Chapter 4

After making sure I can rely on the system we move. Together we head to the nearest entrance. Dai appears perfectly calm but Ling just won't stop smiling.

We make it to security. I tell Ling and Dai quietly to act as usual. After a pat down we pass through a weapons detector. So far Ling and Dai appear rather calm. Then begins the body search. Dai begins to visibly sweat. Ling begins to flirt with the worker, inviting him to rub her horns.

Thankfully, they both manage to act normal. Finally, after what feels like hours we are let through. The entrance building is full of people. Even with the arena level space it still feels pretty full.

The walls are painted a cream white, and on the seemingly sky high roof are several shining mana stones. There are at least 20 lines, each one surrounded by security. Together we move to the main counter. Unfortunately, the lines are especially long. After waiting for 2 hours we finally make it the front of the line.

Before I can even say anything Dai moves. "Three tickets to earth please." He said. The desk lady gives him an odd look but still ask him to pay. It's a small bit expensive, 233 credits per ticket. I offer to pay but Dai rejects, saying he's been saving to visit earth anyways.

"Besides gods are coming right? I might as well spend while it matters." Dai says while staring at me with that same smile. His eyes cold and dull he presses his phone against the glass divider. We're handed 3 tickets then we move to the waiting area.

According to the tickets we have 2 hours before we go. Before taking a seat Dai says we should eat real quickly. "I'm still hungry so can we stop by a bar real quickly?" Said Dai while rubbing his stomach. I go ahead and say yes.

We move to one of the many bars in the back end of the transport stations waiting area. Ling orders several drinks and Dai just orders food. While they have fun I begin to think some more.

Earlier, while planning what to do I asked the system what might happen. It told me that a god or 2 is guaranteed to show up on my home planet and erase my species from existence. Since some gods are protecting me at the moment they can't outright kill me but apparently killing everyone I know and love is fine.

Thankfully there's a way to save people. Keep them in space. The planet is screwed. There's nothing I can do other than scaring people into running. So I've decided that I will become a terrorist for today.

The system shop sells several weapons. Most of them are pretty ordinary but there are a few that have been banned. Weapons so cruel that they can't be used in any war. If I spend all the credits I have I can buy a large scale gene collapse bomb.

I can also arm me, Ling, and Dai with some small electromagnetic riffles as well as some basic energy absorbing armor. After we finish eating we wait.

We don't really talk just silently sitting there with the exception of Ling. She's just smiling, swinging side to side while humming a small tune. Finally, after what feels like forever we begin boarding.

It takes around 2 hours as there are around 1,500 passengers. We take a seat close to the front in one of the lower class halls and wait till we start flying. We can't exactly do anything until we're in space, away from the soon to die planet.

After the ship flies for a little over an hour we begin the plan. I first buy three small energy absorbing armors from the system shop then move to the bathroom, passing Ling and Dai their armor. I do a quick check to see how many guards there are in the open.

There are ten but there should be five more in plain clothes. After than I move up front and buy the Gene collapsed. It falls out the system window, a loud thump filling the cabin.

Everyone stares at the person sized metal sphere that appeared out of nowhere. The guards immediately grab there guns many of the passengers trying to run away. A few of them try to move across the crowd towards me.

"Everybody stay still! I repeat stay fucking still! Especially you fuckers trying to sneak up on me. Guards! You should know what this is! Try anything funny and I swear everybody in this solar system will die!" I scream.

I once had a friend who worked for security. According to him not only did they have to go through intense physical training but they had to memorize every single calamity grade war tool banned by the universal government.

The guards stop moving, each one dropping their weapons. They all look visibly shaken, some of the passengers more terrified than the rest. I immediately buy a small gun from the system and point it towards the bomb.

"I am a member of the planetary puritans! I demand that all non locals leave this solar system. If not I will set off this bomb and make it so that no one can ever defile my homeland!" I scream while waving my gun around.

Hearing my words several passengers begin to scream and cry, the children breaking down and their parents covering them. I signal for Dai and Ling to come to me. People notice but I scream at them telling them to let them pass.

With this the idea that there are others should be implanted. I pass Dai a gun but leave Ling alone as her wide smile makes her seem extremely unstable. I notice the ship speeding up.

"You! Tell the pilot to stop or people are going to start dying!" I scream to one of the flight attendants. Seeing my outburst one of the guards tries to move closer to me. Immediately shoot at him. Thankfully I only managed to get his ankle.

Once again everybody begins to scream. Several of them begin rushing towards us but the guards as well as several other passengers stop them. I once again fire into the air. "Everybody stay still." I said, focusing on the strange passengers.

