Tanya's POV
"Should we go to the police station?", I asked curious
" We could get her to a shelter ", He replied making me frowned up at him
" No please carry me back to the park. No shelter please",She beg grabbing my blouse tightly.
"You don't have say in the matter child", He blurted out harshly.
Now this is where I draw the fucking line
"Look here you piece of-..."
"Choose your next words careful",He spoke in a threatening tone gripping the phone within his fist tight enough to break it in pieces.
Swallowing, I exhaled fearful not showing it in my eyes.
"You are an Arrogant piece of shit... She's a child and I can see you treating me anyway but don't come at this child with the problem of your crushing world on her",I told him firmly standing my grounds and if he wanted to kill me for being right then so be it.
Watching him lending forward with the grin formed from the devil himself, I felt the child in my arms gripped my bloused even tighter tremblingly hiding her face in between my boobs in fear. Wrapping my hands around her as a protective big sister should. The car came to a hail and Mr. Narmarlo spoke.
"We're here Sir"
Oh Thank you heavenly Father
I praised inwardly exhaling my very breathe I didn't even know I hanged on to... I was scared as fuck, I think I even pee my panties alittle.
Don't tell anyone I swear to god I'll haunt you in your sleep and kill you slowly
"We'll finish this later",He told us straightening up exiting when the door was held open for him.
"Come on Princess", I whispered in her ears putting her up on the seat to push my aching body up exiting holding my hands out softly that the little girl could take it and exit as well.
Following behind Like, we entered this Majestic looking building which was absolutely breathtaking. Was completely shocked that a Salon could even look this ... It was just wow.
Rich people am I right?
"Grazia", Luke called out walking over to this older looking woman looking around her early 50s.
Luuuuuuuke",She called back clearly surprised by his presence.
"We Don't have a appointment, Do we?",She asked her face written with absolute shocked and the fakest smile ever molded by a human face walking away quickly from a lady who was now being directed by an employee, I persume since she was dressed in the same violet color pants suit uniform like the others over by a sink area to rinse her hair that was wrapped neatly in a microfiber towel wrap to greet him with a formal kissing etiquette both going from the right to the left accompanying with a gentle hug.
"Sadly No... Have been so busy So J hope dropping in so sudden love isn't a problem?",He spoke so formal and Nice!
"Oh stop it!... You're speaking nonsense. Ofcourse I'll be able to fit in one of my favorite customers anytime",She told him laughing.
"It's not for me actually... It's for her", He replied pointing in my direction.
"And her",I told them pushing the child forward giving him one of my most daring eyes ever showing him that he better not test my Faith in front of all these people or I will surely floor his ass.
"Her too", He spoke through grinned teeth clearly pissed but knowing his reputation proceeds him,he turned it into a smile playing nice turning away from me back to the Grazia lady.
"Oh... Eww",She respond the last part more to herself.
Another witch... How lovely!
Folding my hands ready to throw fist if this bitch pushes her lucky I fell the girl tiny hands squeeze my hand that she's been holding on to since we got here clearly sensing my frustration and anger being developed from being around these arrogant shit house.
" What's your name sweetheart?",I whispered stooping down to her level to hear her answer.
"Tera-lee", she whispered back
Returning to my normal posture, I looked over to Luke who was eyeing us suspiciously. Giving him my bitchyish fake smile,I carried Tera to sit in one of the vacant seats.
"Child", Grazia called moments later.
"Her name is Tera-lee", I informed her eyeing her back with the same rude expression plastered on her face.
"I didn't ask", She answered back in a repulse manner.
"And I don't give a fuck... Her name is still Tera-lee",I answered sternly stepping forward ready to slap this bitch silly so she better choose her words very carefully.
"Tanya, Am not clearing up here like I did at Marty... So hold your horse",Luke warned.
"What happened with that whore", Grazia asked with a more interesting humor.
"Little Miss.Temper fist her in the nose and had her tumbled over in some of her own design", He told her like it wasn't really a big deal.
"Guuuuuurl! Damn I like you",She spoke super excited
The fuck!
"Huh?",I answer back confused
"I have been wanting to mess up that surgical fake ass fucking face from last year and you did that for me....A mean you better tell me that you got that on video",She yelled even more excited like a kid ready to get their first ever candy.
Am surrounded by a fucking psychopath
Lord Help Me!
Looking down on Tera giving her a reassuring smile, she looked weird out just as how I was feeling right now.
