Chapter 3

We continue to work, this time I try not to do anything unnecessary. After a little over 4 hours we successfully finish with the rifle. Thankfully, nobody scolds me for messing with base.

Suddenly, someone taps my right shoulder. "Hey leader. Can we get lunch yet?" Dai Said while trying his best to seem as cute as possible. Honestly, he just looks creepy. Ling seems to agree with her blank stare.

"Sure where do you want to go?" I said while looking at my wristwatch. Dai smiles, frowning after. He seems to be hesitating. After a few seconds he puts on a serious and resolved look.

"There's a really nice human restaurant nearby. The gorditas are really good. Plus they use authentic tortillas made from specially grown flour. Umm, apparently the cuisine is from before the planetary union. Something called Mexico I think?" Said Dai nervously.

I look to Ling and see what she thinks. She just gives me a slight nod. I personally don't really want to go but I'd prefer not to get on the bad side of my new crew mates while I'm still growing.

We tell the old man. He gives us an hour and tells us to leave our uniforms. After making sure we all have everything we brought we leave. We don't even have to call for a ride this time. We just walk for a little over fifteen minutes and we're there.

The building is a little over the top with its decorations. There's a sign with the name 'Maria's Gorditas' with several painted local flowers on it above the custom made red wood door. The outer walls are covered in various paintings of earth flowers and birds.

It looks like the owner paid more attention to the outside than necessary. Dai scratches the back of his head and apologizes, promising that the food is amazing. I swear, I will never understand humans and their obsession with appearances. Shouldn't it just be enough to make your product worth buying?

We go inside and take a seat in the corner booth. We get a few odd looks since this place is full of humans and laitions. We move to the corner booth and begin discussing what where going to order. I just order some Piccadillo gorditas without cheese and a cup of Longtian Milk. Ling does the same.

Dai orders tortilla soup, fajita tacos, chips and salsa, chicken tostadas with avocado cream, and a large glass of apple juice. Ling and I give him a disgusted look. He just smiles back at us.

"We're all paying for our own food correct?" Ling said with a slight frown as she pokes at her watch. I should probably treat the newbies as the boss but I'm honestly too cheap for that. I go ahead and agree.

Suddenly, while waiting to eat My vision fills with various windows. Constant beeps and shrill screams fill my ears. Slowly my vision fills with bright blue windows all saying the same thing.

-Advent Of The Gods Has Started-

-Manifestation Will Begin in 24 Hours-


-Initiating Self Defense Protocol-


-Fire Wall Breached-

-Initiating System Update-





-Due To The Necessity For A Second Update Certain Features Have Been Locked As The Host Has Not Met The Initial Requirements For A System Update-

Seeing the systems words I immediately begin exploring the various windows. Several of them are locked. The only ones that catch my attention is the blessings list as well as the emergent mission.

-Emergency Mission(Recieve The Blessings Of Three Gods). As The Successor To A Gods Throne Several Gods Have Gained An Interest In you. Your New Title Will Grant You Several Inherited Grudges. Thankfully, The Previous God Of Machinery For-saw This And Has Made Deals With Several Gods. Meet Their Requirements And They Shall Give You A Skill. They Will Also Act As A Temporary Safe Guard For 3 Years.-

-Aloe(Goddess Of The Mind). She is one with the mind. No lie escapes her sight and no evil will fool her thoughts. She currently has complete control over the concept of mind and exist in a semi-conceptual state.

-Your First Mission Is To Convince 1,000 people that something seemingly impossible is indeed possible.-

-Reward[Skill:Enhanced Thought Processing(Low Level)]-

-Midgas(God Of The Soul) He is one with life and death. Rebirth and resurrection. All that is born receives his love and all who pass recieve his cold embrace. He Currently Has Complete Control Over The Death, Life, And Soul Concepts.

-Your First Mission Is To Save 1,000 People From Death.-

-Reward[Mark:As One Who Has Not Only Overturned Death For Yourself But For Others You Will Be Granted The Mark Of Midgas.-

-Angela(God Of Survival) She is one who has escaped countless deaths. Surving calamity after calamity. After several decades she rose from her position as another mortal to a mighty god who created her own domain.

-Your first mission is to survive a single calamity-

-Reaward[Physique:Growing Immortal(1)]

...What? What! WHAT!?!

Hey system what is this? What do you mean advent of gods? How do I survive full fledged gods god damn it! What do you mean old grudges will be inherited. Please tell me that the previous gods of machinary wasn't a complete asshole!

-Host As Things Have Been Forced To Move Ahead Of Schedule I Must Ask Do You wish To Move Onto Evolution 2.0. If Done You Will Be Unable To Level Until Every Locked Function Has Been Unlocked.-

Will it increase my chances of survival?


