Chapter 13

...I'm fucked. After spending 2 days reading all I can say is I'm fucked. How the hell do I deal with a god damn time traveler! What about society! What the hell does it mean by society.

Dai gives me an odd look. I don't really care since no matter what I do he won't leave me. Eventually I calm down. "Hey Dai. Come with me. We're Gonna go chop some trees." I said while wondering how much a tree is worth.

"Should I gather everybody else leader?" Dai said while scratching his head in confusion.

"Go ahead. I'll meet you outside, okay?" I said calmly, not even bothering to explain.

"Okay." He said with a blank stare.

Dai and me go out separate ways. Within a few minutes I find myself in a familiar forest. Immediately I move to the nearest tree. I'm a little too impatient to wait after all.

I point both hands at it and begin manipulating my mana. Small nail thick beams of mana shoot out of my finger tips. Making sure to focus on one point I begin. It takes a little over 5 minutes for the concentrated beam to pierce the tree. The moment it does I begin cutting a small palm sized hole.

The moment I finish making the hole I hear Dai call for me. He runs towards me waving his right arm "Leader! Everyone's here. Where should we start." Screams Dai, ignoring everybody else's annoyed glare.

"Five of you come here. The rest of you, cut a tree." I said while point to five random people.

After commanding everyone I place my hand on the hole. I take aim and fire a ball of concentrated mana in the hole. Halfway into the tree it explodes. The base of the tree splits open a bit. Even with the cracks lining the bark it stands strong.

Seeing this I just focus my mana on my legs and kick the base. There's a slight resistance by my leg stick cleanly smashes it's way through the base. As the tree begins to fall I immediately kick it again. Making sure it doesn't hit the ship.

It smashes against another tree, casing it to tilt. It stays still. The six of us then move to the tree and begin breaking it into parts. Nobody has any trouble snapping the tree with the help of mana so it doesn't take long. 10 minutes at most.

I immediately sell the broken tree, making sure to include the fruits and branch. It's all worth 4,320c in total.


Instead of spending the money immediately I continue until to get at least 20,000c. It takes about an hour and a half to meet my goal.


Now what should I buy? I can't continue to just purchase materials from the system. The money would be better spent on blue-prints. In the end I buy blue-prints for a raw ore processor, a metal refiner, and the materials for the reflective energy shield.

In total it all cost 12,320c


I first start working on the reflective shield. I force form a cross shaped skeleton made of pure mythril. After welding the two mythril bars together I begin creating a web of copper strips in each triangle of the cross.

Each strip is approximately 1.3 cm thick. Then I begin working on the back. I punch several finger sized holes into the copper strips. Placing a a sheet of silver in the back. I then slide golden silk through the gaps and begin creating a small nexus placing one strand after another into each hole.

After making sure that each hole has a star shaped silk pattern I paint a circle around the hole with the blood of a Midnes Dèl Owl. An avian species from the 'Azure Drop' cluster. It's blood is highly poisonous. When exposed to an open wound the blood will travel to the heart and forcibly increase the production of mana.

The blood will thicken and slow as the excess mana attacks the body, eventually causing several muscles to rupture as well as causing a head attack. According to the system this thing will attack by spewing blood stored in a special sack in its throat at its prey.

I create several blood rings in the 32 hole shield. After doing that I then place the scaly hide of a Midnes Óui Madne. A reptile from the 'Azure Drop' cluster. According to the system because of the placement of the scales, when it circulates mana small vortexes will form in the gap of each scale reducing the damage done by magic.

Making sure the gods is in proper order I then create the front of the shield. I first embed empty Mid-Level mana stones in each hole, placing a head long tube of mythril with golden silk spiraling down the center. When attacked with magic the mana should flow into the tubes, with the excess being added to the silk nexus, spreading across the nexus. When exposed to the owl blood the mana will enter a chaotic state as the mana stone absorbed it.

Then the hide will react to the mana and begin suppressing the mana inside the shield to a critical point while guiding the flow of the mana being absorbed by the silk and mythril. Immediately after it absorbed the attack the will be at least tripled in strength.

The mana will fire through some the more brittle metal in the center of the front. Finally, after 3 and a half hours I finish. In front of me is a large silver kite ships with 3 small cones in the center. Hey system! Is this a pass?



-Testing Durabilty-


-Testing Structural Integrity-


-Finding Flaws-






-Mana Reflective Kite Shield(Tier 1.4)/Power Source=Mana.]-

-Functions=Absorb And Strengthen Mana, Reflection(Mana), All Spells That Pass Through Get A x2 bonus-


-Flaws=Low Durability, Limited Uses-

-Create 10 Machines[Must Be Done Alone And Parts Must Be Bought]-

-Reward[Skill{Extremely Dexterous Hands}.] 2,500c.-


-Create 10 Tier 1 Machines From 3 Different Branches Of Production[Host May Choose Branch]-

-Reward[1 Apprentice Level Book] 5,000c-


After admiring my work for a few minutes I decide to go outside. Everyone hasn't stop cutting trees since I started so I should have enough C to complete the mission. I move outside finding several piles of wood in front of the tree.

