Chapter Twelve

Aaliyah POV

Sitting in a wheelchair at my mom's bedside. She was conscious of eating mashed fruit Salad in complete silence and it was beyond frustrating so I decided to speak.

"Mom, how are you enjoying the food?", I asked with a smile.

"Tanya wouldn't eat any other salad if it wasn't fruit salad ", She replied now looking at me with tears in her eyes, slowly losing her appetite since she pushes the food away trying to sit up straight.

"Mom be careful, remember the wound hasn't healed completely yet", I warned her bracing towards her to stop her sudden movement but she kept pushing my hands away as I helped her. She kept looking at me with an emotion I didn't like maybe because I couldn't really pinpoint what the emotions were. They were just Dark.

"Tanya is dead, I am crippled from the waist down, Kathrine is traumatized going through multiple councils along with Johnson who fell in a coma and it's all my fault. You are here being strong but you need to accept the truth, it's been two months since our accident Aaliyah, Tanya is-",

"Don't you dare finish it, Mom, Tanya isn't dead, Tanya isn't dead Mom", I cried interrupting her beating down on the bed, and immediately she was pulling me by my hands from the wheelchair onto the bed with her hushing me.

Within the two months, nothing changed. I went in a wheelchair because of the injuries I received taking a tolled on my body, I was constantly weak to the point I blocked out couple of times in the bathroom, I haven't had the strength for long-distance walking, hence I haven't returned to the school either. Then I found out three weeks ago the multiple hits I got to my ribs was causing internal bleeding which in turn caused shortness of breath, chest pain and as I said before Dizziness. I was rushed to the hospital for a Thoracotomy surgery and have been visiting a lot since my discharge for observation. Katherine wounds from the vase weren't deep, it didn't puncture any organs to cause death or surgery.

Thank God!

She is however under weekly monitoring by doctors since I eavesdropped an aunty phone call when she was talking only to have found out the small pieces of Splinters not visible to the eyes were in her skin or body, they were ensuring they didn't cause internal damage like development of infection to her now or in the future. As you know she was also doing a lot of counselling.

Mom experienced spinal cord damage from the shot, so she had an Epidural Stimulation implant and has been doing physical therapy from an empathetic spinal-cord injury specialist, getting vitamin IV Drips along with occupational therapy to help regain skills like standing, assisted steps and the ability to move limbs voluntarily. She hasn't done much walking or standing, she's mostly soaked herself in self-pity saying she deserved it, kept blaming herself for Mr Johnson's coma, saying if she didn't accept his invitation to going out with him, he wouldn't have been there to gotten shot or almost beaten to death nevertheless, the doctors are doing their best helping her regain her ability to walk again

"Aaliyah... Its time you face the reality. She's dead and never coming back", She whispered in my ears, allowing the tears to flow I know she isn't dead and I wasn't giving up just yet, easing from mommy, I slide off the bed in the wheelchair. Looking at her, watching each tears flowing down her cheeks. I shook my head at her wheeling myself to the door hitting up in my aunty, Stopping I turned to look at my mom once more.

"You're weak, at least if Tanya is dead which she isn't. She died with more respect and honour than you'll ever get. At least she risked her life to ensure Katherine and I didn't die that night. If she is dead which let me remind you she isn't, what are you doing beside feeling sorry for yourself and mopping around? I NEED YOU MOM, KATHERINE NEEDS YOU AND MR. JOHNSON MAY NOT BE AWAKE BUT HE'S CAPABLE OF HEARING YOUR VOICE, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN PUT THE EFFORT IN TO STAND DURING THERAPY WHEN THE DOCTORS ARE KILLING THEMSELVES TO HELP YOU STAND...YOU CARE ONLY FOR YOURSELF!!! if she's really dead are ungrateful knowing she risks her life doing so much so that we didn't have to go six feet under" I yelled at her expressing how I really felt tears flowing down my cheeks heavily stopping few Doctors and Nurses to listen to

the dispute.