"No! I was busy stopping Tanya from killing the poor woman", Luke answered Defensively.
"You...Must...Be...Kidding...Me",She spoke dangerously slow and angry.
"The one time that bitch had a beat down,you didn't video. You, Mr. Devada are no longer my favorite customer",She hissed at him in disgrace.
"Will Tera hair be doing anytime soon", I asked changing the conversation.
I mean this woman was scary,she was Rude then quick seconds happy and then switched up in mere seconds again to Murderous. Bitch like her would make me sleep with my fucking eyes open.
"Monica", Grazia called out
Walking towards us was a girl with both sleeves cut off showing her dope tattoos design, looking all gangster.
Was actually really sexy if you ask me
"Prep Tera", She told Monica.
Watching Tara frigging uncomfortably clearly afraid to go off by herself.
"You'll be fine, I promise",I encouraged her making her smile for the first time since we got her.
"You won't leave?", She asked shyly
"Not even for a Million bucks", I told her helping her up to her feet watching her walk off to Monica.
"You're on the house princess",Grazia spoke caught me off guard. Looking from left to right ensuring I heard right, she started laughing.
Knitting my ear brows in confusion I frowned not getting the joke or knowing the reason for her laughter.
"Just a Thank you for punching Miss Universe Whore Marty",She told me smiling pushing me in the direction of one of her employee suddenly stopping at the loud outburst from Monica.
"You son of a....urrggggh",She screamed running after a wet head scared out of her mind Tera hiding behind my legs.
"What's wrong?",I asked concerned
"I pulled the scissors out to cut some dead ends from her hair and this lunatic jumped out the chair lightening speed and fucking kneed me",She yelled explaining the situation.
"Tera", I called out in a stricted tone.
"Am sorry", She quickly apologized.
Sighing I kneeled down facing her smiling to show her that I wasn't mad.
" Tera! She won't hurt you.I promised ", I told her honestly.
"But...But", She stuttered with words.
Pulling her in a hug, I pulled away pushing her in the direction back to Monica.
Watching her shaking a little maybe remembering some scissor trauma she had in the past hence her recent reaction. I mean it's clear she ran away from her Foster home.
"I am sorry", she apologized holding her head down shamefully. The staff who were standing up watching waited for I don't know, a miracle was beginning to irritate me. Looking over at Luke, I raise my eyebrows up at him watching him nod in understanding.
" Grazia...Doesn't your staff get paid to work. Why are they all standing around",He spoke with authority, even I wanted to shit in my underwear.
Everyone snapping back into reality. They all started carrying out whatever duty they were doing back with their customers. Monica clearly still angry grabbed Tera a bit forceful pulling her along. She carried her to a sink to start washing her hair,seeing Tera folding her tiny hands in a fist completely tense. Getting up,I was about to walk off to comfort her, Grazia pushed me into the opposite direction away from her passing Luke who was sitting down busy as always in his phone doing God knows what.
After hours of turning, polishing and having all types of different chemical sprayed in my hair ,I began rubbing my throat since it felt sore from the extreme coughing I've been doing. I was finished, looking in the mirror, I went right up in it like it wasn't something I was used to see.
"Who is that lady?",I questioned
" That's you Tanya", The lady that made all of this possible, Stacy spoke.
"Wow! I actually look something called beautiful", I spoke blinding rapidly like the person in the mirror would go away, knowing it wouldn't because that person was actually me. I smiled excitedly.
" You were always beautiful just needed the care to bring it out more",she informed me.
"Am grateful.. Thank you", I spoke meaning every word.
Turning away from me, she wrote down something on a paper handing to me.
" What's this",I asked.
"My number..We can get a coffee sometimes. Seeing you aren't these rich asshole's sitting round here", She joke.
Laughing, I said my byes and went back over to Tera whose hair now was washed,cleaned and done in small braids. She was cute and her hair was actually passing shoulder length now, before it wasn't even on her shoulders.
"I love your red hair and the curls",She complimented
"It's Red Omber highlight...I love your hair also"
Smiling,she took my hand and followed me over to Luke.
"We're ready", I informed him
Nodding at me,he got up without a word walking over by Grazia discussing whatever it was that needed to be discussed. Watching as he pulled out a card handing it to her she swiped it on the machine handing it back to him. Hugging, he walked off coming over to us.
"Let's go, We're gonna be late ",He told us pushing us through the door.
