Sitting in the car silent,Tanya looked out the window on the view while Luke kept staring at her intently completely captivated by her beautiful. The dress, the makeup, everything was just right even if he'll never admit it openedly.
"You should stop doing that", He told her.
Looking up hesitantly at him, she stared awkwardly.
" Doing what?", She asked, She facial expression not giving away a thing.
"Corner eyeing me", He told her
" I was taking in the view of the view of the ride,but you are the one starin-",stopping from saying anymore,she covered his mouth with her hands, opening my eyes, I started giggling.
"You were corner eyeing me,or you wouldn't know I was staring at you", I joked around with her sitting rather close to me now bouncing her shoulder with mine lightly. Looking up in his eyes,I knew I lost suddenly turning away looking back out the window.
"And you'll know this how exactly?",She asked trying to work her mind getting out on the fact that she got caught.
"Gut feeling",He immediately responds hoping she'll buy it.
"Well tell your gut to accuse correctly",She respond back fierce.
"So you are going to deny the fact you weren't looking at me",He asked challengingly.
"Why am I this close to you?I miss sitting on the floor",She told him uncomfortably knowing her only reason for looking out the view was because this close range between them was somewhat strange.
Looking at him for an answer,He finally spoke.
"We're here... Behave!"
Rolling her eyes,The car stopped. Existing they were surrounded by paparazzi, flashing cameras and a lot of criticizing questions.
Who is this woman?
Is she your next side I don't know whore?Gold-digger?
What is your relationship with him?
Are you finally moving on from Lucy?
Pulling her into him, He guide her through the crowd, his hands on her lower back causing Tanya to intense. Security came to their aid immediately rushing them inside.
"Thank you",She replied gratefully to them stepping away from Luke.
Masking his emotions as always, He walked off to speak to a uniformed lady dresssed in a white buttoned up long sleeve blouse,black vest,knee length black high waist skirt along with a dark stocking and a pair of flats standing behind a small hostess station with a folder in her hands.
"A Pleasant Evening to you",He greeted
"Good Evening Sir... My name is Finnò, Welcome to Lover's Enchantment. Do you have an reservation?",She spoke professionally
"Am here to accompany Mr and Mrs Devado on a evening dinner",He informed
"And you are?",She asked politely looking down on folder through some name.
"Luke Devada,their son",He informed her again
"Oh yes...They have been expecting you. Right this way please",She informed him smiling gesturing for him to follow her.
"Tanya",He called
Nodding at his acknowledgment,she followed them stopping at the table of a older woman attired in a red shirt suit and the man from earlier.
"Mom...Dad",Luke greeted kissing the lady on her cheeks who was already on her feet pulling him in a hug.
"Mother,This is Tanya...Tanya, this is my beautiful mom Gretta",Luke introduced
"Good Evening",Tanya greeted shyly watching as Gretta nodded without another word
"Dad,This is Tanya...Tanya, this is my old man Daniel",Luke introduced again
"Oh come here my love", Daniel spoke excitedly pulling Tanya in a hug pulling away smiling
"You're a beauty",He complimented
"Dad, hands off please before mom gets jealous",Luke spoke in an attempt to joke.
"Jealous!... My river Lillie knows she's the only sunshine to this old man's heart",He spoke with much love and adoration in his eyes letting go of Tanya and pulling Gretta in his arms leading her in a kiss.
"Oh my Sugar pumpkin",She respond laughing after there short lived kiss
"Guys get a room",Luke told them shielding his eyes.
Tanya on the other hand stared remembering the days when her dad was alive. It was happy. He would always play slow songs on this old Stereo radio. He would hold her mom close and they would dance kissing now and then making Aaliyah and Katherine giggle covering their eyes but Tanya would stare taking in the moment,wanting the same loved they shared.
"Are you okay love",Daniel asked concerned pulling her back to reality
"Yes...Why?",She responded hoarsely from the cold that had formed in her throat from the tears that were in her eyes moment away from rolling down her cheeks.
"You're teary",He respond passing her a napkin from his pocket,taking it,she smiled patting away slowly the tears from falling and ruining her makeup.
"Just remembering my parents while watching you and the love you shared so deeply with your wife",She finally told him honestly.
Both men pulling out the chair for their lady,Gretta along with Tanya sat down,the men taking their seats after.
"We ordered Champagne but now that you're here let's order the food...Shall we?",Daniel spoke first after taking his seat signalling to a waitress.
