Chapter four The girl

Dawn is breaking, and I wake up in his arms, I look what time it was but 6:35 am it's still a bit early!

I take a few minutes to admire her first, she who is in deep sleep, her beauty has put me in a moment of distraction but no I'm not going to spend all my time admiring her! I have to protect our work and we have work today but is she going to be able to get to work today? Bahh, whatever the reason, she won't be able to spoil her second day, besides her presence is very important, no, no, no, I still have to wake her up.

Me: my love! My love wake up, we have work this morning.

Atalaya: humm let me sleep a little

Me: please my love wake up

Atalaya: what time is it ?!

Me: it's already almost 7am my pretty

Atalaya: ok my love I'm waking up, did you sleep well?

Me: as well as you my dear

She gives me a little smile

Come on, hurry, there's no time to waste!

I leave the bed and get out of the bedroom, grab a small pot, then start making a nice hot soup for our breakfast, and she comes out of the bedroom with her panties on.

Atalaya: what are you doing!

Me: I prepare our breakfast

Atalaya: what! I should have done it!

Me: of course, but I don't want you to be late doing all that plus you have to go home to get dressed

Atalaya: but who told you that I intend to go home ??

I give her a look

Atalaya: what? Why are you looking me like that?

Me: because you have to hurry my pretty, I don't want you to be away for your second day

Atalaya: alright little weakling, you're right she said with a big smile

Me me?

Atalaya: yes, you, you are just a poor weakling, let me do it, go get my uniform in my car baby please.

Me: you came with ..

Atalaya: of course! Go little weak (laughing)

Me: you will stop calling me like that

She laughs

I went to get his uniform and I went home

Atalaya: thank you little weakling

She leaves me laughing and walks to the shower

Me: ahh! She starts to annoy me calling me like that

Atalaya: I heard you weakling

She fell into the shower laughing like crazy

And I don't say anything until it's done, and then I do the next one and then I go into the bedroom to get dressed and I run to the wardrobe to take one of my costumes and she goes. was already doing makeup in front of the dressing table mirror.

Atalaya: poor little love, he didn't want to slice me with his pretty sword and I did it myself

She laughs at me like crazy

Me: So are you going to stop?

Atalaya: no! Because i am not weak

And she walked out of the room laughing dying

And me ... oh! What the devil to bewitch her with this boring sentence! What was it that I was stupid!

After I finish I take everything I had that was important and went to have my breakfast and she was sitting waiting for me, when I arrived, I pretend I was mad at her..just to see where she is!

Atalaya: babyyy! Don't be mad at me! You know we had a little contest, didn't you ?! And you lost, accept that you are the loser ... a weakling

Frankly I couldn't help but laugh and we laughed like two kid joking

Me: are you coming in my car? Where do we go separately?

Atalaya: no love, I don't think I can give up my car, plus I don't know who will finish before

Me: it's nothing, I can stay and wait for you if you want

Atalaya: yeah! But don't forget that we can go on earth

Me: it's true, you're right

Atalaya: I'm always right, weakling

Me: you think! So we'll see that later

Atalaya: don't threaten me that you don't even have the courage to hold on because I know that once again you'll give up

Me: that's what we're going to see my pretty

Atalaya: I'm going to crush you little weakling she said in a voice so soft

Me: it's time to go

My ringing phone

This is Agent Marcus

Me: Hello sir agent how are you?

A.Marc: things are going well buddy, we need you on the pitch, this time I don't want an apology

Me: don't worry my friend I'll be at the office in a few minutes

A.Marc: okay buddy

Atalaya: who was it?

Me: Agent Marcus

Atalaya: what did he want?

Me: he says they need me on the pitch, we have to go

Atalaya: you see my little love man! I'm always right

Me: and no! Not quite! The day has barely started!

She laughs

Atalaya: I'm going to crush you weakling (laughing)

I don't answer, then we got out and I lock the door.

She getting into the car;

Atalaya: goodbye weakling!

I reach my seat, I turn the key and then I start quietly.

On the road, she's right behind me and every now and then I look in my rearview mirror to see where she was and together we arrived.

I wait until she got out of her car so she doesn't say anything to me but she approached me and I keep the window up then she knocked but I can't despise her after all! And I roll down the window.

Atalaya: haha! You're hiding, weakling, luckily I'm stronger than you my little love boy

Me: Atalayanaaa, please stop!

Atalaya: no I ..

I cut out his word by grabbing his lips, I kissed him for at least 15 seconds then I let go

Atalaya: thank you little weakling, have a nice day!

Me: you too my love

Then she went back into the building, however, I stayed a little while and rolled up the window and then Agent Marcus appeared next to me.