
"What!? Did I heard you wrong?"

Lexy said when I told her about considering my application at C.J Holdings. I know I already told her that there's no way I'm gonna work on that company. But I never said that I can't changed my mind, right?

Now that I badly needed to work and find half a million peso, pride and past wasn't important anymore. I know I'm not supposed to be on the same path where that jerk is, but I don't have a choice.

This is the only way I know to earn money. C.J Holdings is the only company that contacted me after my application. Even I declined that bastard offer before, still— they reconsider my application.

I think this is my second chance. God loves me so much that's why he gave me this opportunity again even I'm such a stubborn to turned down Mr. Jordan's offer. And I don't have any rights to refused this kind of blessings in disguise, right? I just hoped that the salary was great though.

"You heard me right. Tomorrow, I'm gonna be there for interview and orientation I think? I don't know yet."

I said. Were eating dinner. Lexy arrived almost 8'oclock. She said their head wanted her to take an overtime. Since she's still new, she needed to comply.

"Why the sudden change?"

She said while chewing her food.

"About mom. I needed half a million peso within a week. She's sick. She had a breast cancer."

I said casually like it's just a simple conversation to talked to. I'm always like that. Even in a worst situation, I choosed to stay positive and calm. Being too emotional and frantic can't solve any problems.

"What!? Oh my gosh! Are you serious?" Lexy said.

"Do I looked like I'm a prankster here?" I said.

"I'm sorry about that. But half a million peso are such a large amount. Even you work at C.J Holdings, you can't afford that amount in a week."

Lexy said while shaking her head.

"How much is your salary there by the way? I'm just curious." I said.

"30k a month. But— I'am required to take an overtime when mostly needed."

"What!? That huge!?"

I said.

"And that's the lower salary there! As in all the newly hired employees of C.J Holdings earned that amount. But I heard the P.A position is an exemption."

Lexy said. I became curious all of a sudden. I think that P.A position she's talking about is the one that Mr. Jordan mentioned when he offered me a job before, right?

"P.A? As in Personal Assistant?"

I asked.

"Yup. Mrs. Howkins— Mr. Jordan's former P.A is pregnant. She needed to stay at home coz there's a high risk on her pregnancy. And I heard, her salary is 50k a month according to budget department."

I almost choked on what she said. What!? Whose going to pay fifthy thousand pesos a month for being a P.A!? Well, it's C.J Holdings where talking about here.

"My gosh! That's really a heck amount of money!"

"You got it right! But wait, there's more!"

Lexy laughed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I also heard that Mr. Jordan increased the salary of his P.A just an hour ago. I think it's already 75k per month."

She chuckled.

"Now that's really interesting."

I said.

Why would he do that? I think it's unjustifiable. Being a P.A wasn't that hard, I thought. Just answering phone calls, scheduling or procedural plan, reports and more on documentary works wasn't that hard.

"You know the reason? Because no one ever dare to accept that position!"

Lexy added.

"And why was that?" I asked.

"Because of Mr. Jordan itself! He and his domineering, arrogant and short tempered attitude! All employees of C.J Holdings was afraid of him. Believe me when I say that everytime we saw him around the building, were scared to death! I don't know how Mrs. Howkins handled him for a year."

Lexy said.

What!? I can't believe it. Is he really that kind of person? Well, he dumped me without considering our friendship. And he never ever gave me any explanation from dumping me. What I'am expecting? That he's going to be a saint?

"Should I asked Mrs. Howkins for some tips on how to handle that jerk then" I said.

"What!? Why?"

Lexy said.

"Maybe because I think I just accepted the offer to be his P.A without even knowing what I'm into?"

I said after drinking water continuously. Why I felt nervous about accepting that offer? Should I back out now? Won't show up tomorrow perhaps?

Based on Lexy's story, there's no good about being on that position. But I badly needed that money for my mother though. So— am I considering working on a devil and reincarnated Lucifer thing just for money? Is that it?

"What!? My gosh, Cyleen. Are you sure about that?"

Lexy said.

"I'm not really sure. But you also know that I needed money right now. So— even he's the reincarnation of Lucifer, I don't care. There's nothing I can't do for mom. You know that." I said.

"Oh my. If I'm a multi-billionaire like Mr. Jordan we don't have a problem here. But we're both you know. Needy. So— there's nothing I can do but to cheer you up and say God bless. May the Lord guide you along the way."

Lexy said and laughed out loud.

"Yeah. For half a million peso, fighting!"

I said and raised my hands with conviction.


Lexy said and we both laughed. After dinner, we watched K-drama while preparing for our OOTD tomorrow. Her on their department uniform while I on my usual get up. Slacks, blouse and flat shoes.

I'm not comfortable wearing short skirts. I'am tall. 5'8 in a height. I acquired it from my foreign dad. The skirt looked like a garterized head band on my thighs. I'm not fond on wearing high heels too. I'm gonna be taller to looked at. I'am more comfortable on black slacks and blouse.

We already prepared our OOTD so that even we watched K-drama until 3 am, were not going to be late tomorrow. Hassle free. That's easy. Lexy left me lying on the sofa at 2am. I continued to watched one more episode before I fell asleep.

I woke up at exactly 7 o'clock in the morning. Sweaty and breathless. The reason? I had a nightmare. A terrible nightmare. I'am being chased to death by the devil because of unfinished office work that I didn't comply.

His eyes are bloody red. He had two horns and long tail. His nail and fangs are sharpened. He's going to kill me. And that devil? Who else. It's Mr. Jordan for pity sake!