Timur- Krystaliv

Straightening his posture, Timur exits the spaceship, his aides taking his bags. He's met by a sea of blue and white; blue skin, blue clothes, white hair, blue eyes. He stuck out in his red and black uniform. Timur watches as someone comes running into the room. The girl stands next to a woman who looks just like her; although, to Timur, all Krystaliv look alike.

"Greetings," a man says to Timur, "I am King Tushar Istas. I assume your journey was pleasant?" Timur doesn't answer. "If you will follow me, we will discuss the rules for while you are staying here."

"Rules?" Timur groans, getting a disapproving look from the King. They walk to what Timur assumes is their version of a throne room.

"First," the King says, startling Timur, who is busy looking around, "there is to be no kind of communication between planets without either a member of the council or a high official present. You are also bound to our laws, and breaking them will lead to subsequent punishment. Lastly, you are to respect us as we do you, your highness. Do you understand?" Timur is a little shocked at what they expected of him, but it couldn't be as bad as what his father would do if he didn't try and make it work.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Timur replies. Tushar nods.

"Good. Introductions then. This is my wife, Haimati," the Queen gives Timur a slight bow, "and this is my daughter Belia." She, too, gives a slight bow. Timur makes a mental note of their names, and a tour begins. The four wander around, Tushar giving Timur the full tour. As the tour progresses, Timur notes that their palace is smaller than the one on Voyna; however, they have more quarters for the families of those working there, less empty and purposeless rooms. The last stop on the tour is Timur's temporary quarters. Upon walking into the room, he notices it is warmer than the rest of the palace, which he assumes for his benefit. "If you require anything else before dinner, let a servant know, and we will see what we can do." The King and Queen begin to leave, but the Princess lingers for a second longer, just staring at Timur.

"Come along, Belia," the Queen chides.

"Yes, Mother." Her voice is like music to Timur's ears, melodic and soft. The Istas leave so Timur could get settled in. Timur's personal guard still giving the room a thorough look over.

"I'm sure the room is secure, Karolek. I doubt they'd want to kill me on the first day."

"One can never be too careful," Karolek says, finishing his sweep. "Room secure, my Liege." Timur looks around and tries out the bed. It's softer than he imagined the ice people would have. He sees the connecting room is smaller and assumes it's for Karolek.

A servant comes later, informing Timur it was time for the evening meal. The servant also comments that dinner requires more formal attire than what Timur was wearing. He quickly helps Timur pick out something more appropriate, which almost makes him late. When Timur arrives, the Istas are being seated. A servant guides Timur to his seat across from the Princess. She gives him a polite yet shy smile. From his crash course lessons in Krystaliv etiquette, Timur knows at the evening meal that they don't talk while the food is served, but rather afterward. The Queen keeps a close eye on him while they eat, no doubt checking his manners. The food is served, and it looks similar to something they eat on Voyna. Before they begin eating, Timur notices Belia give a side glance to her mother. The overall taste is blander than what he was used to, but not bad. After they eat, the four go into a sitting room off the dining room.

"How is your father?" Tushar asks politely.

"He is well." After not much conversation, a guard comes into the room and hands the King a small tablet. Timur can't read it as it is in Krystaliv glyphs, but he can tell by the King's reaction, it's not good news. The King looks at the Queen, and they both stand.

"An urgent matter has come up which we must attend to. Belia will keep you company." The two monarchs leave, and the silence between Timur and the Princess quickly becomes awkward.

"If you'd like, I can show you my garden," Belia says a bit timidly.

"You can grow plants in this cold?"

"In heated areas, we can. Although, my garden isn't like agriculture domes." Belia stands, and Timur follows her to an area of the palace which wasn't part of the tour.

"This is the private wing," Belia explains, almost like she read his mind. Timur notices it is very simply decorated. "My parents are minimalists; the only reason the rest of the palace is decorated as it is because of the public; to keep with tradition."

"I understand tradition very well," Timur comments, thinking about his people's traditions and how this exchange was going against most of them. They approach a small alcove, the only thing inside being some sort of control panel. Belia holds her hand out to Timur, and he just looks at it.

"Take my hand, unless you'd rather end up somewhere else on the planet." Timur looks at her delicate hand and closes his around hers. Timur's own hand dwarfs hers, but Belia holds onto his hand tightly. She uses the other to activate the panel. "Hold on." As Belia closes her eyes, the room disappears, and they appear in another booth-like room. Timur feels a little nauseous as their bodies materialize.

"Teleportation?" he asks in an attempt not to throw up.

"Yes, we have found it more efficient than trying to travel from dome to dome by vehicle." Timur is impressed. They step out of the booth and into a view that takes Timur's breath away. "Welcome to my garden."