relief wash over me when the door slide open,getting out before the other two, I stand happily knowing that I was more than a couple inch away from Luke. God he was suffocating. Completely uninterested to start a conversation, he walked off in the direction I think was his office. Opening a big silver door entering, my mouth literally, I mean literally fell to the floor not because it was big, luxurious, walls painted in full white with grey sofas which I must say looks comfortable, ohhh hell no,the office looked like a dump where garbage truck let's off it's waste. I mean it was beyond messy. Walking in behind him, I kept looking around over on some rolled up papers on the floor along with books scattered all over to get to his desk placing the folders down, the secretary doing the same thing after me.

"I'll get back to work then ",she announced dashing out.

I didn't wrong her. Anyone would want to get away from this devil I thought standing, looking around cluelessly, he walked around to his desk,sitting down, going strianght to his desktop getting into those files placed on his desk.

"Get to work Tanya, unfortunately, you are not a statue ", He announced rudely.

"That is what exactly?", I asked enjoying annoying him a bit.

"You know I never knew you could manage to aggrevate me even more than you already did and you surprisingly did just that....NOW LOOK AROUND AND GET TO WORK!", He spoke his anger pecking out at the end.

"But it's not my mess", I told him truthfully

"Tanya", He called out super angrier slamming his fist down in the desk raising to his feet

I quickly ran over to a near by closet to thankfully find a boom, getting to work humming softly treat you better by Shawn Mendes I decided to ignore Mr. Murderous eyes and simply started swinging my hips sexily suddenly realizing that Luke was glancing at me now and then from the corner of his eyes looking up from his desktop. I moved even slower and seductively, knowing I had ass. For me that was a huge advantage,so being inconsiderate of any consequences that may have followed, I playfully turned around bending over in a six thirty position picking up the papers off the floor putting them in a nearby bin. Repeating the process, suddenly I heard him sigh out in frustration.

"You so need a longer uniform ", He final spoke

"I don't see a problem with this one",I teased back which he took amusing.

"You are right, with that mesh light blue panty gripping that firm, sexy ass of yours, I guess that uniform should be even shorter ", He told me, slowly my mouth opened widely.

Luke's flirting with me, he just compliments my ass.



He saw my panties....Oh my god.

Feeling my cheeks heating up from embarrassment, I so wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.


Play along

How bad can this be.. I mean he doesn't look like he wanted to kill you anymore.

"When you get a pole,I'll consider my uniform getting shorter",I joked causing him to laugh which took me by surprised..I mean he was really laughing, it wasn't fake.

"Really? I'll have one installed tonight,so I can get a personal show and forget about these piece of shit am working on right now", He joked back


Suddenly our laughter filled the room. Wow! He was flirting with me, the serious Luke was making a joke. The ackward atmosphere now completely vanished and the worst thing about this moment was.

I liked it

Ignoring him,I started taking the books off the ground to place them in the book case suddenly spotting a book under the case. I bend down on my knees dragging it out, immediately hear Luke shouting out.

"Tanya, no ,don't"

Knowing it was too late since I already had the book in my hands,I screamed out when I felt strong hands around my waist pulling me away from where I was.


Looking from him to the desk.

Did this man have a hidden super power...How in hell did he reach from his deck so quickly over by me.

Soon realizing that the book case was now on the ground with books scattered every where. I sigh fraustratedly. More work I guess. Suddenly I felt the same hands on my ass. Looking beneath me, I saw Luke laying on his back looking in my eyes.

"Are you okay? ",he asked concerned, blinking multiple times ,knowing very well that this Luke was foreign to me.

Is that sparks in his eyes?

"No it can't be", I spoke more to myself closing my eyes reopening them only to be greeted with his plain old emotionless eyes.

"Excuse me?", He asked arching up his eye brows at me.

"How hard did you hit your head?",I asked concerned

Where was this pleasant personality of Luke coming from? It was frightening. Smiling genuinely, I saw slight dimples in his cheeks which made him looked even cuter, slowly without realization our face began drawing in towards each other. Our lips crashed on top of each other hungrily causing my instincts to yell...

Tanya , He's kissing you pull away.

But how could I when his lips was as soft as a baby bottom and don't let me get started on how unresponsive my body and mind was right now. Letting out a moaned from my throat, deepening the kiss, giving him access to the inside of my mouth, his tongue fighting for dominance as his hands slightly squeezing my ass,my hands began running through his impressive soft hair.