Taking up the menu,Tanya stared and stared looking up meeting eye contact with Gretta who wasn't looking very pleased with her being there.
"Oh Darling...Let's have Caneles for the appetizer.Have you ever tasted it before?",Gretta spoke turning her attention to Tanya.
"No I haven't",She respond politely still looking over the menu not understanding shit.
"My husband and I came on our first date here because of it's atmosphere and how comforting the environment was, but let's admit that you couldn't afford even one food on this menu because you don't speak the love language",She spoke switching to accusations.
Hold her Tongue, Tanya was doing her best not to answer Gretta.
"I may not speak French, the love language but am pretty verse in Spanish amongst others", Tanya spoke proudly not letting this woman get the best of her.
"Where's your dad?",She asked dryly.
"He died few months ago",Tanya replied emotionally remembering her dad happy face.
"Mom?", She continued to interrogate
"Circumstances separated us", Tanya replied teary remembering the tragic night those men came in on her family.
"Gretta Darling",Daniel called out to his wife hoping she'll back off from the young lady seeing the pain she was bearing to answered these questions
"Oh Shut up Daniel",She hissed angrily at him looking over on Luke who was quite as a mouse.
"Education?",She continued
"I was going to Harvard for my degree to become Lawyer and in my spared time I would do random online courses in accounts",She told her through her hoarse throat still feeling the need to cry.
"So you're an Orphanage, a college drop out and you want to marry my son",She spoke in disgust
"Orphanage?...Excuse me..Marriage?",She spoke in poor confusion looking over to Luke who took a huge gulp of water.
"Gretta", Daniel called out warningly.
"Oh Shut up Daniel!...I will not stand by and let this no good gold digging whore walk in to my son's life and marry him... I have worked too damn hard building from the ground up to let this little tramp who has not earned a single thing in her life scoops in and get a free hands give away of my family legacy,so you better crawl back in whatever hole you are coming from you good for nothing trash",Gretta snapped already out of her seat lending over the table fingers pointing aggressively in Tanya's Face.
Biting her lips finally letting the tears fall,she looked around embarrassingly watching as everyono's eyes were looking in their direction.
"Excuse me" ,She spoke in a trembling voice pushing out her chair running through the tables hitting up in the hostess Finnò from earlier.
"Where's the bathroom?",She begged crying her eyes out
Listening to Finnò's direction,she arrived looking in the mirror at the complete mess her reflection was giving back. Rushing in a empty stall she sat on the toilet crying her eyes out.
Why me?, She thought
Back at the table,Gretta resume back seating as if nothing happened.
"You really out did it this time"Daniel spoke angrily slamming his fist down in the table, getting up dropping some cash on the table.
"Am not carrying my son nine months to have him ruined by some gold digger" She yelled equally angry that he husband wasn't on her side.
"Without me,You wouldn't have a Luke so stop being a controller telling people what to do when it doesn't suit you",He yelled frustratedly
"I am not going to let a next woman ruined my son",She yelled back getting more pissed by the minute
"That's his decision to make...He's responsible for his happiness and your happiness isn't his"He told her through gritted teeth
"Am doing what's best for my son",She defended.
"Right is Right...Wrong is Wrong and you, Gretta Mayin Devado is wrong for what you did here tonight",He told her disappointedly walking off to stop in front of Tanya who returned from the restroom with eyes, red like blood from the excessive crying, Daniel smiled with great sympathy. He pat her shoulders walking off when suddenly Gretta took up the bottle of champagne and threw the red liquor in Tanya's face from the rage that she had built up.
Angrily,Tanya grabbed a handful of her hair hitting her all over not giving her a chance to fight back,pulled away forceful by Luke,She was dragged away before she could cause further damage.
Luke POV
Arriving from the dinner,Tanya didn't even wait for the door man to open the the door,she was out and up the stair in a blink of an eye,existing the car,I nod to the driver walking up the stair pulling the bottom from my jacket that was fasten together. Reaching inside,I grabbed Tanya roughly by the arms, hell I was angry. Pushing me away from her, I grabbed her once more.
"Luke let me go.. Let me go please", She begged and plead even grabbing a servant by the hand asking to help her. Fearfully the Maid slashed away running knowing my anger wasn't to be taken likely.
" Samantha...Help!",She yelled kicking, angrier by her behave.
I grabbed her throwing her over my shoulders. Reaching by my room,I throw her down on the bed returning to locking my doors.Pulling my tie from my neck I went over her,receiving some hardcore box to my left cheek. I turned furious and darker at this point that I was blinded by my own anger.
