Chapter 7

Dai moves to me and pats my shoulders. I give him an obvious glare. In response he just smiles. Should I kill him? "So, leader you really are a calm guy, huh?" Dai says calmly.

Says the madman who won't stop smiling. I know full well that I've become numb. It's likely the systems fault but what the hell is wrong with you? ...fuck, what's wrong with me. Maybe I should kill him?

I begin to ignore him, pulling up the missions window to see what's changed.

-Repair 10 Machines[Can Work With A Group]-

-Reward[Blue Print For Synthetic Arm Guard/Cover{Branch Of Choice}.] 2,500c-

-Create 10 Machines[Must Be Done Alone And Parts Must Be Bought]-

-Reward[Skill{Extremely Dexterous Hands}.] 2,500c.-

That's about what I expected. For now I should try to experiment and see what counts as machinery. I move out the front door, grabbing a small electromagnetic riffle from one of the corpses, making sure to grab the energy absorbing armor from each corpse.

Ignoring the blood stained walls and piss filled floor I continue my work. Every single corpse wearing a euphoric smile, their filled eyes expressing complete horror. After I'm done I move back to the pilots room.

I open the door, hearing someone fall back. It looks like Dai was pressing his right ear against the steel door. "I was a little curious. So why are you robbing a bunch of corpses?" Dai says while moving to a nearby corpse and doing the same.

.....this kid. "You do know that your acting casually with a god right? What if I decide to punish you because of your disrespectful attitude." I try to look and act as serious as possible. Dai just gives me another smile.

"Well, if you decide to kill me I'm fine with that. Do you plan too?" Dai said while staying completely still, his eyes calm and his smile bright. Not a single stutter or twitch. He suddenly points to the gun in my hand. He pretends to fire a bullet with his head with his fingers.

After thinking for a bit I decide to just leave him alone. I will make sure he has no weapons on him at all times and will have to keep a close watch on him. I don't think I'm ready to kill with my own hands just yet.

I move to the floor, telling Dai to move to the side. He listens. After counting everything I grab the starter toolset from the system and begin working. I count 1 gun and 13 energy absorbing armors. I begin by disassembling the gun and reassembling it. No response from the system.

I look to the armor. Honestly, my knowledge is limited to electromagnetic and plasma weapons. I know about vehicle maintenance across various models thanks to my work with the aliens. Stuff like this armor is to advanced for me.

If I break one I have the spare parts to fix it so I should be fine. I grab one, placing it on the ground. It looks like several random metal balls connected by thick rubber. Each ball is meant to be connected to a special port in the joint, with the rubber acting as a safe guard and shock absorber.

If I remember right these work by creating a small photon barrier around the user. If something hits the protective barrier then it will stop. The kinetic energy will be absorbed and spread evenly across the bands or stored for combat purposes.

I first begin by look for the core ball. It doesn't take long since it's about an inch larger than the rest. I look around the bands and see several rings with small latches and indents. It seems that in order to remove the outer metal shell a special tool is needed.

I immediately pull out the shape-shifting ball and press it onto one of the rings. As soon as I'm sure it worked I harden the ball and begin to gently twist and pull, trying to find out how to open this. After several minutes of struggling I manage to pull the ring outwards. It doesn't look like it can be removed.

I repeat this with the four other rings. After, I grab the screwdriver from the system and begin to gently poke around the inside of the rings. After several minutes I seem to press something right. It begins to open, the areas about the rings splitting open, exposing the insides.

In the center is a small power core connected to several small flat meal rods on the side that points outward. Each one is approximately 1 cm thick and 0.75 inches long. Small strands of metal wire connect each rod with a small 0.6 inch soffit ball that circles around the rubber like substance.

I begin gently smacking the small balls, eventually poking them with the sharp end of the screwdriver. It's extremely durable and highly responsive. If I give it a light poke it respond as if I flicked it as hard as possible.

Each ball seems to be connected to a strand of the rubber like substance under the rings. I don't know how it works but I should be able to figure out the general structure after studying for a bit.

And so I study. For an hour and a half I tinker with the small armor. Seeing how durable the rubber strands are as well as how the connect to each ball and how the are placed in the ball. I stuffy the mechanism that allows me to open them.

After making sure I can feasibly repair one I begin to damage it to a certain extent. I remove the rubber like substance connecting the core and the rest of the balls and place small dents around the rings as well as moving a the balls inside on the ring by 2.5 cm.

