Luke's POV
Looking at the computer, I rubbed my temple gently trying to massage away the headache.
Entering just minutes after my arrival was my secretary.
"Miss Tia... What have I told you about entering my office without knocking", I told her.
"Am really sorry but you should be in the conference room... Have you forgotten?",She informed me.
Oh Fuck!
With everything that has happened today,I completely forgot. Dismissing her, I got up from my seat to take my leave.
"Tanya", I called.
Watching her as she stand at the doorway waiting for my command, I wented over to her giving some accounts, I wanted her to work on.
"Get these done along with this office space being tidy",I demanded.
"You have got to be kidding me", She spoke in an outburst eyeing the files looking back at me like I just grew two heads.
"Am not laughing am I?",I replied walking off leaving her to get to work.
Entering the elevator,I kept my eyes locked with hers as the door close shut bringing me down to the conference room.
"Sorry am late, I had an unforeseen occurance that I had to dealt with asap, let's get down to business shall we",I announced upon entering the room taking my seat.
Watching them nod in understanding,we started the discussion of the project.
What felt like ten years has only been half an hour and I was exhausted. Rubbing my temple again trying to relax myself from this increasing headache, I drifted slowly becoming uninterested at the matter at hand.
"Luke...Sir", Lisa called pulling me back to reality, I looked up at her giving her my full undivided attention.
"Yes" I spoke still uninterested looking down on my phone checking the time.
"About the partnership with Zinber Embassy & Bew construction, It needs your signature for further development...How soon can it be given", She questioned sensing that I wasn't interested
"Just send me the reviews,if I have problem with them, I'll let you know",I told her
"Is that all?" I asked wanting to wrap this up quickly to get a pill for this god damn headache. Looking around ensuring no one wanted to say anything else, I stood up.
"Everyone's dismiss " I announced leaving.
I exit the room quickly before everyone meeting up with my Secretary who was waiting by the elevator.
"Lussy Called", She anounced when we were about to enter the elevator. Hearing that name rolling off her tongue after so many months of no verbal interaction my blood boiled.
Pressing the button to return to my floor I remained silent strolling through my phone viewing messages from an unknown number but I knew exactly who it was.
Baby, I was wrong
Am in town, If you just want to talk, Feel free to call.
Baby I left a message by Tia just when you recieve it... call!!
I love you!
I miss you!
She was really pathetic if she felt I was going to answer her.
"Any news recieved from her... eat it ",I spoke in disgust.
"But she-"
"Lisa drop it... That bitch has nothing to do with me or my life. Ignore text messages, notes or calls...she's dead to me... Are we clear?",I hissed angrily
before turning on my heels leaving her alone in the elevator.
Stopping in my tracks, I turned facing back Tia.
"Change my Cell and Home numbers and don't give it to anyone without my permission...Also get me an appointment with Miss. Marty", I told her.
Arriving back in my office to see Tanya laying on her tummy. I really was surprised at how clean the place was and how focused she was on the task at hand,she didn't even noticed I entered the room.
" We'll be leaving in a few",I ordered a little too harshly causing her to jump up in a seating position, frightened from my sudden outburst.
"Excuse me?",She asked placing the papers in a neat pile next to her.
" You know I should inform you that I hate to fucking repeat",I told her annoyed.
"Fucking Asshole",She mummured annoyingly to herself but I heard.
"Fucking Whore", I spoke loud enough so thats she would hear standing by my desktop checking my emails for updates.
Seeing that I offend her. She stood up removing her shoe threwing her it directly at my head. I immediately duck having it fled over my head hitting the glass with force.Taking off the other one throwing it,I caught it with ease.
"Are you crazy", I yelled.
" Noooo....y-yes,I wished it hit your sorry ass in the face",she yelled back
"You just know how to keep pissing me off", I yelled walking off in her direction stopping infront of her pulling her wrist hard pulling her in my face, our lips only a inch apart.
