
Dragon: "Why hast thou entered here, mortal!!"

Clark was stunned out of his remorseful attitude.

Dragon: "Doth I need to repeat myself!"

As Clark's attitude changed from remorseful to flattering, he spoke.

Clark: "Oh wise and mighty dragon, I have made a terrible blunder for I have encroached on your wonderful territo-"

Dragon: "Silence!"

The dragon's voice once again boomed and resonated with the cave walls causing them to shake violently.

Dragon: "Grant me one reason I shouldn't dispatch thou right where thou stand"

Clark shuddered at the remark. Even though this was only a game, he had the pain setting to where you would feel pain as if you were actually experiencing it irl (in real life). He quickly thought of something to say in response to the death threat.

Clark: "If I may be so inclined to say, when I get out of here I could report you to the city."

Dragon: "How insulting of you to think that any amount of you puny mortals will stand a chance against me."

Clark was surprised with his change in speech patterns; nonetheless, he continued with his reasoning.

Clark: "If I thought that, I would truly be ignorant. But, you see, if the city gets wind of a dragon being so close to them, they will be despair ridden and think that it's over for them. Without any other choice left, they will consult a city with a better attacking force than them. Surely the bigger will listen if this threat is in their vicinity, and considering the magnitude of the threat they will probably send out their strongest forces. Not to mention those injuries you're currently plagued with, they most certainly won't help you. If I tell them that it's an injured dragon...hehe..."

Dragon: "hehehaha...ahhahah...AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH you amuse me mortal!"

The cave rattled from the power of its voice.

Although Clark was surprised by the sudden burst of laughter, he managed to maintain his poker face.

Dragon: "you are indeed correct in your reasoning, but you forgot one thing. All of this is only possible if I let you out of here alive."

Clark: "you don't need to continue your bluff, I know you recognized my status as a player the moment I walked in this cave"

Dragon: "HAHAHA, I have taken a liking to you, mortal! Our personalities are one in the same; calm and collected under pressure, while secretly calculating your plan to triumph over your foes, or make a strategic retreat. Personalities like that are hard to come by and-"


While the dragon was in the middle of giving a speech he started violently coughing and vomiting blood.

Dragon: "looks like I really don't have much more time to live."

Clark: "I thought dragon's were immortal though?"

Dragon: "dragons can indeed live forever, but that does not mean we cannot be killed. Anyway, you have earned the right to know my name."

Dragon: "listen well for my name is {Wind Dragon Gustov}". You will do well to remember that name as it can get you out of certain situations.

Clark: "I assume that means you're going to let me go."

Gustov: "Of course not! How could I even think about letting my only successor just leave."

Clark: "Well since it's come to th- wait did you just say successor."

Gustov: "Indeed. I have chosen you for you to inherit my legacy and carry out my will."

Clark just stood there, silently processing the words that just recently reached his ears. He could not fathom why this god-level being would want to make a level one player such as himself his successor.

His thoughts were once again interrupted by the tolling of the notification bell.

Ding*[Due to being accepted by a god-level being, your title [A witness of divinity] has met the requirements for an upgrade]

[Do you accept?]


Clark showed a look of surprise. Upgrading titles was not in the game description so this must be a hidden feature!

After the initial surprise, Clark made his decision.


[Title successfully upgraded]


[Name - Ark

Race - Human

Class - None

Archetype - Warrior

LVL 0: 5/100

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

STR: 0

VIT: 0

INT: 0

AGI: 0

SOU: 0

{Soul Trait: (sealed)Gifted from the Start}

Titles: Dragon's Apostle]

Gustov: "great now that you've accepted we can begin with training"

Clark: "Training?"

Gustov: "Of course! Did you think I was just going to let my successor continue to be weak?

Clark: "What kind of training?"

Gustov: "If you were to inherit all of my power right now, you would explode, taking the whole region with you; therefore, I'm going to train your mind, body and soul until they are able to withstand it. Now do keep in mind that this training is not for the weak willed. Do you accept?"

Ding*[Wind Dragon Gustov has issued a race change quest. Would you like to accept?]


Clark hesitated a bit before he accepted it. Race change quests were already rare, not to mention this one was a Dragon race change quest. If a player read the lore, they would know that dragons are one of the 4 strongest races in the world of Giri(A/N: Giri is the world that the game takes place in and is also the world where most of the inhabitants of the game reside); the others being seraphim, neyaphem, and high humans.

There used to be five pinnacle races, but the phoenix race was exterminated in a war with the dragons over a thousand years ago. Although they won, the dragons sustained heavy losses and now there are only 20 true dragons left. To make them even rarer, a dragon doesn't normally appear in the mortal world. Their status as gods forbids them from directly entering the mortal world and they can only enter through special means, which raises the question of how this dragon is able to be here in the first place.

Although it was a little suspicious, Clark had already weighed the pros and cons of accepting this quest. Besides, if he was to become the best then he would need to take risks, if not now then eventually; but, in the end he decided to accept the mission and see where it led him.