"What the heck...You definitely shouldn't have done that", I yelled pinning her hands over her head.
I tied her hands, hearing a heavy knock on my door. I ignored it.
"Luke with whatever kindness is in your heart let Tanya go",Samantha Spanish accent plead
"She need to know how to behave, and I'll teach her that even if I have tie my shirts together and tie it around her neck and kick her ass over the fucking balcony, whether she lives or die. It isn't my fucking concern", I yelled angrily
" Luke think before "-
"Samantha get the fuck away from my door",I yelled interrupting her clearly un- interested
"Luke please, Jesus Christ man, am begging please", She yelled beating down on the door as hard as possible but hey. It did budge so it didn't concerned me the slightest.
" Luke please, I'll behave! I'll do anything. Anything please ",She cried, tears flowing down her cheeks one after the other.
" You should have throught of that when you behave like that in that restaurant,",I yelled at her pulling off my jacket.
I went in the bathroom and turned on the water in my Jacuzzi,the embarrassment and shame he was feeling was pushing him on a dark part without him knowing.
Taking her up in his arms having her struggled, wiggling in his arms like a fish out of water,he carried her angrily to threw her over in the jacuzzi when suddenly a flower sculpture came flying inward in my room, knocking the door down leaving it hitching up just slightly on one inches.
"Luke if you ever",Samantha threatened running over to him but not fast enough before he dropped her in the water, pushing me out the way,she pulled her out over on the bathroom floor,trembling like a leaf,Samantha wrapped her up in a huge towel from my bathroom cabinet
" What did She do?",she asked angrily.
"Hit Gretta,She embarrassed me",I yelled getting in temper.
" Whatever made she hit Gretta, she deserved it knowing the kind of person your mother is also She could have drowned", She yelled completely disappointed.
"But She-"
"Shut up,This isn't about Gretta or anything,this is about you being immature and stupid. This is about you carrying whatever emotions battled up inside and pouring it blindly on this girl...You are a sick bastard",Samantha told me with rage
Standing there speechless, I walked off leaving them to go sit at my mini bar and drink myself senseless.
" Get back to bed or work. The drama is over",Samantha voice shouted in the distant as I descended down the stairs.
Tanya POV
Limping back with Samantha help to my bedless room.I layed on the mat that was there as Samantha got me out my wet clothes in a big fluffy robe. Changing my bandage on my tummy area, forehead and leg.
"Would you like the crutches back",Samantha asked.
"Yes aching all over",I told her honestly.
Handing my crutches,I got up walking out the door.
"You should rest",Samantha warned motherly.
"Am thirsty",I told her
"Well I'll be just down the hall...keep going down straight down the stairs,make a left turn then continue straight you'll see a big door and you're there", She directed
Smiling,grateful for her help I limped slowly continuing down the hall,arriving at the stairs,I slide the crutches down the stairs bracing myself on the railing taking slow steps until I reached the button. Jumping in shocked when I saw Luke over by the bar,I wasn't thirsty again,I was scared for my life,not being able to bend to take up the crutches, I started making my way up back the stairs keeping in mind I'll ask Samantha to get the crutches back for me.
"What are you still up?",Came his rough terrifying.
"I just wanted water",I spoke terrified,my voice cracking up in fear.
"I'll get it",He told me leaving the bar with a glass of alcohol in his hand turning left just like Samantha told me earlier coming back with a Glass of water.
Hope its not poison!
"It's not poison Tanya. Just drink,your lips are very dry",He told me watching as I rubbed my tongue over my lips feeling my skin peeling away from the dryness.
Taking it from his hold gulping it down hungrily, I sat on the stairs watching as he joined me in silence.
"We'll always be at war you and I...but you don't deserve me being this wrathful",He finally spoke taking a sip from his liquor.
"Was that an apology?",I asked shocked looking over at him.
"Was it good enough?",He asked back
"Well it's a start",I told him
"So about earlier-"
"I just wanted to say"-
"Who the fuck is that?",He yelled agitated
Running from upstairs passing in between us, Samantha hurried to the door opening it turning to look over on Luke.
"The witch of Rose Hall is here",She responded irritatedly.
Two hands suddenly pushing Samantha away from the door, walked in a stunning beauty looking like someone that stepped off a fashion Magazine and off Broadway was standing looking up on Luke and I.
"Luke",She called out shyly
Watching as Luke stood up shocked,He stared for what felt like an entire century before snapping back into reality.