Belia- Into the Fountain

Belia wakes the next morning to Kya opening the curtains. The bright sun coming through, blinding.

"Good morning, or should I say, mid-morning," Kya says.

"What time is it?" Belia asks, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, let's just say, it's past the morning meal," Kya tells Belia.

"How come you let me sleep in?" Belia asks.

"Prince Timur told us to let you sleep in, but three extra hours is enough." Belia stretches. She couldn't complain; she slept well last night. Kya helps get Belia ready.

"I had an odd dream last night," Belia tells Kya as she does her hair. "I dreamed that Timur and I got married, and on our wedding night, all he did was recite the rules of combat. I tried to get his attention, but it was like he couldn't hear me."

"That is odd," Kya says.

"What made it odder is then he suddenly stopped and stared at me." Kya makes a face at Belia in the mirror.

"The Prince was also acting odd this morning. He became very red-faced when he told me to let you sleep in.

"I wonder what happened?"

"I couldn't read him; his thoughts were bouncing around too much," Kya tells Belia. There's a knock on the door, and Belia senses Rin on the other side. "We're decent," Kya calls. Rin opens the door, a tray of food in hand.

"Prince Timur asked me to bring this to you."

"Do you think he's acting odd?" Kya asks Rin.

"Not really, I mean, he did execute one of the prisoners yesterday, so I would understand if he's a little on edge."

"He did what?" Belia demands, feeling the blood drain from her face.

"Sorry," Rin apologizes as Kya gives him a dirty look.

"You knew about this?" Belia asks Kya.

"If the Prince wanted you to know, he would have told you."

"What happened?" Belia demands.

"The authorities arrested several protesters yesterday who were responsible for the attacks on the palace. According to rumors, Prince Timur went to visit them and ended up killing one."

"What in the name of the ancestors for?" Belia asks.

"Well, he insulted the Prince somehow," Rin tells Belia, and she feels a little nauseous. "But you don't have to worry; I'm here," Rin says, trying to reassure Belia. She knew Timur could do such things, but Belia thought there may be more to the Prince than just the violent warrior he is known as. Kya finishes getting Belia ready when there's a knock on the door.

"Your Highness," a servant says as Belia eats some of the food Rin brought. The servant opens the door. "Apologizes for the interruption, but his Highness, Prince Timur, has requested your presence in the Royal Garden." Having delivered her message, the servant leaves.

"I wonder what it could be about," Kya says. Belia offers some of her food to Kya and Rin. The idea of meeting Timur by herself makes Belia a little uneasy.

"It must be something important," Belia comments. She finishes eating and quickly goes to the garden Timur's grandfather created. This is the first time she's seen it. Belia stops in awe at the sight of it. The place before Belia's eyes was more of a park, no, a forest. "How am I supposed to find Timur?" Belia mumbles. She takes a deep breath and enters the garden, taking the main path. As Belia wanders around, she takes in the beauty of the plants. There were even birds and small animals that roamed about. Belia didn't want to admit it, but it rivaled her garden. In the center is a large fountain. She sees a familiar silhouette on the other side, pacing. Belia stops walking, suddenly feeling nervous again. From what she could tell, Timur looks, and she wonders what he needs to tell her. Belia takes in another deep breath and walks over. "A servant told me you wished to talk to me?" Belia says as she approaches Timur. He seems to startle as if he didn't even realize she'd walked up.

"Ah, Belia, good- good morning," Timur stammers, his face turning red. He coughs to clear his throat. "Did you, um, sleep well?"

"I did, thank you." Now Belia is confused. Timur seems nervous and awkward, to say the least. Timur looks at Belia, his eyes seemingly scanning her. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! Right. Uh, um." His face is almost as deep red as his shirt, and Belia is having a hard time not laughing as the Prince seems to be a bit flustered for some reason. Timur motions for Belia to sit, and the two sit on the fountain's edge. Timur sighs. "I can't do this anymore," he mumbles, and immediately Belia's head begins to spin. Belia begins to think about Timur breaking off their engagement and what it will mean for Krystaliv, for her, for everyone. "I've been here all morning trying to think of how to say this to you, but nothing's sounded right, so I'm just going to tell you. We need to set a date for our wedding." Belia's mind stops working for a moment as it tries to process what Timur just told her.


"My father told me we need to set a date for our wedding; the sooner, the better." Belia lets out a laugh. "What's so funny?" Timur demands, clearly taking offense.

"Sorry, it's nothing," Belia says as she composes herself. "Did you have a day in mind?" Timur pulls out a list; he came prepared.

