Chapter 16

Dai looks at me with a hint of hesitation before leaving. Even when gone I can feel him here. The thick blood splattered on the floor, the palm sized pink chunk still here, and hollow emptiness remains. I have to kill him.

But the system might punish me. Why would it speak out for Dai. He should be a mortal. I don't know but I guess that's fine. I just have to keep growing and reach a level where not even the system can influence me.

I will kill it.

First I should complete its missions. After eating for three hours I go outside and collect the trees everyone has chopped. Adding a total of 31,000c.


Immediately I buy six more book. Three from the magical science category and three from the spiritual science category. Magic focusing more on manipulating the thing around the mage. From the ground they stand on to the space they exist in. Spiritual focusing more on the manipulation of the soul.


Immediately I begin to read. I don't stop to eat lunch or dinner, instead choosing to eat a single ration bar per day. For the most part I don't take any breaks with the exception of the bathroom and Dai's human shows as well as sleep. For days I continue to read, making my way through the magical sciences easily, though I did have some trouble understanding things.

Suddenly, after nine days I begin to have serious trouble. Understanding the spiritual sciences books is difficult. One of them discussed the nature of the soul with uncertain terms, another discussed the power of the mind, and another discussed the power of emotions.

As I continue to read the gifts are given to Naba. There's nothing really useful in the lizard creature of than its blood, mana sac, and the mana launcher. He thanks us several times, offering to hold a feast. I immediately rejected since I'm busy.

Even so he insist on thanking us. In the end I decide to just have him give me some fur as well as preforming some experiments. After some test we find out that I am completely immune to their powers.

The moment the grey light touches me it vanishes. Though the momentum stays. If he tosses a rock at me and his control disappears the rock will continue to fly. When exposed to some of the more dangerous machinery the gem doesn't respond. It's likely because I tried to reassure Naba that everything is fine.

No matter how many time I wave a plasma grenade or carbon bomb around without him knowing, nothing tries to protect him How does this power work? I need to know. Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to even understand .01 percent of this.

I spend another nine days reading. Finally I finish, fully understanding everything in the books. Immediately I get to work. Clearly three years in nowhere near enough time. I need to make more useful stuff.

In the end I make one condensed mana rifle capable of collecting wind elements through a small shaft on the back meant to act as a cooling system, as well as another reflective shield, and for the last magic machine I make a small knife made of the bones and blood of poisoned creatures. When staved the heart will stop and the muscles will deteriorate.

For the spiritual machines I made a headband meant to sooth my soul and keep me calm using parasitic crystals found in the corpses of highly intelligence beast, a small handgun that fires the the condensed soul energy left behind by dead creatures, as well as a soul collector to go with it.

I tried several times to make it that it can be used on living creatures but it doesn't work. Every time I try it will break. In the end all I can do is the remaining energy in the corpse left when the soul passes on.

Finally, I make a rudimentary puppet. I took the remaining energy of several lizard beast as well as some of their brains and made a 'tier 0' life tinder. I then placed that tinder is a small lizard doll fully capable of movement made of a special energy conductive wood.

It's intelligence is abysmal. It can't walk, it unable to make a sound, and I constantly have to replace the tinder as they die out within three days. All in all, I made a doll that's capable of blinking every now and then. So I wasted my time.

-Create 10 Machines[Must Be Done Alone And Parts Must Be Bought]-

-Reward[Skill{Extremely Dexterous Hands}.] 2,500c.-


-Create 10 Tier 1 Machines From 3 Different Branches Of Production[Host May Choose Branch]-

-Reward[1 Apprentice Level Book] 5,000c-



-Would Host Like To Claim Rewards?-


"Yes." I say with clear hesitation.

-Adding Skill-


-Adding C-


-Entering Stage 1.5-


-Host Now Has Access To Tier 2 Blue-prints-

-Host Now Has Access To Boundless Library-


A small book as thin as a finger falls out the system window suddenly. The cover is rather hard, seemingly made of a fine brown leather, the title "Imbuing Laws-Apprentice" is made of a shining silver outlined with a blood red copper.

I immediately open the book. "Where are the words?" I said while dazedly looking at the blank pages. Suddenly, I feel a familiar headache. My vision begins to blur, the surroundings continuously changing shape and color.

