Extra: Collection Of The Divine-Deity/God(1)

Midgas-An ancient humanoid semi-conceptual god with multiple bodies from an unknown time. He rules over life and death as well as the cycle of reincarnation and rebirth. He leans more towards the Magic side of the divine.

Currently owned concepts-Life, Death, and the Soul.

State of existence-His existence, due to his control over several major concepts is semi-conception. He has a physical body but his form and mental state are heavily influenced by the controlled concepts.




•Fetal Form-He appears as a 2 ft tall light pink humanoid fetus with translucent skin and an abnormally large head. It is always surrounded by a swirling multicolored fog. It is currently unknown what the fog represents.

•Infant Form-He appears as a human infant approximately 1 ft tall humanoid with white hair and pale white skin. His eyes are blue, flashing with a white light every 10 seconds. He is said to be seen wearing a pink scholars robe with various animal patterns sowed on. He is always surrounded by various ever changing magic tunes. It is on record that when in this form he will consume said runes. After he receives a noticeable boost in intelligence. So far not a single rune has been understood.

•Toddler Form-He appears as a human toddler approximately 1.6 ft tall. He is said to be seen wearing a white silver ceremonial robe with a smiling mask with crescent relics for the eyes and mouth. In every record of his appearance he is said to be surrounded by gold ringing church bells. He is blamed for the fall for many early civilizations. Of course, that is just common belief with said stories being highly varied. There is only one common trait among the stories and that is when angry red liquid will fall from the eye slits on the mask.

•Child Form-He is seen as a human child approximately 2.6 ft tall with white hair, white skin, and silver eyes. He is depicted to be wrapped in a grey light. Various golden floating orbs of semi-solid light circles around him. He is often seen wearing a red t-shirt with matching shoes and sandals. It unknown what power he has in this form as the only common trait among his stories is the golden balls creating an inescapable illusion.

•Adolescent Form-He is seen as a human adolescent approximately 5.7 ft tall with white hair, white skin, and eyes that shine a mix of black and white. He is often described as wearing a rusty warriors outfit from an unknown time with thorny blades stabbing into various parts of his body. It is said that when angry he will summon grey flames and set them upon the world, cursing all who touch it to turn into hideous beast. Those who survive will be affected by the flames aura and enter a deep depression, eventually killing themselves. All who get affected by the flames mention a girl named Amily at some point of their madness.

•Adult Form-He is seen as a human adult approximately 5.10 ft tall with white hair, white skin, and with unknown eyes. He is often depicted to be wearing a butlers suit with a thick rope hanging around his neck. He has never been seen with his eyes open. It is said that his body is surrounded by a light white fog filled with various yellow and black ball of semi-solid light. At the moment it is unknown how he attacks as all records of his anger are highly inconsistent with no similarity's.

Elder Form-He is seen as a human elder approximately 5.5 ft tall with gray hair, white skin, and black eyes. He is depicted to always be wearing what seems to be a back robe meant for high class people. It is known that he is surrounded by a thick black and white fog which he can use to either kill or revive absolutely with no known record of failure.


•It is very rare to find any story's where every form appears at once as separate bodys, even so it has been concluded that when this happens either a great miracle or indescribable tragedy will occur. While the descriptions of what they're wearing may be inconsistent when all form appear at once each story clearly describes their abilities. At the moment it is unknown how exactly he can end worlds as all who have angered him have died.

•It is unknown who his divine servants are as he has influence over the many concepts that make up life itself. There is a high probability that his divine servants are a single mutated species of angels that take on various forms that suite the purpose assigned to them.

•He is known to be a neutral god with a great love of order. Do not anger him. I repeat do not anger him. It is unknown what angers him as his actions tend to inconsistent with his showed beliefs, even so it is recommended to put all effort towards pleasing him through ritualistic sacrifice.