Timur- Voyna

Timur steps off the space shuttle and takes in a deep breath of the fresh Voynan air. It feels good to be back home. His parents meet him on the landing pad.

"Timur," his father says, slapping his back. "Welcome back." Belia exits the ship, and Timur watches as her eyes widen when she looks around. Belia joins Timur and his parents, giving them a curtsy. Rin follows close behind.

"Mother, Father, this is Princess Belia," Timur says, presenting his now betrothed.

"It is nice to finally physically meet you, Your Majesty, Your Highness," Belia says. Timur's mother frowns, but his father kisses Belia's hand.

"Same to you."

"This is my personal guard Rin," Belia says. Rin clicks the heels of his boots together and gives the Emperor and Empress a slight and stiff bow. The group walks into the palace, letting the servants put Belia's things into her room. Timur offers his arm to Belia, and they walk into the throne room to be presented before the royal court. Timur can feel Belia shaking and puts his hand on hers. He takes a deep breath, and Belia follows suit. They walk into the room and onto the elevated platform where the royal thrones sit. Timur puts on a pleasant smile for the cameras and scans the crowd.

"Presenting Crown Prince Timur Valter Persson and his betrothed, Princess Belia Istas of Krystaliv." The announcer turns to face Timur and Belia. "You may address the court," he tells Timur. Timur clears his throat before stepping up to the microphone.

"Through this union, not only are two people becoming bound to each other but two planets as well; Voyna and Krystaliv. This may not be the usual way we have grown our glorious empire, but for the assimilation of Krystaliv, this is how it will be. The Princess and I are legally engaged according to the laws on her home planet as well as here on Voyna." Timur pauses, seeing mostly disapproving glares directed towards Belia. Knowing the media, Timur adjusts the speech slightly. It was supposed to end with him praising the decision, however looking at the faces below them, Timur knows something is brewing. "To those who object to this union: you are defying the will not only of your future Emperor but of Emperor Vladislav himself, long may he reign. To those of you who plan on voicing your protest or acting upon it, I personally will see to your punishment. " The room becomes silent, an uncomfortable silence for Timur. He looks over at Belia, who has a pleasant smile on her face, but he gets the feeling she's a little afraid of him. Hoping to ease some of the tension not only between the two of them but in the room as well, Timur turns and kisses Belia on the cheek. The cameras and reporters go crazy, flashes going off everywhere, yelling, some even screaming. Guards quickly line up in front of the couple, and they are taken off the stage. Rin rushes over to Belia.

"I'm fine," she whispers to him. Timur decides now is a good time for a tour of the private section of the palace while the palace press secretary finishes up with the media.

"A large portion of the palace is open to the public," Timur tells Belia as they walk, "don't go there unless you plan on getting eaten alive by the press." The quietness in the halls and corridors is odd to Timur, but he assumes his parents made the area off-limits for everyone but family and necessary staff for Belia's protection. The tour ends at the royal residence. "Since you and I are engaged, we'll be sharing connecting rooms until the wedding," Timur says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why?" Belia asks.

"I, I don't know, ancestors thought it was a good idea, and it stuck. If it's going to be a problem-"

"No, it shouldn't be." Timur opens a door.

"This is your room," Belia and Rin walk in, Timur following them. "What do you think?"

"This palace is vast and very grand."

"That's what happens when you rule over twenty-eight planets." Timur gets the feeling Belia doesn't appreciate his joke. "Rin, you and Kya are going to be across the hall. That's the best I could do as normally you'd be staying in the servants' quarters, which is in another section of the building; my mother didn't like the idea of me being out-numbered. Although, there is a panic button Belia can activate if and when she needs you." Rin nods, and Timur spots a glimmer of a smile for just a split second.

"Go ahead, Rin, I'll be fine," Belia tells her guard. Rin gives his heel-clicking salute before leaving the room.

"He seemed happy," Timur comments.

"Rin and Kya haven't been able to be together for a while." Timur nods.

"These are the doors to my room," Timur says, walking over to a set of double doors. He opens them and shows Belia his room. "We each have our own bathroom, and the doors lock from your side of the room." Timur walks Belia back to her side. "I'll let you get settled then." Belia nods, and Timur leaves. One of the servants stops him in the hall.

"His Majesty would like a word."

"I'm sure he would," Timur comments. Timur walks down to his father's office.

"That was quite the speech," Timur's father says as he walks into the room. "Although, I do believe Miro wrote something a little less confrontational at the end."

"He did, but the looks on the people's faces irked me."

"I know I've kept you up to date on the situation here, but you could have chosen less decisive words."

"They needed to be warned; if you provoke the bull, you're going to get gored by its horns, is the saying you like to use." His father told him about the growing unrest since Timur left Voyna.

"We are prepared for some unrest, but at the rate things are going, we may have to start using less desirable means to keep the mob back."

"It's really that bad?" Timur questions, eyeing several reports on his father's desk.

"I mean you are, what do the girls like to call you," Timur's father says with a smirk, "that's right, 'Timur the tantalizing,' or is it titillating? Or my personal favorite, 'Prince Tasty'." Timur's cheeks feel hot.

"I don't like the nicknames, never have, but they sound even worse coming from your lips," Timur says, and his father laughs. "Out of all of the descriptions, they had to use the ones that accentuate my attractiveness, I get that I'm handsome but really, tasty? I'd even take 'Timur the terrible' or frankly even 'terrific' over what my so-called fans have given me…"

"My point is," the Emperor says, getting the conversation back on track, "there are a lot of people out there who don't want this marriage to happen for various reasons. You need to watch yourself, so you don't make more enemies by the minute."

"Yes, Father, I understand; next time, I'll stick to the script."

"That's my boy," the two chat for a bit longer before Timur's father is called away for a meeting. Timur leaves his father's office and wanders around the palace a bit, giving himself the excuse of allowing Belia to get adjusted to the new environment he's placed her in.