Within seconds I find myself in a seemingly endless library. The floor is made of what looks like white marble, the bookcases wide, filled with countless books. Left, right, up, or down all I see is books. The black wood cases reaching beyond the horizon and into the sky.

.....Hey, system where am I?

-Host Has Entered The Boundless Library-

And what is that?

-Here You Will Find Every Piece Of Knowledge Collected By Your Predecessors. If You Wish You Can Also Read About Their Extensive Lives. At The Moment The Host Only Has Apprentice Level Authority So Certain Restrictions Are In Place.-

So how do I leave?

-Simply Think About Leaving-

Okay, good I can escape. I guess I should investigate for now. First I open the system shop and see what's for sale. Tier 2 Blue-prints are now available. There's also a new section called "Legacy" listing several apprentice level books. Each one cost 100,000c at least with the highest going for 500,000c.

Not only that but there are also several rules I have to follow.

First, if I want to buy a book I have to have the required level of knowledge. For example if I want to learn advanced magic I have to first learn beginner magic.

Second, these books will become a part of the holy text.

Third, solid copies are only to be given to those who meet pre-set standards chosen by the system. I can change those standards when I have enough authority.

After experimenting I find that I am unable to disobey the rules. Unless I meet the requirement I cannot touch a single book here. Immediately I think about getting out. Within a second I find myself back in the pilots room.

The first thing I do is immediately check the cost of a small high speed space ship as well as the weapons.

There are about a hundred different space ships ranging from small low combat ability but high travel ability ships to large war machines capable of bending space to instantly travel anywhere.

There are also thousands of weapons, armors, and mechs. The lowest price is 100,000c with the highest price for each category reaching 1,000,000c at least.

After looking around for a bit I look at the system list.

-Create A Single Tier 2 Machine[Must Be Done Alone And Part Must Be Bought]-

-Reward[Skil{Advanced Telekenisis}-

-Master A Single Piece Of Apprentice Level Knowledge And Use It To Create Any Machine[Must Be Done Alone And Parts Must Be Bought]-


I first call Dai and explain that I will be gone for a while. He tries to follow me. "How are we going to watch anything then?" He says with teary eyes. I just lay his shoulder and tell him I'll visit every eight or so hours.

Before I go I head outside and collect the chopped wood, telling everyone to go to sleep since it's night time. Of course I tell them I'll be visiting a godly library every now and then. While everyone gives me an odd look I go back to the library.

Before I open the book and begin reading I ask the system what happened to my body.

-Host Has Been Transferred To The Boundless Library.-

I immediately set a timer on my phone after filling it with mana so it doesn't die suddenly. After making sure nothings wrong I call for the book. Suddenly it appears, floating directly in front of my face. I start reading as soon as I see it.

So far it's pretty easy to understand. The first few chapters discuss certain laws, like the law of death or the law of time. It doesn't go into much detail on how to use them instead just stating that while laws are unbreakable they can still be worked with, listing several loop holes such as the memory copy or soul energy puppets.

Just as I'm starting to get comfortable, the difficulty suddenly increases several fold. Several major laws are broken down into several components such as how they function, what the core basis is, and how they all connect. The law of death connect with the laws of nature found in different planets.

The laws of nature connects with the laws of society. While the laws each have an individual effect they share several similarities in execution, though they are by no means absolutely the same. The law of death follows the law of time.

As everything lives they age. Their cells dying, their minds fading, their wills breaking. Death is inevitable as life has to have an end.

The laws of nature provide life and death. Lush forest and clear lakes feed the animals and allow intelligent species to grow and form a proper society but as the creatures take advantage of its gift it punishes them. Hurricanes, plate collapses, dying trees. Nature is absolute. Intelligent life needs nature to live and thrive but nature can live without intelligent life, prospering even.

As I continue to read more and more laws are introduced. Each one having some sort of relation to the key laws like time and death. They act uniquely, their roles different yet together they all make the same thing.

Things become more and more confusing as the book begins to discuss mixing these laws the create things that normally cannot exist on their own, as well as adding the potential for divinity.

Suddenly, I hear the alarm I set go off. Honestly, I don't want to stop but I don't want to mess with Dai. I'll come back after watching that show. "How long will this last?" I say with a heavy sigh.