"Several." Belia looks over the list. Timur had dates as soon as the next day and as late as the end of the upcoming month. "Which one will work out for you and your family?" Her family. She hadn't contacted them since she arrived, not even Bela.

"I will have to talk it over with them; may I?" Belia takes Timur's list. "Is, is there anything else you wished to discuss?" Timur becomes wide-eyed, and Belia gets a snippet of an impure thought from Timur. Belia feels her face flush.

"Is there something on your mind?" Timur asks.

"Rin told me you executed someone yesterday." Timur clenches his jaw, and his whole temperament changes from slight embarrassment to anger.

"I did, as I have the right to," he says.

"What gave you that right?" Belia questions finding it wrong for someone to die without even having a trial.

"The blood running through my veins is enough."

"What crime did he commit!" Timur narrows his eyes and looks down at Belia.

"They attacked the palace, not to mention killed and injured several guards."

"And how many of them were caught up in all the violence; how many of the people do you have in your prisons who are actually innocent?"

"You think that man was innocent? Ha! If you were there, you wouldn't be defending him."

"What did he do that deserved death?" In the heat of the moment, Belia ends up reading Timur's mind.

"He was going to kill you…" Belia gasps at his thought. "What's wrong?" Timur asks, concerned.

"Nothing." Belia has a slight flashback remembering her brothers' deaths.

"Belia?" Belia feels something on her upper lip. She goes to wipe it off, and when she takes her hand away, there's blood on her fingertips. "I'm calling the doctor," Timur says.

"No, please! I'm fine." Belia stands, but the sudden movement makes her feel dizzy. Her legs become weak, and she falls. Timur tries to catch her, but they both end up in the fountain. Timur picks Belia up and places her on the fountain's edge. "I'm fine; Kya knows what to do," Belia tells Timur.

"You didn't pass out from heat yesterday, did you?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," Belia says, pulling her knees into her chest. Timur sighs.

"If we don't get dried off, we might really get sick," Timur says. "Can you walk?" Belia tries to stand but finds her legs are still weak. Timur scoops her up and carries her back to their quarters.

"What happened?" Kya asks when they come in.

"We fell into a fountain," Timur tells her. "I'm going to go dry off." Timur goes into his quarters, and Belia tells Kya what happened as she gets Belia some new clothes to wear.

"So, the rumors are true," Kya says as she helps Belia undress.

"Partly, he told me they were planning on killing me," Belia says, feeling dizzy again. "It's happening again…" Belia mumbles.

"You need to relax; this isn't your fault," Kya says firmly.

"But it is, if Timur married the woman he's been dating, none of this would be happening right now."

"Rin told me he's heard the other guards talking. This would have happened if Timur married anyone. He said Voyna, much like Krystaliv, is divided. Those who like the ruling class and those who don't, and those groups are further divided; that doesn't include the many planets and moons Voyna has conquered over the years. Your marriage is just one of many reasons the people will find to express their anger," Kya tells Belia. "You need to let them go."

"I can't; it's my fault they're dead. If I hadn't…"

"They may have been assassinated later, died in an accident, or Hareph could be on the throne now instead of your father." Belia knows Kya is right, and she should let her brothers just fade into her memories. "You were given too great of a gift at a young age; I'm still impressed you were able to control it for as long as you did. Your older brothers did what any caring sibling would have done." Belia feels more blood dripping from her nose. "That being said, if you cannot get yourself under control, you may not have to worry about marrying the Prince." Again Belia knows Kya is right; she usually is. Timur knocks on the doors dividing the two rooms.

"Belia?" he says. "Can I come in?" Belia nods to Kya. She goes over to the door and opens it. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You've not said anything since we've come back."

"You should tell him; he's going to find out eventually," Kya tells Belia. "He knows about what happened, but he should also know why."

"Father's forbidden it," Belia tells her.

"The blocks he's put in are breaking down from all the stress; if you don't tell him, you might end up hurting him."

"I know you're angry with me, but that's no reason to give me the cold shoulder, not after what happened to you." Timur walks into the room. "I will call the doctor if that's what it takes to find out what's wrong."

"That won't be necessary," Kya says. "Her Highness has been stressed lately, and she is prone to dizzy spells."

"And her nose bleeds?" Timur asks.

"That usually comes with it. I will be taking my leave if you no longer need me, M'Lady." Belia nods her head, and Kya leaves. Kya's words swirl around in Belia's mind.

"Belia?" Belia bites her lip and sighs.

"Kya has brought something to my attention," Belia says to Timur. "You may want to have a seat." Belia motions for Timur to have a seat in one of the chairs next to her bed. Timur hesitates before sitting. "Before we get married, there is something about me you should know."