" Luke stop",she begged pulling away.
"Apologize", I ordered.
"Fuck you", she hissed angrily spitting in my face.
Feeling myself on the edge about to lose self control, I grabbed her in her injected leg tossing her across the room.
Watching her parting her lips to screamed, She started gasping for air. Pacing the room trying to calm myself from going over to where she was at stepping in her already injured legs or stomach or slapping her in her forehead for punishment, I fisted the wall multiple times instead.
" Luke...Sir...The appointment is ready... You have until four-thirty to be there", Lisa called out from behind the closed door.
"Get up... We're leaving", I command
"So help me God Tanya get the fuck up... put a smile on that face of yours and be by that elevator...Do I make myself clear", I whrispered to her dangerously.
Watching her nod, she slowly started pushing herself up with the help of the sofa in a standing position. Breathing shallowly resting her weight on her good leg, she whrimpered in pain. Falling over on her back in the sofa, she kept hissing in pain.
Sighing angrily, I decided to help. Walking over to her, She turned her face away holding up her hands covering her face in a defensive position shileding it from me hitting her if I had it in my intention but I didn't to be honest. Grabbing her by the uppers arm, I pulled her up forcefully. Giving her time to stand up steadily, I moved away few minutes later, making my way out the office.
Nodding in Tia's direction, I informed her that she could take the rest of the day off and in turned she informed me of Mr. Narmarlo arrival downstairs. Entering the elevator with Tanya limping trying her best to not making it really noticeable to others, she standed in the far end of the corner trembling in fear. Making our way out the building, We entered the vehicle, Tanya taking back her pervious spot on the Floor sobbing softly. I ignored her.
"Where to Sir Luke?" asked Narmarlo
"Miss Marty", I informed him as he nodded in acknowledgement setting off on our little journey.
"You better be on your best behavior", I warned her not making eye contact but rather kept replying to some unanswered Email.
I honestly knew she hated me right now... I didn't even care the slightest.
Arriving at Royal Fashion, We parked after a two hours silent drive. Getting out, Tanya followed me inside, I was well known since she was my personal designer to all my outfits. I was greeted by everyone around. Soon I was hugged and kissed by Miss Marty the owner.
" Wonderful to see you again ",She spoke smiling looking at Tanya, sniffing her nose up in disgust.
"Who is that?",She spoke pointing at Tanya distastefully.
Looking over at Tanya, She swallowed uncomfortably frigging with her fingers not looking up from the floor since our arrival.
" Her name is Tanya and she'll need some good old fashion helped especially a dress to accompany me at my Mother's charity fund ",I told her
" We will see what we can do with it", She replied feistily and rudely
"Her name is Tanya, you will treat her with respect after all, am spending my money here like everyone else", I spoke angrily not really upholding to Miss Marty condescending behave right now. As heartless as I seemed, Tanya experienced enough from me for the day.
She didn't need to know about that anyways
Watching her being pulled away to Fashion hell... I decided to occupy my time looking at some shoes, watches and other fashion design that I think I'll consider sporting in the future.
Tanya POV
After we were away from Luke. She let go immediately wiping her hands with disinfectant.
" I will not comment", I muttered completely exhausted from all that's happened today.
"You don't have the authority to.
Last time I checked, your money isn't being spent", she responded rudely.
"Now let's see what we can do with this thing", She spoke interacting to her colleague.
" Excuse me...I don't look like a dog", I yelled loudly
"You don't look like a dog, you are a dog and wherever Luke found you ,he needs to dump you back there you little bitch", she threatened
I was completely exhausted from Luke's treatment and am frustrated to encounter more from this little good for nothing old hog that thinks she is better than me, I was tired of people treating me like am a no body.
Feeling my anger surfacing, I raised my hand landing it heavily in her face causing her to spin a bit tumbling over in a rack of neatly hanged designer clothes.
"You little piece of -"......
