Belia- Goodbyes

Since the ball, two weeks have passed since she and Timur kissed since Timur agreed to the arranged marriage. So much has happened in those fourteen days. The two royal patriarchs decided it would only be fair for Belia to spend some time on Voyna as that is where she will be living after the marriage. Alexei is so excited, he already started making her wedding dress. Timur introduced Belia to his parents during one of his daily talks with them via hologram. Kya has been busy packing, and Timur is teaching Belia different customs on his planet. Although, after Timur talked to her father, the two didn't spend much of those two weeks together. Rin and Karolek also made sure neither of their charges left their sight after losing them at the ball. Apparently, their absence didn't go without notice or consequence. Belia knows her parents are slightly relieved with Timur's answer. Still, she also knows neither one likes the idea of her living on Voyna.

Belia goes to see her brother when she has an unplanned moment. Most of the visits as of late had been brief as he slipped into his insanity, but the few times his mind was sound, Belia spent talking to him.

"You're going to marry that Prince?" Bela says with a look of disgust.

"How did you know? I didn't tell you."

"I'm mentally unstable, not blind nor deaf. The nurses' gossip." Bela sits up more and pinches the bridge of his nose. Belia starts for his medication. "No, I'm fine," Bela tells her, "it's just a headache."

"You're sure?" Belia asks, concerned, and Bela nods.

"When are you leaving?"


"How long will you be gone for?"

"A few weeks, at least." Bela puts a hand on hers.

"Be careful, Belia. I know Mom and Dad agreed, but that doesn't mean his family will. Keep Rin close." This has been the closest Bela has been to his old self in months, maybe even years. Belia starts to tear up. "What's wrong?"

"I've missed you…" Bela wipes a stray tear from Belia's face.

"Doctors are going to try a new medication. It's worked for the people on Lenus. They're hoping it'll work on me too. One of Lenus' doctors is coming to run a few tests on me."

"Oh, Bela, that's wonderful!" Belia hugs her brother, and he tenses at the touch.

"I'm hoping to attend your wedding."

"I will make you my maid of honor if you do," Belia teases. They keep talking until Rin knocks on the door.

"How are you, Rin?" Bela asks. "It's been a few years, or so I've been told."

"I am well," Rin answers.

"You and Kya got married?" Rin nods. "Edur owes me fifty pecunias, or he would…"

"We need to get going, Your Highness," Rin tells Belia before exiting the room.

"When did he become so serious?" Bela asks.

"I'll explain when you are well." Belia kisses her brother's cheek before saying goodbye. Final arrangements are made as well as an impromptu going away dinner from the servants. Belia walks into the dining hall and finds the room full of palace servants. Kya stands in the front, a large smile on her face.

"Surprise!" they all shout in unison.

"What's the meaning of this?" Belia asks, looking around.

"We all talked it over, and we wanted to surprise you with your favorites since you might not be back home for a while," Kya says, and many of the other servants nod their heads. Belia is touched that they all think so highly of her. At the same time, she feels an overwhelming sense of sadness. Kya pointed out that Belia may never return to Krystaliv after tomorrow. Belia musters a smile as she goes over to the table. Many of the servants there had been working at the palace for the duration that Belia's been alive, most even before that. As Belia eats, she scans those dining with her but doesn't see Rin's face.

"Where's your husband?" Belia asks Kya privately.

"After the stunt you pulled with the Prince, he's been on full guard mode. I told him to take the night off and that I'd keep an eye on you."

"And that actually worked?" Belia says, knowing her guard's personality.

"That and I may have slipped something into his dinner," Kya tells Belia with a wink.

"Kya!" Belia laughs.

"A wife has to do what a wife has to do," Kya says. The conversation moves on, and Belia talks to everyone there, thanking them, retelling fun stories, many including stories about her brothers.

"Rin tells this one better," one of Belia's former guards says, "but remember the time you asked to join your brothers in the shooting range?"

"Yes! I'd been pestering Father for weeks about wanting to learn with them," Belia adds.

"You didn't want to learn," the guard says with a laugh, "Rin had been teaching you in secret; you just wanted to show off!" Belia laughs as what he said is true. "Your brothers made such a big show about going easy on you since you were just a girl, especially Edur. Then when it was your turn, you got a perfect score! Not even Hareph was that good at that age."

"They were all so mad!" Belia says. "Edur didn't talk to me for a month; he was so angry." Everyone continues to chat until the evening bell rings, then like clockwork, they begin to clear the room, everyone leaves to go back to work or to go to bed depending on their shift. Soon only Kya and Belia are left in the dining hall. "I really enjoyed tonight," Belia tells Kya as they go back to her room.

"I'm glad to hear it!"

"Although, I will admit I won't miss all of them," Belia says.

"Agreed," Kya tells Belia.

"I wonder if the servants at the Voyan palace are like you all."

"I don't have an answer for that, but you'll have Rin and me to keep you company for the duration of your visit at least." Kya's words are comforting if a little final. Belia gets ready for bed. "Good night, Your Highness," Kya says as she leaves.

"Good night, Kya." But rather than going to sleep, Belia just stews about what all lies ahead of her.