
Present Day..

My high school life is not that easy. During sophomore year, I fell so hard to Cylec without knowing that I'm just a friend. My feelings for him lasted until senior year and after we graduated— he dumped me.

All the feelings I invested, all the effort that I made to make him feel loved and special got wasted. With one simple yet painful words coming from him, everything started to fall apart.

"I — don't like you. You better stop pestering me. Get — lost!"

That's what he said. What a nice graduation gift. I'm expecting that we're going to be together that day. That he'll gonna confessed his feelings and so do I.

I'm gonna be the happiest girl on Earth. We're gonna studies in college together. Because all those years, I felt the strong connection between us.

I felt that he likes me too. He's sweet, caring and he treated me like I'm kinda special.

He treated me like his princess. He makes me feel special.

His action shows it all even he doesn't say anything about what he felt. I thought we had a mutual understanding. We don't want to see each other with anyone else.

We're getting jealous if someone gets closer. All our friends and classmates thought that we're already dating exclusively coz we acted like a real couple.

And then— all of a sudden he's just going to dumped me. I felt so stupid. I felt ashamed of myself coz I assumed too much. I hoped so bad. And when he dumped me, everything breaks into pieces.

And you know what's worst? After he break me, he left. He left without saying goodbye. He left without a traced. He left me with so much agony.

And now, of all places and what a timing, he's gonna showed up. And not as a normal Cylec I've known but a CEO of C.J Holdings. Huh! Is this some kind of a joke?

When he's the normal one, I can't even caught his attention. And thinking about how successful he is right now, it's more degrading on my part.

I felt like I've been slapped repeatedly by the truth.

By reality.

Reality that since then and now, us are really impossible to be together.

"Sissy! Oh my gosh! I can't believe this!"

My thoughts has been disturbed by high pitched voice of Lexy. She just arrived from C.J Holdings, obviously.

We're staying on the same old apartment we rented while were here in Manila to find our luck on finding a decent job for us.

Since our contract ended on our previous work related to microfinance, we are both jobless right now and badly needed to find job right away coz if we can't, were gonna sleep in the middle of the road.

This apartment wasn't that huge. Two rooms enough for us to stay separately for privacy coz she had a boyfriend working in a real estate and used to sleep over in her room most of the time.

One bathroom, small living room and joined kitchen for us. We're share on foods, electricity and water bills. The rental fees not that huge too, but if we can't pay on time, were gonna be homeless for sure.

That's why we needed to find work right away at any cost and at any circumstances.

"You can't believe what?"

I asked and seated on the couch properly. I'm lying on the couch before she arrived and now I'm pretending that I'm really sick and slowly seated on the couch.

"That the CEO of C.J Holdings is Cylec! As in our classmates way back in highschool?"

She said and seated beside me.

"Yeah. I can't believe that either."

I said.

"And guess what."

Lexy added.


I asked even I thought I already knew what she's about to say.

"I got in! Oh my gosh, I'm still in a haste until now! I'm going to be an office girl starting tomorrow under Finance division of C.J Holdings!"

She said looking so glad about it. I'm sure she can do it. She's smart and persistent. I'm happy for her. I'm glad that her dream to work with C.J Holdings finally came true.

Well, it's also one of my biggest dream— before. Not anymore. Not now that Cylec was part of that company. I can find works for sure. There's so many opportunities out there, right? Right!

"Congratulations, sissy. I'm so proud of you. I know you can do it! You deserved it."

I said and gave her a sweet smile.

"What about you? Are you okay now? How are you feelin' about meeting him again after several years?"

She asked.


I didn't expected that. Is she referring to Cylec?

"Oh, come on, Cyleen. I know, okay. I mean— about your history with him."

She said. I chuckled.

"There's no history between us coz were not lovers before."

I said.

"Not lovers, yes. But I saw how both of you acted like a real lovers before. As in, you two really look so in love with each other during that time. I saw it."

She said. I laughed bitterly.

"That's what I thought too, honestly. But he didn't. I'm the only one who assumed that way. And I guess, you too. We're really friends, are we?"

I said.

"What really happened that time? You never tell me about it. You're so secretive." She said.

She's right. She is my best friend and yet, she doesn't know about it. I'm the type of person who chose to keep everything for myself than sharing it to everyone.

But Lexy is my real friend. I think I can make her an exception.

"He dumped me. As simple as that."

I said.

"What!? Are you kidding me?"

She said. Looked unconvinced.

"I'm serious! He really dumped me. He said he don't liked me. That I'd better stop pestering him. He even told me to get lost."

I said casually. I never thought that I can share that part to someone so naturally. Like a casual one. Without even getting hurt. Without tears and bitterness. Without hurting so much.

I think I already moved on. Am I? Really? Then I remembered the way I acted in front of him earlier.

I exhaled sharply. I wished I can really moved on.

"Oh my gosh. Is that the reason why you acted that way earlier?"

Lexy said. I just nodded.

"How dare him dumped you like that! You doesn't deserved it. Well, past is past, right? Hating him right now wasn't important anymore. The most important thing is you already moved on. You did, right?"

She said. That's what I hoped too. For so many years now.

"I'am! Of course I already moved on."

And that was the greatest lie I've ever said in my entire life..