No,no,no. This can't be right. There's no way I like him again. He's engage. He doesn't like me. He's rude, arrogant and dominating. So there's no reason for me to like him for the second time around.
"We're here!"
He said when his car stopped in front of a huge Villa.
"Where is this place?"
I asked and stopped myself from overthinking if I did like him again or not.
"My villa. Tomorrow is the start of our 4 days conference. We're here to make sure the whole placed was ready for tomorrow's event."
He said casually.
I looked at him while he's carrying my luggage. I suddenly noticed all the changes he had this past few hours of being with him.
First, he remembered something from the past. Second, he laughed for the first time. Third, he carry my luggage like a true gentleman. And lastly, he's talking and more often to have a conversation with me now.
What does it mean? Are we now in good terms? Friends? Like the old times before he dumped me and took separate ways? He looks like an old Mr. Jordan right now than the ruthless one.
Why the sudden changes?
"Wow. This place is amazing! Are you sure this is yours?"
I said trying to test his mood and patience.
"Of course! Why would you asked that? Do I looked like I can't afford this villa or something?"
He said and chuckled.
He really changed! Now it's confirmed. I'm just wondering how and why. Did he realized all his mistakes already after his heated arguments with Sammy a few days ago?
Did she changed him without even knowing?
Just thinking about it makes me feel jealous. What!? Whose jealous? There's no way I'm jealous about it! No way!
"Being Mr. Jordan of C.J Holdings, no. But being Cylec Marcus Jordan several years ago, yes."
I said.
We walked inside the villa. Three household helpers approached us.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Jordan."
It's Mrs. Martha! I know her because I already met her before.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Martha. This is Ms. Jaranilla, my P.A. She's gonna accompany me here for four days. For the conference meeting."
Mr. Jordan said.
"Okay, Mr. Jordan. Feel free to stay here, Ms. Jaranilla."
Mrs. Martha said.
"Thank you Mrs. Martha."
I said and smiled at her.
"I'm going to stay in my room for now. Follow Mrs. Martha for your room. After 30 minutes, let's meet at the function hall."
He said.
I nodded and follow Mrs. Martha while carrying my luggage.
"Here's your room, Ms. Jaranilla. Enjoy your stay here. What do you want for refreshment, Ms.?" She said.
"Nothing in particular, Mrs. Martha. It's up to you. I can eat anything, you know."
I said.
"Good to hear that. I've gotta go now." She said.
"Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Martha."
I said.
I opened the door and looked at the surroundings. The room was huge. 2 times larger than the apartment I'm staying at. I seated on the bed. It's so smooth and I realized it's a water bed.
I guess this is one of the guest room. It looks fascinating. I think all the things I've seen in here are all expensive. There's no doubt about it.
I opened my luggage and started arranging my things on the closet. I just picked one of my shirt and faded jeans before I taked a quick shower.
I almost tempted to used the bath tub but Mr. Jordan said I needed to be there in a function hall wherever it is for 30 minutes so I don't have enough time for that. Maybe later before I fell asleep.
After I'm done fixing myself, I left the room I occupied and started to find where the function hall is.
"Where is it?"
I asked to myself.
I saw a large door that looks like in a function hall so I assumed that it is what I'am looking for. I opened the door and I am correct! It's the function hall. And this is huge as ever.
"Watch out!"
I heard Mr. Jordan shouted from the distance. I didn't know what he's referring when he shouted until I saw him stepping on that steel ladder and it's standing unstable on the carpeted floor.
He's trying to control his balance but he failed. The next thing I knew, he fall so hard not in carpeted floor but on me.
He ended up on top of me while I'am the one who's lying on the floor.
I'm just thankful that the carpet covering the floor was thick and smooth. If not, I'm gonna be injured for sure.
Gosh, this is so awkward! Him— on top of me while I'm holding unto him so tight coz I felt so nervous.
That was nerve breaking, I think.
My heart was keep on thumping so fast and loudly. Maybe because I'm nervous when I saw him fall on that ladder. Or shocked on our position right now?
I don't know.
Just thinking about our current position wherein we looked like a couple cuddling and hugging or something makes my heart beat louder than my head.
"Are you okay, Ms. Jaranilla?"
He asked but didn't even bother to let me go. I feel like I'm blushing, for pity sake! I'm just glad that put some blush on in my cheek.
It feels like my cheek was burning. Not in embarrassment but because of our situation.
"G-get off. Y-you're so heavy, you know. I feel like my bones was dislocated and unaligned."
I said and push him slowly. I'm just glad he already decided to get up at last. He even offer his hand to helped me out, composing myself.
The moment our hands touched, I feel that same feeling of being electrocuted. Just like before.
Now I realized that even now and then, his effect on stays the same. I let go of his hand right away because of what I felt.
Why does my heart still beating so hard? I'm totally fine now.
"I'm sorry about that, Cyleen. I'm just trying to fixed something out there when I lost my balance."
He said. He looked apologetic.
"It's okay, Mr. Jordan. I'm totally fine. But some kind of advice. If you're not that confident on what you're doing, just don't do it then. Let others do it for you. To avoid the incident from occuring."
I said.
"Definitely. Are you sure you're really okay? No injuries?"
"Yeah. I'm fine."
I said.
"Is everything alright here, Mr. Jordan? What happened?"
Mrs. Martha showed up. Mr. Jordan talked to her for a while. I just seated on the mono block chair not too far away from them to regain my consciousness.
I can't helped but looked at their direction. Looked at Mr. Jordan specifically. He looked so gorgeous with his plain blue shirt and cardigan pants. He looked matured now and it suits him. He's firm, leaned and so tall.
I'am tall in my height 5'8 but he's taller than me. Maybe he's flat 6. His lips was small, a little bit pouty and naturally red. He's nose was pointed. And his eyes, my gosh.
Everytime I'm looking at him, and staring deeply on his eyes, I feel like I've been captured by it.
Oh my gosh! Did I just studied his features right now? And why was that? I don't know either.
He's the one who fall from that ladder and yet— I feel like I'm the one who's falling for him little by little, again..