Chapter 5

Things continue to stay silent for a few seconds. Everybody moving the windows and staring at what used to be home. Suddenly, the children begin to cry. Hugging their parents they scream.

The parents try to stay calm. Trying to show their kids that everything will be fine. With their voices quivering and tears falling they embrace their loved ones. In this one moment, one thought fills my people's mind.

There is no more home.

While everyone cries I look to the system seeing that every single skill has been added. Though there do seem to be some minor changes.

-Host Name[Bai Gou]-



-Proffesion[Machinary God]-

-Sub Proffesion[Apprentice Warrior]-

-Skills/[Perfect Focus(100%)].[Absolute Machinary Affinity(100%)].[Perfect Memory(100%)].[Low Level Combat Intuition(23%)].[Beginner's Mana Manipulation(98%)].[Low Level Blood Burning(10%)].[Small Enhanced Growth Rate(50%)].[Low Level Mechanics Intuition(0%)].[Mid-Level Regeneration(0%)].[Low-Level Enhanced Though Processing(0%)].[????Transformation(0%)-

-Constition[Tier 1(+50%)]-

-Physique[Growing Immortal(1)]-

-Markings [1]

-Lifespan[100 Years]-

-Remaining Lifespan[41 Year, 11 Months, 28 Days-

While looking at the system someone pulls me forward. A young Raigon woman with her child in her arms puts her face in front of mine. She screams at me. "What happened! What did you do! Please bring it back! Please! Please! Please!"

Every other Raigon in the cabin looks at me with extreme anger. Suddenly I feel something hit my head. Then something else. Next thing I know everybody on the ship is tossing purses, luggage, and phones at me.

It hurts like hell, even so I let them continue. I can feel bones breaking and repairing every second. Suddenly, one of the families comes up and begins to beat me.

It hurts. Why are you all angry at me? I warned you? What did I do? I'm pissed. I want to fight back. I really do but I understand everyone's anger.

Out of nowhere a hated terrorist shows up and threatens your life, speaking like a madman. What gods? What's wrong with him? Then, suddenly you see a massive monster devour your home planet.

Your loved ones, your home, your past, and the future gone. And this mad terrorist has the gall to call this monster a god. They continue to beat me. After several minutes they finally give up.

I stand up perfectly fine. Is the gods way of telling me to fuck off? Everybody looks at me with either an angry or horrified look. I look at Dai and see he's perfectly fine. I can't say the same for Ling though. She's sitting on the ground, pressing her head against her slender legs, sobbing loudly.

"Alright, so as I said the gods are here. If you want to live then all I can suggest is running. Once again I am a growing god. If any of you are thinking about following me you should know that plenty of gods are out to get me. It will not be safe. I also plan to hunt down the god responsible for destroying my home planet when I have reached the appropriate level and kill it." I said, expecting people to attack me.

Things go silent. All non Raigons move away. My people clearly hesitating. Several children try to move up but their parents stop them. After several minutes all of the parents, elderly, and children have moved away. Leaving only 28 men and women.

I signal Dai to go comfort Ling while I look at the people who stood up. He moves immediately. While everyone stares I plan for the future.

Gods have been confirmed to exist. It will likely be difficult to convince large organizations to house me. I am going to be a god but I have nothing to prove my godliness. I can probably pass as a prophet and seek shelter with one of the universal governments.

For now I just need to find a place where I can safely and quickly grow. People should be on their way as there's no way that only my home planet was attacked. I don't know whether whoever decides to capture me will be hostile but if worst comes to worst I can rely on the knowledge the system gives me in exchange for freedom.

I tell everyone to sit down, telling the plain clothes woman to give me the communicator. I to call, but as expected it's nothing but silence. We sit still for several hours, completely unaware of what might be happening in the other cabins.

"Hello. Hello." He said

Finally I hear the old man's voice. I immediately tell everybody to shut up. The parents immediately hold their kids tighter.

"So how many planets have been destroyed?" I said calmly.


"H-how did you know?" He said, clearly trying to stay calm.

"Remember my message." I said with a smirk.

"...can you stop it?" He said calmly.

"If you give me time to grow." I said with a slight smile.

".....what will stop them from attacking you or anybody helping you." He said with clear regret.

"My predecessor made a deal with a few gods. I will be safe for 3 years. If you want to continue talking come to this ship and bring me to your leader." I said trying to seen as confident as possible.

"....okay." He said.

I put down the phone and look to the crowd. Everybody stays silent. This continues for several minutes until one of the children speaks up.

A little Raigon girl with long black hair, without horns, and wearing a blue and white dress tries to walk to me. The crowd immediately pushes her back. Seeing this I signal to the crowd, waving my hand towards the girl. Suddenly one of the older woman near her breaks out into tears.

