Chapter three

Finally she's gone, I put the glue on my shirt and my tie and then I pick up on the files, but I can't continue because my mind is troubled by this love that burns in my heart and I decide to leave everything fall, it's over! I have enough for today and I have more important things to do..I need to fix this moment as I prepare for tonight.

Once again someone comes knocking on the door and this time my mind was in doubt and quietly I went to open it but it wasn't her this time.

A.Marcus: we have a mission for tonight, are you coming?

Me: uh ... no I can't, tonight I have something very important to fix

A.Marc: I did not know that the Heuric that I know refused missions

Me: I ... I could not, not tonight and ... I am a little tired in addition

A.Marc: um, I see! So, I wish you a pleasant afternoon!

Me: Thanks Agent Marcus, you too.

I keep packing my bags and all this time I keep thinking about what had just happened and I became weak in my feelings but not so weak in being taken in by burglars.

On leaving, my gaze fell on her who works in her office and she looks at me without letting her eyelids beat even for once and I am trembling under this look that she gives me suddenly and without looking where I am going I am banged with another officer who was just arriving

Me: oh sorry, I'm sorry

Agent: It's okay, it's okay.

With a last glance, I look at her who laughs shyly at what had just happened and I continue my way to my car.

Arriving in my car,

I take the card she gave me and I file her number in my contact list and then thinking about that look and those moments that marked my day, so I decide to send her a short text:

"I do not know how to tell you and confess to you this great happiness that you have just brought into my life, with a smile that exiles my soul beyond the stars and this heat which melted the insoluble feelings of my heart, I thank you for this magical moment that you wanted to give me, I admit that I was wrong in refusing this precious gift but if I do not protect our relationship it will mean that I am an irresponsible man and that it is not a true love, so hold on because you will be my prisoner of this evening, kisses, I love you. "

After that I pass my keys and drive back home.

During the whole trip, I kept glancing at my phone, hoping for a quick response from her but another surprise.

My phone rings and presto! I pick up.

Me: hi my queen

Atalaya: where did you forge this text message?

Me: sorry Miss Atalayana, we do not forge text messages anywhere!

Atalaya: So what exactly are we forging? !

Me: I would say long sword

Atalaya: and you, do you have a long sword?

Me: but if I have one

Atalaya: I would like to see her one day, could I touch her ?!

Me: of course, and especially with great pleasure

Atalaya: it's okay, have you made it home?

Me: no my love I'm almost

Atalaya: as you live alone at home, so what are you going to do for dinner?

Me: not much

Atalaya: you would like me to come and help you!

Me: that would be with great pleasure, so where are you ?!

Atalaya: I'm going to take my car to go home

What me! I thought you had already arrived, and I'm in front of my shed

Atalaya: I told you, I had a job

Me: next time invite me and I will come and help you

Atalaya: if you want some, then, at what time will it be our little meeting?

Me: well..I would say eight o'clock!

Atalaya: I start driving I have to leave you

Me: don't you have little earbuds?

Atalaya: no I don't

Me: you should have one, so see you!

Atalaya: yes, see you later.

Me: bye bye kisses

She laughs

Atalaya: bye bye kisses

She immediately hung up, as I have already arrived, I went into my little garage and I park my car, then I take the remains of the files from my work that I had taken with me and take my keys then I go home through the door which is just inside the garage then when I come home I put everything on the table, the files, the keys to my car, my room as well as my phone, then I open the refrigerator to drink a little frozen water and then I collect everything and go into my room.

<< phew! What a special day today! I keep the taste of her love on my lips and I watch these moments spent at work with her >>

I take my clothes off, and something occurred to me, "what if I put a little cake on the table tonight ??" maybe she would love it! Without worrying any more, I went into the shower and took a bath, after that, I take new jeans that I had bought last week, I put on a swimsuit with a bar that was not too easy with his little eagle in front, then I went into the kitchen to get something before even taking to the street, after making myself some cornflakes that I like a lot, I get back to my car and then I hit the road to go look for a cupcake in the nearest pastry shop and that's where I'll meet "Nehemiah" a red-haired girl who works there, but not at all! I have no intention of getting pasted a second.

At the bakery

Me: good evening girls

The girls: good evening sir

one of them receives me with a big smile

The girl: what can I do for you ?!

Me: jeuhm ... I would like a cake please

The girl: what flavor ?!

Me: I dunno ... it's for a girl I barely met then..I..I just want to surprise her.

The girl: hmm if I understand correctly this is a little gift!

Me: yes absolutely!

The girl: so I'll choose for her, and I think she'll love the flavor of the strawberry, one of my preferences

Me: Thank you very much

The girl: there she is! You are ?

Me: Heuric

The girl: I'm Nehemiah and as you can see I work here, but if you don't come often, then anytime I will be happy to serve you

Me: ah! Thank you and I leave my card to you any time you have constraints!

