Novel Announcement

Hey there, author here. You're probably annoyed that I haven't released anything in a long time, I understand that. It's just that I've been dealing with a lot of life problems for the past month and on top of that this is my first novel. I know saying that this is my first novel isn't a good excuse, but everyone is different and I just haven't felt like writing lately. But, from now on I will try to be more consistent with the updates. Though, in order to do that, I'm going to have to put this story on hiatus until I can make enough content to update regularly. If you have the patience to wait until then, then you have my gratitude. I don't really plan on making this a big novel. I'm pretty interested in vrmmorpg stories and I just created this so that I can experience for myself what it's like to make one. I made this story for fun so if you're expecting more than that, this isn't the story for you. Thank you for reading and joining me on my journey. :)