Extra:Collection Of The Divine-Diety/God(2)-(6)

Soma-Soma is one of the many creations of the 3rd god of machinary, Tepreth. There are many theories as to his purpose, some saying it is a gift to another god, some saying it was just a momentary impulse of Tepreth. His age is estimated to be 10,000+ years old. It is unknown what domains or concepts he owns.

Currently Owned Concepts-Unknown.

State Of Existence-Soma exist solely in mortal plane with a definite possibility of death via any mortal means. It is also a pure machine created using solely scientific methods completely excluding spiritual methods such as mana and soul energy.

Origin-Soma is one of the thirteen children of the holy keeper of all knowledge, or god of machinary, Tepreth. Its birth place is believed to be within the oren cluster.

Age-10,000+ years

Appereance-Soma is often depicted as a young humanoid likely from on of the humans colloquial planets. It has pale white skin, shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, fangs, a long puffy brown tail similar to a common felines, and several tattoos of gears on its back. Soma has an androgynous appearance with no reproductive organs so its gender is unknown.


•Soma is known to be friendly with gods commonly associated with the mind and soul. Though, he expresses clear hostility to gods associated with the absolutes of existence such as Time, Death, and Life.

•Soma is known to have its worshippers practice a peace full form of worshipping. Simply asking at all pay special attention to their body's. Though, those who resort to mechanical or magical modifications of their body will immediately be forcefully removed from the church of soma.

•Soma seems to have a hostile relationship with father. Its followers and its father's followers are often fighting. So far no violent interactions have been recorded. It appears that they solely argue with words over their differing philosophies.


The Yellow King-It is a multiformed semi-conceptual god existing within all planes at once. It owns the concepts of societal growth, civilization, freedom, and truth. It tends to lean more towards the magic side of the divine.

Currently Owned Concepts- Societal Growth, Civilization, Freedom, and Truth.

State Of Existence-His existence, due to its control over greater concepts, is warped. It exist in the mind, it exist in the body, it exist as your friend. Whatever form the mortal mind can handle he will take. All that is known is that he will be whoever a society is, regardless of how small it is.




•Wrathfull Form-It will appear as a humanoid creature of any size with no clear limits. It can have multiple limbs or disfigured joints, a yellow garb covering a random part of its body. It is known that when seen in a form similar as described someone will be drivin to madness, bringing out their 'truth'. This truth will always be random but will have some association with the victims normal life.

•Sorrowfull Form-It will appear as a loved one wearing a precious garb dyed a bright yellow. They will first talk about their precious memories of joyful and sorrowful moments, then they will begin talking about the victims present life, getting angrier with each word. Eventually the yellow garb will begin to transform, teeth forming at the rim, digging into the wearers skin. Yellow liquid will spew out of the wearers wounds. Before vanishing it will ask why you lied.

•Joyfull Form-It will appear as a clone in the victims world both in dreams and in reality. It will be wearing a yellow ceremonial robe suited to the victims culture. Instantly they will apologize for all lies and crimes. They will be forgiven then handed a gift, a random yellow weapon.


•The yellow king is in a hostile relationship with every known god due to the abilities of the owned concepts. It has no known ally.

•If the yellow king is seen while being in a passive state it will enter a state of chaos, taking the form of a yellow, planet sized heart covered in writhing tentacles. It will maintain this state for 67.5 seconds before entering its wrathful state and attacking.


Belial-It exist within a single state, single form semi-conceptual god existing purely in the physical space. With its almighty domain it swallows all that is sent towards it. The god of gluttony and a servent to the primal sins he is one to be feared.

Currently Owned Concepts-Primal Gluttony

State Of Existence-It exist with one body and one mind. Due to the primal sin of gluttony it is eternally hungry, craving a sense of fullness that will never come, regardless of how many solar systems it devours.

Origin-The Land Of The Unclaimed Dead.

Age-10,000+ years

Appearance-Belial is always seen as a large malnourished black scaled reptile with three eyes. It is as large as a small sun. Belial also has a small gem located on the scales above its stomach.


Histoire-She exist as a temporal anomaly, freely traveling the past, present, and future. She owns the concept of history, as well as a small portion of the absolute concept of time. Due to this she exist in a semi-conceptual state, doomed to eternally wander all that has and will exist.

Currently Owned Concepts-History

State Of Existence-She has no set physical form, appearing as whatever is appropriate for the time, her mind well aware of the past and future. As a god bound by an absolute concept she is undying and unfeeling. She is incredibly weak physically, only able the past with her words.





Ambhatiba-He is known as the one of the 8 divine judges. With a wide smile he will preach for equality and peace. With a wide smile he will bless the masses. With a wide smile he will strike down those unfit to live, wether divine or mortal.

Currently Owned Concepts-Equality and Peace.


Age-100,000+ years.


•Passive Form-He will take the form of a 8 ft 2 inch pale skinned obese humanoid with four arms. His eyes are always squinted and his smile is always wide, reaching his hanging ear lobes. He is always seen wearing a yellow and orange ceremonial robe with wooden beads flowing down his wrist and neck.

•Judgement Form-He will sprout three more faces. Two on the sides of his head and one in the back. Every one of his faces will be a different color displaying a different emotion. On the right is the red ogre of anger, on the left is the blue sad mongoose, on the back Is the yellow happy frog, and in the front is a gray calm man. A large staff made by tepreth will appear in front of him as he bigs to lose weight, thick muscles sprouting from his upper body.