Timur- Nightclothes

Timur's heart is still pounding in his chest. Kya, Belia's lady's maid, had told him, Belia is fine, just needs some rest, several hours ago, but he still feels on edge. The protestors are in prison, and Belia just has a bit of heatstroke and is on the mend, so why doesn't he feel better?

"You're going to put a rut in the floor," Timur's father says as he walks into the courtyard. Timur stops pacing. "Sit with me." Timur joins his father on the bench overlooking the small fountain in the middle of the courtyard. "Karolek informed me about what happened at the authority offices."

"He called me a traitor," Timur says in his defense.

"He did, but according to Karolek, you didn't execute him for that." Timur thinks back on the incident. "I understand you love the girl, but you can't let your emotions control you."

"I don't love her," Timur says, and his father gives him an all-knowing look. "I mean, I feel responsible for her. If something were to happen to her, we would face the wrath of Krystaliv."

"Is that all?" Timur's father tries to hold back a smile. "I also heard she had a bit of a fainting spell, and, according to my sources, you were up in arms and refused to let go of her hand until she woke up. Not to mention you've been pacing since you left her quarters." Timur bites his lip as his father's evidence is pretty damning. "You both have been through a stressful event, it's natural you feel responsible for her, but your actions tell me it's not just that." The Emperor stands. "I understand if you want to keep denying your feelings, but the fact you feel something for her is enough for you to set a date." Timur gives his father a blank look. "Talk it over with Belia. Remember- the sooner, the better." As his father leaves, Timur understands he has to do something he's been dreading since the start of this whole process. To get engaged is one thing. People break off engagements all the time for many reasons. But what his father is asking him to do would be setting their future in stone. Once you set a wedding date, there is no going back, especially if that date is made public; knowing the Voyan media, it's better if the Palace releases a statement before the information gets leaked.

Timur goes back to his quarters and begins to think of several dates. He hears a commotion from Belia's side and stares at the doors adjoining the two rooms. Timur walks over to them. His hand hovers over the knob. Belia's left it unlocked so far. Timur tries the knob, but this time he finds the knob won't move. Locked. Timur finds himself unexplainably disappointed. Several thoughts run through his head. The noise he heard could have come from the hall. She could have just knocked over a chair. She could be having another nightmare. She could be under attack. She could be bound and gagged and trying to get his attention. After the day's events, Timur decides he can't risk it. He goes into his side table and pulls out the key. He unlocks the door and opens it. Timur looks in the room, but it's too dark to see much.

"Belia?" he whispers in case she's actually awake. He hears a moan from the bed. "Belia?" Timur walks in, the light from his half of the room casting a glow into hers. Belia is talking in her sleep again, but this time she seems more relaxed. Timur smiles, glad nothing bad was going on. He's about to leave when she rolls over.

"Timur…" she says along with something in Krystaliv. His heart starts to race as he realizes something else. Belia isn't wearing her normal bulky and loose-fitting nightclothes. As she stirs, she pushes the covers off, revealing her scantily clad body. It makes sense for her to be wearing lighter and fewer layers especially after overheating, but the sight of her… Timur knows he should go back to his room, but something about the scene made it so he couldn't. He can't tell if it's the fact that there is nothing left to the imagination, the way the light from his room hits her, or something else entirely, but whatever it is, has him entranced. "Timur…" she moans again. Timur's heart feels like it's going to explode and his face feels like it's been lit on fire. He clenches his jaw and turns away. Timur is able to pull himself away and back into his room. He quickly locks the door behind him.

"I need a shower," Timur mutters to himself. As he lets the cold water run off his head, he tries to get the image of Belia out of his mind, but it's like it's been burned in his memory. "No, I can't be… Can I? She's an alien, the enemy… All that on Krystaliv was an act, to show her I was serious. The kiss, the looks- all harmless flirting. I can't actually be falling in love with her. Can I?" Timur sinks down and sits on the shower floor. Right now he just wants to drown in the falling water, let it numb him. "This is just the day's stress talking," Timur tells himself after several moments of silent contemplation. He stands back up and heats up the water. "I just need to relax."