I couldn't stop and surprisingly I didn't want to.

"Master"-,I moaned lowly between the kiss when the door began to open

With quick thinking, I jump off Luke backing away towards the wall with my hands on my chest trying to calm my racing heart. Luke on the other hand was slowly getting up to strianghten out as best as possible, his hair messier than before, his lips a little swollen from the kiss nevertheless He stood confidently diverting his attention with blank emotion as he walked over to a old man he resembled so much.

"Dad,what a surprise",he greeted

"This explains the resemblance between them" I thought now focusing on getting the empty book case standing. Slowly ignoring the two,I started on my mission which let me admit, I was failing miserably trying to lift.

"Stupid,stupid ",I muttered miserably to myself

Then to make matters worse, Luke with just one hand lift the book case up with ease embarassing my weakness and I didn't like it. Looking up at him, he walked off ignoring me to continue the the conversation with his father. Watching the two of them seating in one of the sofa in the far end of the room, his father began raising his voice a little which didn't seems to affect Luke the slightest since he was sitting down, Hands fold and legs crossed listening , Not saying a word.

"Even a drop of profit or a small profit is a lost to this company. That is something we cannot have", His father scowled disapprovingly at him.

Trust me Mr. Devado was making too much of a big deal of something this stupid.

"May I help?",I asked politely

"You best leave stuff to us professional and stay to what you do best maid", He spoke harshly, emphasizing maid with disgust,and I knew I had to step up before I kill him for insulating me.

Turning back to his son. He continued as though I wasn't even there.

Like Father like son....Both Assholes!

"Son, you lost a meeting due to your personal life with the White's family and now we are at lost with knowing how much profit we are receiving upon agreement on that contract" He spoke angrily.

"Use a trading Profit and Loss account and Balance sheet and it's very surprising you will see how much net profit is made from The White's family. An agreement have been signed up with them so basically you have all access to paper works of every business details that's carried out by them to help with your process in knowing how much shares you'll recieve. So you're getting worked up and growing unnessesary grey hairs for no reason ",I told them proudly showing them that I wasn't any uneducated brat.

Taking up the boom leaving both speechless, I walked out the door with my head held high slamming in a soft, muscular wall. Falling back from it's impact, the hands catch me before I reached the ground. Looking on the guy,my breathing stop.

Damn he's hot

"Are you okay?",he asked giving me a smile of concerned.

"Yes, am great now",I spoke almost in a whisper.

My voice slowly cracking up causing his smiles. Releasing me when I was standing steadily. I began walking off not knowing exactly where I going. He was confusing my brain,I just needed coffee or something. Anything literally

"Hey,wait up", He yelled running after me, Feeling a pair of eyes looking into my soul from the lady I came up with earlier, she nodded at me returning to working on her desktop. Reaching the elevator, I started pressing the botton hoping it will open quickly.

"Thank you lord",I praised as the door slide opened. Entering,I looked for anything, Soon I pressed staff lounge having the door close to have it stopped by a large hand causing the door to open once again.

Are you shitting me?

Mentally screaming in my head,I forced a smile.

"Could we get some coffee, I'll really like some", He spoke smiling entering next to me. Staring at him from the corner of my eyes, I decided to not engage in a conversation with him though I never seize the opportunity to check him out all attired neatly in a black jeans pants, light blue botton up shirt, God his biceps and triceps were sexy,muscular and firm . Finishing off with a black Nick Air Force.

Its getting hot in here.. This guy along with Luke is what you call sex ass god.

"Like what you see?", He spoke with a smirk.

Feeling embrassment that he caught me, I looked away to hear him laugh out loudly.

"I don't know what you are talking about ",I act innocently joining in the laughter.


Few minutes later,we were chatting and laughing,finding out his name was Henry Mendes, he's cute, sweet and funny and no he's not related to Shawn Mendes, I know because its the first thing I asked after hearing his last name.

*Privacy by Chris Brown came as his ring tone*

Taking his phone out to glance at it. It was a Samsung S20 ultra,I saw his eyes sparked with excitment. Feeling my stomach twisted. Of course he had a girlfriend, He was after all a full package.

"It's my boyfriend, I have to take this", He told me excitedly hitting me out of surprised, almost causing me to spit out my delicious coffee.

Fucking bloody hell!

He was gay!

Holy shit!!!!!!