It should count as damaged so I begin repair. Indenting the metal by lightly smacking the inside through the opened rings after hearing the dented areas. Then I realign the balls and reconnect the rubber like ropes, tightening the connectors on the inside by giving each one a light twist.

"Alright, what's my progress?" I said as I pull up the system operations window. I immediately open up the system and find on the repair mission a small red 2 is under it. I smile then repeat the process with the other 13 armors. It takes around 45 minutes for me to damage and repair 1.

-Repair 10 Machines=Completed-

-Updating Missions-


-Would You Like To Claim The Rewards?-



-Bestowing Knowledge-

"Yes." I said, wondering how the system plans to give me the blue-print.

Fuck! Suddenly, my head begins to burn. I immediately fall onto the ground, gripping my head. Unfamiliar information floods into my brain. Materials, structure, production method, operations theory. Within seconds I learn how to make something I've never known. My head continues to hurt for several minutes. Thankfully the pain vanishes after an hour.

After sitting still for a few seconds I try to look at the system. Unfortunately, Dai interrupts me. He taps my shoulder with a concerned look. "Are you okay? Are you going to fill the floor with guts and blood again?" Dai said as he puts his fingers under my nose, making sure I'm still breathing.

For once he isn't looking. He seems to be genuinely concerned. I just shrug him off since he creeps me out. After making him move back to the wall I look through the mission list once again.

-Create 10 Machines[Must Be Done Alone And Parts Must Be Bought]-

-Reward[Skill{Extremely Dexterous Hands}.] 2,500c-

-Create a single Tier 1 Machine Using Knowledge From Any Starter Book.-

-Reward[Blue-Print{Tier 1 Energy Shield From Branch Of Choice}]+2,500c-

Hey system what exactly is tier 1?

-Different Machines Are Divided Into Different Tiers. Tier 1 Through 3 Are Mortal Machines. Tier 4 Through 6 Are Semi-Divine Machines. Tier 7 Through 9 Are Low To High Level Divine Machines. Tier 10 Are Divine Semi-Conceptual Machines-

Okay so would a simple lamp count as tier 1?

-That Would Be Tier 0-

-It Is Recommended That Host Creates High Class Electromagnetic Rifles.-

I don't really know how though?

-Purchase The Proper Learning Material-

After sighing I go through the system shop and buy 'Introduction To Electro Dynamics And Magnetism' and 'Introduction To Common Tier 1 Energy Manipulation' for 100c each.


2 books the size of my head fall from the system window. Both books have a red leather hard cover covered in unknown symbols made by golden silk embed all over each book. The title for both books is just 1.1.

As I'm just about to grab one of the books I hear somebody knock on the door. "Come in." I make sure to grab the gun and aim it at the door. The center splits and it opens.

A small Raigon woman with small with black horns and white shoulder length hair with a matching suit walks in. Her skin is a vibrant red and her horns are rather skinny but long. She sways her small hips, pressing her crossed arms across her non-existent breast.

I fire a shot next to her right foot. She immediately stops moving. I glare at her. She just responds with an alluring smiling, licking her plump pink lips with her small tongue. "Cut the act and tell me what you want." I say, aiming my gun directly at her forehead. She immediately gets on one knee.

Normally I would be flustered but today I am perfectly calm. She audibly sighs and begins to runbnher forehead with her right hand. Her claws are especially sharp so I'm a little surprised she didn't accidentally cut herself.

"Hello there. My name is Ling'er and I'm the recently elected leader of the mortals in this ship. I would just like to say that If there is anything you need we will gladly abide." She said as she rest on one knee, the top bottom of her black formal suit undone.

I don't really want anything from her. I'm a tad hungry but I think it's best I grab and make my own food. I guess I can have the others work as poison testers. I don't know what value Dai has a mechanic so for now I'll keep him safe.

"Check for mechanics and warriors." I said, keeping the gun pointed at her.

"Of course." Ling'er said with a flirty tone.

She stands up and walks away, making sure to sway her hips and show off her butt. She waved goodbye and blows me a kiss. I decide in that moment to make sure this woman doesn't try anything funny after she finds out her seduction failed.

Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted by a large growl. I look to Dai and see him blush, grabbing his stomach. I'm about to tell him to go eat but my stomach growls before I can say anything. He looks at me with an awkward smile.

"Do you want to eat real quickly?" I said with a strained smile.