" Tanya",Luke barked grabbing me stopping me from walking over to her and beat her senselessly.
Shaking me violently. I pushed him away, looking him in the eyes showing him all the hatred that I developed in me.
"Can't you behave" He yelled even more.
"But she"-,
" Hush up", He ordered
Folding my fist in anger, I landed it right in his nose causing him to release his hold from me covering his nose hissing in pain. Using the opportunity I ran out the store not knowing where I was or what to do, it didn't stop me from running though. Finally, stopping out of breath, I decided to rest in a nearby bench feeling the adrenaline leaving my body leaving me in great pain from my wounds and injuries. I began hissing in pain looking around taking in my environment realizing I must have stopped at a park.
Trying to relax watching the smiling at the children playing at the swing and sand box , it reminded me so much when I used to carry my sisters to our community park to chill. Upon my interest in observing these kids, I spot a child all alone by the pond running from the innocent ducks when they came close to take the bread from her hands. Giggling completely amused by her many fails, she kept returning to the pond with a face of determination only to run away screaming when the ducks approached her again and again. Smiling, I forced myself up despite the pain I was feeling to go over there to help.
"Hey... Are you okay dear heart", I inquired
Looking at me in complete shock. She shakes her head at me in response.
"No", She told me
" Why not?",I question already knowing the problem.
Puzzled, she looked away shyly, down on her frigging fingers that was playing with the bread.
Turning to leave, I couldn't blame her, obviously her parents told her never to speak to strangers and that was good because I told my sisters the same thing.
"Am afraid the duck with pick at me when am feeding them the bread", She told me when I was about to walk away and leave.
Showing the bread to me in her tiny hands. I smiled kneeling down to face her.
"I'll tell you the same thing I told my baby sisters.... Okay!...Break the bread in crumb, push it away from your tummy in the palm of your hands so that the ducks don't accidentally pick your blouse in the process or you. When the duck comes close, pat it softly so it becomes comfortable, it will eat and it won't harm you because its comfortable ",I told her watching her face expression goes from horror to excitement along with understanding.
" Could you do it with me ?", She asked her eyes glowing with happiness. Smiling, I answered back.
Watching and guiding her as she followed my instruction. She had about three duck eating from her hands. Watching the smile never leaving her face, she patting them.
"Share", She spoke laughing breaking the bread for another duck. Enjoying myself watching her completely forgetting I was running from a psychotic monster A.K.A my boss. I felt the child lay in my lap unexpectedly after finishing up by the pond. Running my fingers through her hair which needed to be attend,I soon saw a shadow stand over us.
Swallowing in complete terror, I looked up to my nightmare.
" I straightened out thing with Miss Marty, she promised to apologize as do you", He spoke looking down on the girl.
"Family?", He asked curiously.
" Actually No... I found her sitting here. We chat and fed Ducks. Haven't seen her parent Though",I told him avoiding eye contact.
Feeling his eyes staring deep into my soul, I looked up uncomfortably.
Watching him scooping the little girl in his arms gently, He turned away without a word.
I wanted to run but to where. I had no money, no where to go and with the power he held, finding me would be easy. I also couldn't find it in me to leave this girl in the hands of that heartless creature. Finally sighing in frustration,I got up following in the same direction he walked off in.
"I see you decided not be foolish",He spoke in a condescending tone.
Entering and resuming my pervious position on the floor,he placed the child in my lap making me rather uncomfortable.
Shaking her gently to wake her up, she stretched a bit still not bothering to open her eyes.
"Sweetheart...Do you have a number for your parents ?", I asked watching as she shook her head in response.
"Am homeless", she blurt out sleepily.
Her replied shocked both Luke and I. Driving back to the store. Mr. Narmarlo went in returning with bags placing them in the Truck.
"Your hair needs to be done and in the meantime I'll think about what we'll do with her" Luke spoke uninterestedly scrolling through his phone never once thinking of looking in my direction.