Gifted from the start

{welcome to SoulReign Online}

[please select a race]

'In SoulReign Online, there are 3 main races to choose from. That may not seem like a lot, but the interesting thing about the game is that you can evolve your race after fulfilling certain conditions. The conditions for race evolution have yet to be revealed but I'm guessing it either has something to do with level or something to do with the karma system, or maybe both.'

The karma system suggests that certain acts performed in the game will net you either positive or negative karma; This system is even integrated into race. For example, if you choose an [elf] as your starting race you will start with a certain amount of positive karma, or, if you choose the demon race you will start with a certain amount of negative karma. The human race is neutral so you will start with a karmic value of zero.

'I'm willing to bet that karma has something to do with where you can go on the map without getting attacked or what npcs you can talk to and buy from. It might be one of the conditions for race evolution as well.'

"before I choose my race I should look at the descriptions"



Description: A mostly peaceful race that tend to live in areas where there is abundant flora. They worship the seraphim god "Nicholas" and, in turn for their worship, they are protected by him.

+5 Intelligence

+5 Agility

|Racial Abilities|

{Passive}[(Loved by nature): receive a 15% buff to ||Strength||Vitality||intelligence||Agility||Soul|| when in forest areas]

{passive}[(Pure Heart): status with all positive npcs will be changed to friendly upon interaction]

{passive}[(Seraphim God Nicholas' Divine protection): receive a 5% stat boost when dealing with players on the opposing end of the karmic scale

//Can be evolved further//



Description: A largely aggressive race that will kill anyone that wanders into their territory. They worship the neyaphem god "Satan" and, in turn for their worship, he grants them strength towards their enemies.

+5 Strength

+5 Vitality

|Racial Abilities|

{passive}[(Cursed blessing): 20% resistance to all dark attacks]

{passive}[(Neyaphem God Satan's Divine protection): receive a 5% stat boost when dealing with players on the opposing end of the karmic scale

{active}[(Rage): upon usage, all main stat points are buffed by 1.5x for 10 seconds]

//Can be evolved further//



Description: A neutral race that does not worship any particular god, but respects the strong. Humans are prone to internal conflict and are one of the only races that are not united as one.

|racial abilities|

{passive}[(Indomitable will): Locked Soul Traits will have a 10% chance to be unlocked in life or death situations. You will receive a 1.2 percent buff to all main stat points]

{passive}[(impressionable): can evolve into any race]


'hmm... I don't want to be bound to any particular karmic position upon creation of my character. I'm also tempted by that second passive for humans. Although it might be rare to find a race change quest I'm willing to take that chance.'

"I'm gonna go with [human]"

[are you sure you would like to select the race "human"?]



[please select your appearance]

In SoulReign Online you can change your appearance to be 20% different than your normal appearance as a human. If you're another race like a demon, you can change your skin color to have exotic colors. If you're an elf, you can change your ear shape as well as your normal appearance.

[please select an archetype]


You have a greater affinity for melee based skills, but a lesser affinity for magic based skills


You have a greater affinity for intelligence and magic based skills, but a lesser affinity for defense based skills


You have a greater affinity for healing and support skills, but a lesser affinity for attack and defense based skills


You have a greater affinity for defense based skills, but a lesser affinity for dexterity and range based skills


You have a greater affinity for dexterity and ranged based skills, but a lesser affinity for melee based skills

Archetypes are another big thing that the devs added into the game. The game decided to make classes a thing that you learn from performing continuous actions in relation to that specific class; for example, if you keep killing monsters with a sword, then after some time you will receive the swordsman class, or, if you continue to use magic to kill enemies you will receive the mage class. Instead of starting off with a certain class, you choose an archetype that will make receiving and improving the classes associated with it, faster.


[Are you sure you would like the "warrior" archetype? this cannot be changed in the future]


[please choose a name for your character]


After naming my character, I didn't receive any more prompts to change or select anything else, so I clicked "finish character creation".

[Are you sure you would like to finish character creation? this action cannot be undone!]


[generating soul trait]

Soul traits. These are the reason the developers named the game the way they did. Soul traits are a personal trait unique to one specific person. There cannot be two of the same soul trait, although there can be similar soul traits. Soul traits are the devs' way of giving everyone a certain degree of individuality. Soul traits can be divided into 6 tiers:[common][uncommon][rare][unique][legendary][mythical]. The tier you roll depends 50% on luck and 50% on talent. So you need a combination of luck and raw talent to get a higher tier trait. Combining the two factors, we can get an accurate estimate of the probability pertaining to trait rolling.

[common] 70%

[uncommon] 25%

[rare] 5%




(A/N: This isn't a combined probability. This is just each of their individual probabilities out of 100%)

Ding* you have received the Mythical soul trait {gifted from the start}


[binding soul trait to account "Ark"...]

[binding successful]

[preparing for spawn...]

As soon as I heard the last notification, my vision went white and then black. I began to lose consciousness again. I was excited to finally begin my journey to the top!