"Umm. Umm. Mister?" She said hesitantly

Looking down she speaks to me, stuttering several times.

"Yes little lady?" I said trying to seem as friendly as possible.

"A-are yo-you a a god?" She said with tears in her eyes.

I smile and ruffle her hair. She lets out a small shriek in response.

"Everything's fine little girl." I said.

She looks up, exposing her bright blue watery eyes.

"Re-really?" She said with a hint of excitement.

"Yes, really." I said.

"You pr-promise?" She said looking upwards.

"I promise." I said, still smiling.

"O-okay mi-mister. A-are you a a god?" She said hesitantly.

"Yes. Though I'm pretty young." I said, still smiling.

Suddenly she looks up at me. With eyes shining with a bright light she ask me the hardest question.

"Can you bring home back!" She screamed with tears in her eyes.

Everyone looks at me with clear anticipation. Some looking hopeful and some simply glancing at me. The little girl looks at me with her fist clenched. I want to say yes. I really do but I already asked the system this.

"I'm sorry." I said with clear regret while gently patting her head

She goes still. Her eyes begin to slowly dull. Her arms begin to fall and her head is facing downward. She falls on the floor and begins to cry loudly. I wanna go home she screams. I wanna go to the park she screams.

Every single Raigon except for me and Dai collectively break out in tears. Even after 5 hours have passed nobody calms down. Finally, several ships appear. Though there are a few too many.

A large scale fleet made up of possibly thousands of ships surrounds us. Each one with their laser cannons lit up and armed. One of the larger ones slowly floats in front of the ship. Suddenly, a large hologram appears directly in front of us.

"We will now board. I repeat we will now board. We come in peace. I repeat we come in peace. Please do not attack." Said the hologram.

Three ships the size of the transport ship gently float towards us. After what feels like years they each float next to us. One on the right, on the the left, and one directly below us. Several minutes pass.

Finally the cabin hatch opens. Several guards wearing advanced energy absorbing armor and armed with the highest class plasma riffles enter. They immediately start guiding the passengers out. I stay back Dai as well as the other 28 refusing to leave my side.

Suddenly a familiar voice appears. An old man from the Prisma Laneta species walks in. With a hunched back and wearing a green military uniform he smiles, his wrinkly grey skin wrinkling further. He begins to walk towards me his thin tail visibly shaking.

"Hello there sir. My name is Babala. I am a representative of the Prisma Luma civilization. I ask that you please follow me. If you want your followers may stick remain with you." Babala said with a strained smile.

"Just take me to your leader." I said.

"Of course." Babala said with an even more strained smile.

We move down the various hallways, each guard pushing aside the passengers, making a clear path for me and the rest. We then move to the left entrance and go through the connecting tunnel to the next ship.

The guards still following us we move to the pilots cabin. There's nothing really motive about the ship so far except for maybe the training room. We go in, several of the guards staying out and blocking the door.

Nobody else is in here except for me, the old man, Dai, and the 28 people.

"So what have the gods done so far?" I said with a hint of intimidation in my voice.

The old man looks at me surprised. He begins to hesitate but still decides to follow along. He pulls a small round communicator from his coat pocket and puts it on the floor.

Suddenly a hologram of a tall woman appears. The old gets on a single knee and bows, telling her that I am the one. She looks at me. Silently, calmly we examine each other.

"I have to say for a god you look rather ordinary." She said as she pinches the bridge of the nose, clearly frowning.

She speaks first.

"Well I'm still learning. Anyways can you tell me what's happening across the galaxy?" I said trying to rush her.

"Several planets and civilizations have been destroyed, gods have replaced the role of government for the most part, and an uncountable amount of people have died. Tell me mister god, what is your role in all this?" She said, her voice becoming several times sharper than before.

Suddenly she puts on a furious look. Should I tell her the truth? For now I'll just lie a bit.

"I've been chosen to replace one of the old gods. I can safely say that at the moment I am not a god. Even so I recommend not messing with me. Remember that little message I sent. The previous god made a deal with them. They will take care of his replacement, me, until I am a higher god. One of them is the god of death and the other the god of the mind. I recommend we work together for a bit." I said trying to seem to be as calm and confident as possible.

She raises her eye brows and gives me a heavy glare.

"Then tell me why your home planet is gone?" She said with clear impatience.

"Did I say my friends would be protected? Only I'm protected." I said with a smirk.

"Then what's to stop the other gods from destroying your support?" She said with an even wider smirk.

"Depends on who you decide to go under." I said with a glare, smirking even harder.

Things go silent. We both stare at each other. The woman scratching her head. She continues to glare at me, her anger getting stronger and stronger.

"Or if you have any enemies you would like dead you could just drop me on their home planet. Who knows maybe I'll have to move planets or your enemy will have an up and coming god on their side. Tell me. Which one sounds better?" I said.