Half A Million

Since I already decided that I'm not going to work at C.J Holdings for an obvious reason, I needed to find other work not related to Cylec or should I say Mr. Jordan.

I submitted lots of personal data sheets and other documentary requirements for job applications on different companies who needed my services and is relevant to my educational preference which is social works but no one dare to text or call me for an interview.

What's wrong with them? I know I'm not that smart. Even my TOR wasn't that presentable coz I've got incomplete and low grades but if work experienced are we talking about here, I can aim flat one for sure.

I do have a lot of part time jobs before. I even had a special award as an outstanding part timer and employee of the year. I'am experienced enough for any job opportunities. Either office or field works.

I can do everything. I can multitask. I know how to work under pressure. I'm courageous, fearless and trustworthy. There's nothing I can't do. So I'm just wondering why I didn't received any single text message from all the companies I applied for.

And it's been a week since I applied. No text. No phone calls. I feel like an idiot checking on my phone most of the time. Everytime my phone vibrated or I heard my ring tone, I thought it's about my application.

I can't sleep at night coz I keep on thinking if I did a mistake about my contact information or email address that's why they can't contact me for updates regarding my applications.

I'am used to being contacted right away not more than a days after I applied for a designated position in a company, but right now, I felt like a shit. And to think that I applied for more than 20 companies makes me feel more bothered.

While Lexy was too busy now in C.J Holdings, here I'am still thinking what is wrong with my applications! I'm just lying on a sofa while watching K-drama but I can't focus coz my mind is in agony right now.

I almost jumped on the sofa when my phone ring on its highest level. I really set it on maximum volume so that even I'm doing something around the apartment, I still hear if someone calls or text.

I checked whose the caller. It's mom. Aw, how I missed her. She's still living in Mindoro. Same place, same house. There's a slight difference from before coz I made it renovated but it's still the house I grow up with.

I promised mom that once I've got a permanent job here in Manila and I already have a condo, I'm gonna bring her here. I know she hates city life but I'm sure she's gonna be fine.

She's not getting any younger. And she's the only family I had. I wanted to gave her everything while she's still here in this world. But until now, I'm still wondering how am I gonna do that?

I'm still jobless by now. The last salary I had from my previous work wont last till next week. I'm just lucky that Lexy got in at C.J Holdings. She said I don't need to worry about our rental fees and other expenses coz she's going to pay for it while I'm still unemployed.

What a life. Should I start hunting for an old rich man for me to make a living then? Oh gosh! Just thinking about it makes me wanna puked. I reached for my phone and answer the call.

"Hello, ma."

"Hello. Is this Cyleen?"

I paused for a while when I find out that it's not my mom whose on the line. The voice are familiar. She sounds like aunt Mila. Mom's younger sister.

"Yeah. Aunt Mila?"

I wanted to confirmed if she's really is.

"I'am. I called because we're at the hospital. Your mother was sick for days now and she even passed out."

Oh my gosh! What happened to mom. I felt agitated.

"How is she? Can I talk to her?"

I asked.

"She's still sleeping by now. The doctor said she had— she had a breast cancer. Stage 1."

Tears started to pour on my cheek the moment I heard about mom's condition. Breast cancer? She had a breast cancer. And it's stage 1. Who cares about stages. It can spread out and it's still a cancer.

With her age and condition, I'm sure any moment—any moment she can leave me! No! I can't take that. I can't lose her. She's the only one I had. Not now. I still have so many dreams for her. She can't leave me yet.

"The doctor also said that the cancer can still be treated. But it takes a lot of money for the operation and therapy."

I don't care about the expenses. For as long as mom can live her life, then so be it!

"H-how much?"

I asked.

"Half a million peso."

I almost fell on the sofa when aunt Mila said that. Half million? Where can I get that huge amount of money? That's a lot. I only have five hundred peso bill in my wallet. I don't even had a work right now. Gosh, what I'm gonna do now?

"Can I talk to mom's doctor?"

I requested.

I'm just glad that the doctor in charge of mom's case is Dr. Asis. One of my professor in chemistry during my college days. I talked to him and asked a favor to wait for atleast a week so that I can provide the amount needed for mom's surgery and therapy.

He agreed and I'm thankful about it. But the problem is— how can I provide half a million peso within a week? Even I got hired and worked for ten years, I can't earn that huge amount of money. That's impossible.

"Think, Cyleen. Think! Used your brain even just for today."

I walked back and forth to think a bright idea about the situation. Should I rob a bank? Kidnap for ransom? Sell drugs for a week? Oh my. What I'am thinking! Erase-erase.

My thoughts has been cut off when my phone ring again. This time, it's unkwown number. I answered the call immediately.

"Hello? Whose this?" I asked.

"Mrs. Howkins of C.J Holdings. I just wanted to confirm your application if you're still interested to be part of our company and—."

"I'am still interested! Yeah, I'm really interested."

I don't really know why I said that. Maybe because I'm now desperate to have an urgent work? An income? I'm thinking about my mom when I said that. Yeah, it's all about mom. I needed a work. I needed money. A huge amount of fucking money.

The hell with Cylec Marcus Jordan! Who cares about working at C.J. Holdings. I'm not gonna die working with that jerk. The heck with my pride. Lexy is right. Past is past. Screw that past. Mom is more important than anything in this world.

"Okay. Be here at C.J Holdings at exactly 8am sharp. Don't be late, Ms. Jaranilla."

Mrs. Howkins chuckled before she ended the call..