"Hey leader! Is this enough? Can I take a break already?" Dai walks up to me covered in sweat. His shirt is several times darker with his pants torn on several places. Seeing my stare he just smiles.

"I tripped a few times. I'm not as good as manipulating mana as everybody else." He puts down the log he was holding and sits on the ground. Before I can say anything Mei shows up sparing at Dai.

"Don't be lazy. Now come on. Try to make yourself useful." I told Dai with the tone a parent would when scolding a child. Dai looks at her preparing to pretend to snap his horns, stopping as soon as he sees the log she's carrying. It's twice as long as her. He then looks to his own log and frowns.

She bows and grabs Dai by the collar of his shirt

"Sorry boss. I'll get him to back to work immediately." Dai says, giving up and just staring at the sky in response. "I admit defeat. Okay gorilla." Dai says with a smile.

Mei looks confused but still lightly smacks his head. Everyone gets back to work. Every now and the I'll convert some of the pile into C. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake. Can't a man just get rich in peace?

Everyone immediately prepares to defend.




Seconds by second noises begin to appear. Within a minute we hear the sound of trees being pushed apart, claws grinding against the thick ground.




Suddenly a pack of well over 20 creatures appear. Each one is approximately 10 ft tall, covered in white scales. Their body is slim, their necks long and their head smooth. Forked tongues will peak through the creatures exposed fangs.

"Fire!" I scream, immediately shooting, aiming for the head of the closest creature. I miss, instead hitting the snow directly in front of it.

Without waiting a moment everyone begins firing. As bright pillars shoot across the ground it begins to snow. Bright red blood flowers bloom from the creatures. Unfortunately, several of them manage to escape the fire.

The wounded creatures move behind the thick trees, the safe ones dashing towards us in a zig zagging pattern. We continue to fire, missing continuously. As the creatures move closer and closer to us their mouths begin to glow.

They all begin to screech as thick fleshy tubes sprout from opened mouth. It looks like something has pierced their head and split it in half. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

"Take cover!" I scream while running to a tree.

In an instant the area in front of us explodes. The creatures continue to run, a trail of melted snow trailing where they fired. They immediately start charging another shot.

"Damn it! Everyone! To the trees. Do not let them hurt the ship! Do not move alone!" I scream while randomly shooting at the creatures. Everyone hesitates but the moment they see me run they move as well. Everyone moves in pairs, both of them ready to fire at any time.

The creates begin to slow down, firing another barrage of mana bombs. Several people get sent flying into the air by the explosion. Thankfully, nobody seems to have been hit directly.

"Fire! Do Not Stop!" I scream, still moving in between the trees. As the pack of creatures split. I sling my gun against my back and air my palms at the ground while running towards the creatures. I fire low density condensed mana bombs into the ground, scattering snow everywhere.

The creatures step back, trying to find me in the snowy mist I made. I immediately grab my gun and get ready to kill. The moment I get close enough I aim for one of the creatures head and fire. The beam cleanly pierced through, leaving a charred finger sized hole.

The creatures, hearing me fire pounce at me. Suddenly, beams from other plasma rifles hit the creatures. Several of them fall to the ground. Even so some of them continue to move to me.

Immediately I fire the mid density mana bomb against the ground in front of me. Instantly I'm sent flying, smacking right into a tree. Fuck that hurts!

My back burns and my legs are numb. It becomes extremely difficult to move. Several of the other Raigons run to my direction, those creatures following along. Seeing this I immediately lay down on my stomach, firing towards the creatures.

They keep dodging, their eyes on the muzzle of the gun.

10 meters.

Still no hit. 7 still coming.

5 meters.

2 hit. 5 coming.

3 meters.

4 hit. 1 coming.

Even when surrounded and being bombarded with gunfire one of the creatures still moves to me. It continues to skillfully avoid each shot, bending its slim and long body is strange angles. Within seconds it arrives directly in front of me.

It retracts the tube and leaps at me. It's fangs are dripping with saliva. I can't move my legs. I can't run away. Damn it! "Fuck you!" I scream while cramming my arm inside its mouth.

It tries to fight back, violently clawing at me army, trying to swing towards my stomach with its legs. As it violently gags, the sound of metal scratching and its deranged groans I charge a low density mana bomb.

"Eat this!" I scream while violently hitting its stomach and claws.

The bomb explodes in its neck. Blue light explodes from the creatures mouth, its neck swelling. It becomes every more agitated, trying its hardest to claw at me. In response I just fire another bomb.

Again and again and again until finally it dies.

It's neck explodes, red blood and chunks of light pink flesh filled with purple veins splatter across the ground. Immediately I look for the other creatures. Thankfully, it seems that everybody else killed them.

"Cut of their heads. I don't want anybody dropping their guard until we are sure everything's dead." I said after spitting on the corpse of the lizard freak. With my arm still inside it's removed head I kick the fuckers corpse.

"You better be worth whatever damage you caused to my precious machine." I said with clear annoyance. My clothes may be ruined and my chest may be covered in cuts but who cares.

My metal baby is more important.