"Aaliyah", Aunty spoke sadly through her tears walking slowly towards me.

I honestly wasn't in the mood so I held up my hands stopping her in her tracks not breaking eye contact with mom, I didn't want to hear her things will get better bullshit speech and give your mother time. I gave my mom enough time and I have had enough, she lost a daughter and I lost a fucking sister. heard me right...I said FUCKING!!

Am angry, sad and frustrated. I was going through it alone and my mom wasn't there to walk me through it.

I was lost!

"Aaliyah", Mom called out through her tears reaching her hands out to me but deep down I was scared. My mom isn't someone you shout at, if this was normal and we were in a good health situation, she'll be running my ass down with a broom, slippers or basically anything she caught to whoop my ass. Even though she was reaching out in tears, I didn't trust it. I didn't know if it was the embarrassment tears from the patients along with Doctors and Nurses watching me lashed out at her and she wanted to hold and strangled me to death or it was I understand your pain...Let me hug you and talk it out.

I wasn't gonna wheel over to her to find out. Instead, I did the opposite, I wheeled away finally stopping at a door, I opened it to see cleaning equipment, I went inside closing the door sitting in the dark, crying out my heart contents.

She isn't dead!

She can't be dead!

This can't be happening.


Luke POV

Calling Miss. Smith, my secretary, I ordered her to have the White's Family business detailed on the oil structure we signed a contract on to be emailed to me ASAP. With whatever business detailed I got first, we tried Tanya idea of getting the net profit founding out those sons of a bitch were robbing us a lot. Dad being furious decided he was going to Malaysia to deal with the matter. Dealing with the matter meant raining down hellfire and trust me, you don't want to be near when he did.

"Son I don't know where you got that maid from but she's a genius ", He compliments with a smile getting up to be on his way out

"It wouldn't be surprising if she was your wife, I would sleep with a smile on my face every night knowing the company is in good hands, but since you aren't married, am afraid the company can't be yours", He told me

The atmosphere was all business-like again.

"Excuse me, I was granted half of the company which is running more than smoothly ", I shouted slamming down my fist on the desk

"Lower your voice when speaking to me", He warned fetching a glass of whisky from the small bar in my office taking a sip calmly.

"I have worked my ass off with wanting nothing in return. What! Is it because am not married like your other sons or because am not like them you want to throw me down like some piece of trash. I have been working, all I ever wanted to hear from you, from all my success is that you are proud of me", I yelled at him not bothering to wipe the tears escaping from my eyes, taking back a seat in front of me with no emotions on his face, he shook his head disappointedly.

"I built this company with your mom, without her this company wouldn't have been where it is today, and nights upon nights. She helped me if it was just me. The stress of the entire company would have made me given up, but with the strength of a woman determination, love and support. I achieved what I wanted with this company ", He told me.

"What's your point, I made one mistake and am no longer good enough?", I spoke annoyed at hearing this story for the one thousandth and million times.

"You made a mistake of millions robbed from us. You can not handle this entire company by your self. The stress will tear you down and the company will go down with you without you even knowing ", He told me getting up, taking his jacket from the back of the sofa placing his glass down about to leave.

"I really am doing this because I love you son", He told me concerned.

"She's my fiancee", I blurted out without thinking.

"What?", He asked shocked stopping in his tracks diverting his attention back to me.

"I was keeping it a secret, Tanya, the maid...Both of us are engaged to each other", I told him almost choking on my own lie.

"Let me sit down", He told me a bit happier.


"About a month ago", I lied almost biting my tongue off in the process.


"How what?"

"The eng... You know son, the engagement", He stuttered curiously.

"Well... You know...You see...How the fuck is this important?" I spoke trying to escape my own lie.