Nehemiah: Thank you Sir ... aahh you are an FBI agent!

Me: of course, I can't stay, I have to go, goodbye Miss Nehemiah

Nehemiah: goodbye Mr. Heuric!

I left quietly then returned to my car, without wasting much time, I start and on my way home.

When I arrive, I leave my car in a small parking lot next to the house then I take the cake, I close the door and then I go inside.

I look in my watch which was attached to my wrist and it is already 7:42 am, but ... it's not true! I have to hurry, maybe in a few minutes she will already be at the door!

Without further ado, I start to prepare the table, I pick up my phone and quickly I call my pizza delivery man who I only give 15 minutes to get there, as I always have drinks in my fridge, I go get a bottle of wine and champagne but not too alcoholic wine by what I remember what she had told me that she especially does not drink alcohol then, I embellished the table with some fruit.

Something rings at the door

I do not waste even a second and I went to open it because I did not have in mind that it was but rather the delivery man that I had given a deadline of 15 minutes, then, I suddenly opened and it is my pizza that arrived.

Me: thank you very much

And hop! I close the door and just arrange it, after that I had a little shower, when I'm done I get dressed and suddenly I heard someone ring the doorbell but this time he didn't There is no doubt, quickly I slip my shirt and I settle in front of the mirror, quickly, I went to open the door, as soon as I open the door, she jumps on me and I close the door.

Ataya: what was I saying um my little love guy!

Me: all you want my beautiful

She kissed me like a crazy lover and me getting caught in oblivion, put her on the table and we made love like crazy.

Me: hum! Hold on!

Ataya: what else my love?

Me: I think you're sitting on your cake

Ataya: No matter my love, this is our cake.

She took the cake that was half-squashed and took it by her little finger that we used while making love

Ataya: hmm how good my love is

I took her and carry her to my bed and take off my shirt then take off a nightgown she was wearing and stroke her from high to low, she was crazy hungry right now, we have spin on the bed like a torpedo and eventually she won and I became her slave.

After having finished this good and wonderful moment, we lay down hand in hand, one leg she put on me and face to face, we keep looking each other in the eye, with her gray eyes , she gave hope to my life and from time to time she kisses me gently, and I don't know how to say this pretty sentence that I kept in my heart, I stroke her cheek, go down to the chin and she gave me smiles that took away all the feelings of despair that hid inside me and I feel like a king commanded by his queen because I no longer feel myself in front of her eyes which shone like shining stars in the sky she changed my life and i completely emerged in her feelings of love that she mounted against the indulgences of my heart, with her eyes in my eyes i fly like an eagle who has no habitat and I kiss her body to body she holds me in her arms, suddenly her eyes begin to obey her eyelids , already insomniac and stolen from a little sleep, I look at her with so much passion that I had the impression of being taken by a stroke of madness and she puts her head on my chest inhaling the perfume of my body, I revisit in my mind that moment that I had never had before in my life, not that I had never loved before but because I had never had a love like this, and I feel so good that I didn't want to get out of bed and all I want is the day to never rise and nothing bother us though, is just a wish I made but not quite this that it actually was because our evening is just barely starting.

I took a look in my watch; 10:05 a.m., I sigh and slowly I remove her leg that she had put on me, then slowly I pull myself on the bed, I put on my jeans and directed in the dining room which also consists of the kitchen, I take my and arrange everything, and then I sit down a little not even a minute past, she approached all asleep, without support, only her little one panties she was wearing and she slowly approached me ..

Atalaya: So you leave me on the bed like that, he's not a handsome kid!

Me: well ... I realized that the night is too short to miss everything I had prepared for you

Atalaya: and why didn't you wake me up?

She said sitting on top of me

Me: because I knew you would come and then ... I didn't want to disturb your sleep too

Atalaya: you didn't want to but you did it anyway

Me: I ... I did nothing

Atalaya: you knew I wouldn't be alone in bed, and you did!

Me: I didn't! So if you keep blaming me I'll go back to my bed

Atalaya: but if you did

Me: so I'm going!

Atalaya: no you stay there

Me: I'll call the police

Atalaya: you don't need it my jewelry, you already have smooth skin in your hands

She said sucking the left side of my neck

Me: but if I'm going to do it

Atalaya: if you want to handcuff me you are able to do it, because you are the police and me smooth skin, so indulge yourself my love

Me: so I give you the chance

Atalaya: I don't want luck my little love man, I want you to do it She said whistling in my ear

Me: no, no mission cancel

Atalaya: So you're just a weak little man, I do it myself.

Without forgetting that I had on my jeans and she starts to untie them

Atalaya: I'm going to crush you weakling

Me: stop

Atalaya: you lost your power, now I'm in charge

Me I....

She grabbed my lips, stroking me, and yes! It starts again!

Me: you ... weren't you hungry?

Atalaya: yes, I was so hungry that I am going to fill you up little guy

Once again we left everything, but this time it's until dawn.