"For what", I asked getting in the car in my pervious seating position with Tera in my lap.
"Family Dinner",He told me after entering the vehicle.
"Am confused...You said We...Shouldn't you've said you",I asked not understanding anything right now.
"Tanya...Just shut the fuck up",He warned
Shaking my head getting pissed, I wanted this God damn day to be over and done with.
Luke's Pov
Sitting down at the Grazia's place I was totally pissed, not at the fact that Tanya was testing my patience and being a complete warlord. Oh No! I was pissed at this.
Heeeeey my boy!
So you know your mom is my Rose lilly and she knows when am hiding stuff and Son am sorry but I spilled the beans about your engagement and you mother insist that she meets up this evening at Lover's Enchantment for Dinner.
See you there!
I was staring at the fucking SMS for about I don't know the entire time Tanya and that little girl have been away being beautified.
I mean I haven't even discussed my fake engagement with her ,she didn't even know. I didn't even know about this fake engagement until today because my big mouth made it up.
We're ready", She informed me
Looking up, I was dumbfound.
She was so fucking beautiful!
Getting up, I hurried off before my eyes gave off how I was really feeling even though my face was emotionless.
Walking off to Grazia, I tapped her shoulders to get her attention.
"How much?", I asked
"Just $150, How about Tanya's hair?",I asked knowing Grazia wasn't cheap and this was cheap.
"It's on the house don't ask why. Just pay up",She told me in a Sharpe tone one that had no room for questioning.
Pulling out my card, she took her payment and that was it. We hugged good bye and I went back over to Tanya and the child.
"Let's go, We're gonna be late ",I told them pushing them through the door quickly over by the waiting vehicle.
"For what", She asked getting in the car at her pervious seating position with Tera in her lap.
Couldn't she just ignored the topic.
Feeling the buzzing of my phone I checked it to see any other SMS from dad.
8pm Sharpe
You're mom doesn't like waiting!
Groaning in frustration, I shot Samantha a quick text telling her my situation and that she should be ready when I arrive home to get Tanya looking her best to accompany me to dinner.
"Family Dinner",I told her after entering the vehicle.
"Am confused...You said We...Shouldn't you've said you?", She asked completely confused, her eyes demanding answer.
"Tanya...Just shut the fuck",I warned not in the mood to argue or demand. Just needed silence to think.
Arriving home, I exit the vehicle pulling Tera away from Tanya handing her over to a maid. Listening to Tanya's fussing and fighting along with Tera i think her name was screaming and kicking as she disappeared in the distant. I also watched as Samantha continued pulled Tanya away to do what I've asked to be done.
Tanya's POV
Arriving at Luke's House, He pulled Tara away so fasted I didn't even have to react. I watched helplessly as a lady took Tera-lee away from me as she screamed my name and kicked trying to free herself as Samantha pulled me away. Fighting my way to get to Tera, I was useless. I was hurting up my wounds and it felt like hell.
Arriving at the room, I flashed away from Samantha.
"Where's Tara",I asked pissed
"Safe..Now let's get you dressed",She informed me
"Am not going anywhere until I see Tera"I told her stern.
Watching her stepped in front of me and hit me in my tummy, I groaned in pain.
"It's reminder that you are in no fucking condition to fight with anyone or make demands",She warned
Looking up in her face with death in my eyes, I nodded kneeling on my knees since the bed was still missing and I had no where to sit. Looking up, someone dropped off the bag from the car and left me once again alone with Samantha.
She hurried off in the bathroom getting a pan and bathing supplies returning and wiping me off careful changing the blood strained bondages around my waist and tummy replacing it with clean bondages and wiped my face to rid the makeup she applied earlier to conceal the bruise.
Standing up naked in the room, she faced me with a blue sleeveless jewel full length school event dress slit-skirt spaghetti-straps floor length prom evening dress finishing it off with a Glamorous Royal Blue Heels Suede Stilettos Gladiator.
It was breathtaking!
Smiling, I knocked in approval as she stepped forward to get me ready.
Walking down the stairs limping a bit since the injury as my leg was acting up from wearing there stupid but beautiful heels, I standed in front a neatly attired Luke in his designer Blue Suite.
"Shall we?",He asked holding out his hands for me to take. I looked away up over to Samantha who nodded at me and mouthed behave. Turning my attention back at Luke, I took his hands praying the rest of the night didn't turned into a complete disaster.