"Well when I inform your mom, She'll want details and-",

"Dad Nooooo!... You know that after my break-up with Lucy and it being in the media, I just want a sense of privacy along with walking on the road without cameras and reporters snooping for anything they can get their hands on for the paper?" I told him praying he was buying this shit.

"But why the maid?". He asked on the edge of his seat shaking his legs like how a puppy wags his tail for a treat.

Serious fuckingly!!!!!!

"She's not a maid", I yelled out defensively.

"But you said-",

"Dad... It's that we were you know -"

I was fucking struggling right now.

"Not wanting people to suspect the relationship", He finished off

"Exactly", I jumped up excitedly that he was really buying all this.


Finally feeling my racing heart calming down, I wiped my sweaty hands in my pants taking out my handkerchief to wipe away my sweaty forehead.

Man, it was hot in here... Who turned off the A/C?

"Well I"ll keep your secret, but you know the truth always comes out before our timing, so I suggest you man up and just face that at some point it's gonna go to the media, You can't hide forever son", He informed me patting my shoulders standing to his feet.

"I know Dad", I told him swallowing hard at the truth will come out part.

"Just know am happy for you", He told me smiling turning on his leave finally leaving.

Sitting down I exhaled heavily thinking of how I'll pull this off without suspicion, Sighing I started calling my secretary through the intercom. NO ANSWER! Looking at the time, I realized it was her lunchtime hence her unavailability. Getting up, I went to the elevator pressing the button to the lounge exiting when I arrived only to see Tanya with Henry. My blood started to boil seeing his filthy hands lock with hers. Without thinking I walked over, stopping behind them.

"Luke, its good seeing you"-

"We aren't friends, so shut the fuck up", I yelled at him causing attention to be drawn to us by everyone in here.

Looking back on Tanya whose hands has already pulled away from his hold, shocked written on her face as she was now looking upon me.

"Aren't you suppose to be working ", I yelled at her

Closing her eyes, holding down her head, she remains silent.

"Answer me", I yelled

"Y-Yes", She stuttered trembling like a leaf in complete fear.

"Don't talk to her like that. You are scaring the shit out of her ", Henry warned now standing between Tanya and me blasting with anger. Looking down at his two hands already clutch in a fist, I went up closer to him.

"Move you sorry gay ass before it gets ugly", I spoke angrily my hands too in a ball of fist.

"Bring it on cuz", He spoke with a smirk on his face, soon I felt soft but small hands on my biceps pulling me away from him.

"Stop Luke, don't do this", Tanya whispered, crying pulling me away from him and was failing miserably since she wasn't really strong.

"Tanya, just let me kick his ass ", Henry told her pulling her hands off me but she refuses, still pulling me.

"Fighting won't solve anything. Please Luke, let's go", She yelled crying even more, finally giving in, I allowed her to pull me along out of the lounge room.

"Get to work", I yelled causing everyone to scattered like wild ants in fear. Upon reaching the elevator, we went in and she let me go standing in the far corner of the elevator away from me.

"Do you have to always be a whore?", I spoke in such disgust.

"Do you have to always be such an ass?", She spoke in plain annoyance, surprise at her outbursts, I walked over to her, my hands on both sides placed on the wall blocking her from moving away as I looked down on her.

"Getting prime, Are we?", I questioned as my anger surface even more.

"Hurt me, cause at this pointing time, I don't care if I live or die", She told me looking up in my face. I didn't know if it was what she said or how she said it or if it was just the pain in her eyes but my anger fled replacing in me a deep sadness with a pain in my heart like a knife piercing. It was unbelievably weird, a feeling, I never thought I would ever experience since Lucy left. I couldn't let her see that I was affected though, So I turned away leaving her alone this once.

"I won't let you died Tanya", I told her cold and stern.

"Why?", She asked with a rather dead emotion.

"I didn't spend a lot of money getting you to prepare a funeral", I told her heartlessly walking out the elevator quickly as soon as the door opened straight to my office. I just couldn't look her in the face.

I didn't even know why.