A witness of divinity


Ding*[you are experiencing [fear] you are now frozen for 5 seconds]

Before the notification even registered in his mind, Clark felt an absolute dread overshadow his thinking, which further assured him that something was wrong.

He then started to think 'Goblins usually travel in groups, and I was dumb to even attempt to attack a lone goblin. If the goblin was truly alone then this could mean one of two things. One, the goblin was just a scout and it was sent out to see if there were any enemies in the vicinity, or two, the goblins have experienced a battle recently leaving only one alive.'

The more likely answer would be the first one as certain evolutions of goblins will begin to possess a certain amount of intelligence, meaning, there might be a leader type variant among the goblins. Of course, this was only assuming that there was a goblin den or settlement somewhere near the area Clark was in, as higher evolved variants don't tend to wander around aimlessly in the forest waiting to be slaughtered.

'Usually there would only be one explanation, but the smell of blood, together with that roar from earlier, make me inclined to believe otherwise. In the case of option two I wouldn't be surprised at this point if the creature responsible for that roar is also responsible for this aura of bloodlust I'm currently in the presence of, but these are all hypotheticals of course.'

Part of him was saying to turn back and run as fast as possible, but another part of him was like a cat filled with curiosity. Despite his intelligence and ability to put two and two together, Clark's personality wasn't that of a calculative and cunning person, quite the opposite actually. If one was to describe his personality, it would be more of the bold adventurous type with a splash of tenacity. Although this is true, when push comes to shove there hasn't been a single situation Clark hasn't been able to get out of, and he was betting on this fact when he chose to explore the source of that terrible roar.


"A cave?"

Clark had been walking for about thirty minutes, but he wasn't expecting to see what he now saw in front of him.

"If anything, I was expecting to see a goblin settlement. Also, I'm surprised I wasn't ambushed on my way here. I guess that rules out option one. Also I'm confused; I was sure I smelled blood coming from this direction and I still do, but there are no corpses or any signs of a battle in this area."

Clark looked towards the cave and felt an ominous pressure coming from it. He couldn't determine how strong the being residing in the cave was because he was a freshie(A/N: a new player) that was still at lvl one and had yet to meet any strong monsters. Going inside the cave was an action known to anyone as dumb, yet there was something drawing him towards it that he couldn't quite put a finger on.

As he walked through the cave, the pressure pushing down on him was getting continually more stifling. But, being the stubborn person he was, Clark kept going.

The cave was dark, but not so dark that he couldn't see where he was going. As he was walking the scent of blood was getting even more potent than before, which was evident on Clark's constantly scrunched up face.

While he was complaining about the smell he didn't even notice that he had walked into a large room

…Of course, that was until it hit him.


The pressure that was suppressing Clark's movements suddenly became even stronger; to the point where he couldn't even stand anymore. His legs buckled, and he suddenly found himself on his hands and knees with cold sweat running down his face.

Ding*[you are in the presence of a {Dragon}. You are experiencing [Fear] and [Dragon's might]. All main stats are reduced by 50%; you are frozen for 5 seconds.]

Ding*[player [Ark] is the first player to see a god ranked creature]

Ding*[you have received the title [A witness of divinity]]


Clark was so stunned by the fact that he had just found an enigmatic creature as a lvl 1, that he didn't even see the second and third notification.

It was then that he heard, in a booming voice...

Dragon: "Why hast thou entered here, mortal!!"