The flight attendant makes a call and the ship immediately stops moving. I sit still Dai guarding my back and Ling laughing at all the panicked people. Finally after an hour one of the plain clothes reveals themselves.

A human woman wearing a black business suit and black leather shoes walks towards me with her hands up. She has a phone in her right hand. I tell her slide the phone across the floor. She does exactly as told.

I pick it up and begin speaking into it, immediately listing my demands. "I want a message to be broadcasted across planet F/1206.55D. That is the bear minimum. I want this message to be broadcasted all Over the solar system. I know you will evacuate as many people as you can. Thats fine but if I do not get approval within the next hour I will begin killing passengers." I sais while passing the phone back to the human and fire as a random person, aiming for the feet.

I manage to land the shot, blowing off a young woman's ankle. She begins to scream, a small child running up to her and hugging her. My head begins to hurt an intense urge to vomit filling me. I have to do this. As long as everyone stays in space they will live.

Finally after 36 minutes the lady passes me the phone. I hear an old man speak into it. His voice is gruff and loud. "We agree to your demands. Is there anything else you would like. I will offer anything you need." He said with a shakey voice.

I tell him everything's fine and tell him about the gods advent. He says that everything will be done in 10 minutes. Thankfully, there was no problem. It seems that those banned weapons are a lot scarier than I thought.

After 20 minutes I tell Dai to check the local news. The first things to show up is a press conference with the leader of my home world. He begins by talking about me then talking about the effects of the gene collapsed.

"The terrorist currently has a small scale gene collapser under his control. As some of you might know that weapon is banned. Any nation regardless of size, and this includes the 4 universal circulations will be attacked jointly by every power for using this weapon."

"That is because of the long lasting side effects of this weapon. Not only will it mutate every single living thing into the area of effect so badly it will die but it will leave an unclean radiation that will make said area unlivable. Anyone who enters said area will immediately mutate and die."

"Not only that but it also has the ability of ruining the suns balance causing it to explode. Currently the terrorist is fully aware of are plan to evacuate and is fine with said plan. He simply ask that we spread a message."

"Cough*, the gods are coming. I have been selected to receive the legacy of one god. I have inherited its blessing as well as its grudges. Whether I use this bomb or not my home planet will be gone. I don't know what will happen to my species. Those who want to live go into a space ship and run. Not even Midgas and Aloe can save you." Said the leader, trying his best to stay calm. As if his stone face will somehow calm the masses.

I have every single passenger pull up their phone and watch the video. Telling the flight attendant that the pilot has to play the video through the speaker systems. Everyone gives me a horrified look. A few people are simply crouching, mumbling to themselves. The rest are simply hugging their family members.

Slowly time begins to pass.

12 hours

11 hours

10 hours

9 hours

8 hours

7 hours

6 hours

5 hours

4 hours

3 hours

2 hours

1 hour

10 minutes

1 minute

While looking out the window I notice. Planets begins to shake and crack and space begins to fill with various spacial tunnels. A shrill demonic scream begins to fill everyone's ears. Slowly the spacial tunnels begin to come together, forming a planet sized worm hole.

10 seconds

A loud growl begins to appear.

9 seconds

It grows louder causing the space in front of the portal to distort.

8 Seconds

A single finger begins to poke through the worm hole.

7 seconds

A pitch black hand covered in black scales makes its way out.

6 seconds

Slowly an arm reaches out, grabbing onto the edge of the worm hole it begins to poke through.

5 seconds

Three other black scaled arms come through

4 seconds

Large horns poke through, the growl replaced by a loud deranged scream

3 seconds

A giant head makes its way out. With orange goat like eyes on its sides and a horse like mouth, as well as a large grey lions mane on its neck it smiles.

2 seconds

It's upper body begins to poke out. It's hips are small, and the bones are clearly visible. Several gems cover its fur covered back.

1 seconds

It's grabs at my home planet with its four arms. It opens its hideous mouth and exposes its sharp fangs. Suddenly, it slams its hands and arms into my home planet, visiously biting and clawing into it. As it begins to devour my home it's lower body is exposed. With the lower body of a snake, the upper body of a four armed human, and head of a lion horse mix it digs.

Within seconds my home is destroyed. It exposes the core and grabs it with its bare hands. Suddenly it looks at us and smiles. It's mouth opens, it's jaw stretching to horrific levels, then with one big gulp it's swallows the core.

The children and adults go quite. Suddenly they all look at me. I ignore them, watching it open another worm hole and vanish. Finally after waiting several minutes I look to the silent crowd.

"The gods are here." I said.