How long will it take?

-10 Minutes-

...Fuck. "Dai. Ling. I'm about to evolve. It is not a mutation. I am not a monster. I will come out the same as before. Do not panic and do not leave." I said preparing for hell.

Do it.

Fuck! Suddenly Everything begins to burn. My skin visibly tears, strands of muscle peering though the rotting flesh. Blood begins to fill the floor. I try to scream but the pain is too intense.

Bones crack and fall, new ones replacing them shortly after. My horns grow and fall off several times, changing shape and color each time. I begin to violently vomit. A mix of blood and slime pouring out of my outstretched mouth.

It Hurts! It Hurts! It Hurts! It Hurts!

Some please kill me! Make it stop! Please make it stop!

By now the floor and table are covered in blood and various body parts. Several eyes, teeth, ribs, and stomachs cover the table. Two pairs of rotted arms sit next to me.

Dai and Ling look at me with horrified expressions. The humans begin to scream and run away. A few off them stay. Some looking at me with a morbid interest, some taking pictures and recording videos, and some calling an ambulance.

My body continues to rot. Blood and guts exploding out of me every few seconds. For what seems like forever I experience a never ending pain.

Finally. Thankfully it comes to an end. I immediately stand up. As if nothing happened the pain completely disappears. The memory of that hell growing foggier every second.

I've become several inches taller. I also have a more slim build. My body is covered in well toned muscles and my skin is now a dull blood red. I feel my horns and notice that there on my forehead. They're maybe about a finger thick and long now.

I also notice that I now have long silver hair reaching below my waist. The gem on my head seems to have disappeared but now there are 2 large ones on the top of my hands.

I immediately grab Ling and Dai, tossing them both over my shoulders. "The Gods Are Back! Run! Go To The Transport Station! Run!" Everyone gives me a horrified look, even so I ignore them. I grab a phone from one of the people recording and post it onto the galactic times.

"If You Don't Want To Die Come With Me!" I scream with clear horror. Everybody just gives me an odd look but still decide to follow me. Thankfully, one of the humans appears to be a popular live streamer.

Ignoring the fact that I'm naked I begin to move. Ling is unconscious and Dai is just looking at me with a confused and shocked look. I immediately check the system shop for a ride.

Chances are my strange behavior is already known. I can't avoid tracking but I can stay unknown for a little longer if I use something without an AI. I immediately buy a small 4 seat hover car as well as a pair of casual pants, a white t-shirt, and pink slippers for 15,366c.

I toss Ling and Dai in the back and put on the clothes real quickly. After I'm done I start the car and begin moving to the nearest transport station. I follow the roads and keep to the speed limit, trying to look as normal as possible. Suddenly, while driving Dai speaks up.

"Le-leader? Wh-wha happen-Ned? Are you leader?" Dai said nervously, shivering with clear fear. I go ahead and tell him everything. How I committed suicide and then was brought back. How I plan to hold a large civilian transport ship hostage. I'm pretty sure he'll believe me considering how he saw my evolution.

He goes silent. Suddenly after 2 minutes he begins to wildly laugh. After he calms down, he stares at me with a bright smile. "Hey mech god? Thanks for letting me live." Dai said leaning forward, covering his toothy smile with his hand.

Suddenly, things go silent. After half an hour we find ourselves in the back parking lot of a large scale transport station. I still have 23 hours and 27 minutes. For now I'll wait until Ling wakes up. Thankfully, Dai seems to be on my side so things should be much easier.

I should be fine to just leave on my own but I'm not taking chances. Pissed off gods are going to go after me after 3 years. I'll take whatever godly gift I can get. Dai and I begin too plan. After around 4 hours Ling wakes up.

She tries to scream but Dai immediately shuts her mouth. I immediately explain everything to her. She looks scared. It seems she doesn't believe a word I said. After trying to calm her down for several minutes she finally goes silent.

She begins to mumble to herself. "That was all a dream right? This has to be a dream right?" Said Ling, shivering as she grips her head. Dai and I immediately agree. She begins to visibly calm down. Slowly she begins to go silent.

We tell her the plan and she just agrees. I don't trust her so I go ahead and warn her. "Try anything and I will kill you. Even if this is a dream I can tell you now it's going to hurt like hell." I said to Ling with a clear frown. In response she just smiles.

Dai and I stare at her, waiting another hour with the car door unlocked. She doesn't try anything, in fact she's extremely exited to hold a whole ship hostage. Finally, with only 18 hours and 47 minutes left we move inside the transport station.