Definitely Not!

"Welcome to C.J Holdings Annual Conference 2020 Day 1, where in all your concerns, consultations and ideas are free to expressed and externalize."

I stopped walking midway when I heard Ms. Jaranilla's voice all over the function hall.

I'am supposed to walked on my designated table for me to start listening to all the concerns of C.J Holdings business partners, investors, shareholders and employees department representative when Ms. Jaranilla speaks.

I looked at the mini flatform where she's standing for her to officially announced the beginning of today's program.

I never saw her before the conference started so I don't have any idea that she looked stunning and gorgeous on her long lavander gown.

Because she doesn't have any idea about annual conference that's happening in C.J Holdings once a year, she's not prepared on what to wear. I think it's already 8pm when we decided to roamed around the mall here in Tagaytay to picked her long gown.