Belia- Swirling Snow and Swirling Thoughts

Belia looks out her window, the snow swirling around the bio-dome. She likes watching it sparkle; it calms her and she needed something to do just that. Her father had just finished informing her she is to marry the crown prince of the Voynan Empire. It wasn't unusual for the royal children to have arranged marriages, but to an alien was another matter completely. When they received Emperor Vladislav's comm, it took the council over a week to come up with their decision, which for them is a very long time. Her father doesn't condone violence, so he came up with the idea of Belia marrying the Voynan Prince. He was coming later the next day and was to stay with them at the palace until the Prince had made his decision. Belia felt burdened with carrying the weight of both worlds on her shoulders; she knew they could win if a war were to be waged, but at what cost? Belia lets out a heavy sigh and moves her attention from the window to the dress her mother put out for her to wear to meet his Highness. She's pulled from her thoughts by a knock on her door.

"Come in," she says in her melodic voice.

"This came for you, Miss." A servant holds out a box. "It's a gift from the Persson family." Belia takes the box.

"Thank you, you are dismissed." The servant leaves and Belia is alone again. She opens it. Inside is a holoframe and a holograph of a young man appears when she takes it out. She examines the man in the frame, her future husband. Everything about him is off to Belia. His skin is a tannish olive, not blue, his eyes are dark brown, not blue, but it is his hair that fascinates Belia the most; the purest black she had ever seen. A lock of her own white hair falls from her bun, confirming how dark his hair is in relation. Other than that, he looks like any other man from Krystaliv. Although with all the anomalies, Belia couldn't decide if she thought him handsome or not. She also wonders if he is as barbaric as everyone said Voynans are. She lays down on her bed tossing the frame to the side. She'd never been in a relationship before, nor did she really want to be in one. She'd seen enough of what could happen to those you love and Belia never wants to feel that way ever again. Belia rolls over so she's facing her window and watches the now swirl some more. The swirling snow reminds Belia of her swirling thoughts, but the more the snow dances, the more her mind empties, and soon she drifts off to sleep.