Chapter 32: STAY SILENT

The remaining people, felt the need to get out,

For they hear the deadly bells, ringing very loud,

They grabbed their coats, their shoes and ropes,

Looking at the hole, their single little hope.

They tried to limit their breathing,

Tried to take careful steps,

For one wrong move could end them,

Without anything left.

Step. Step. Step.

Silent. Silent. Silent.

Step. Step. Step.

Silent. Silent. Silent.

Look left and right.

Then take a step.

Let nothing slide out of sight.

Then take another step.

Step. Step. Step.

Silent. Silent. Si-

What was that?

It felt like someone was scurrying behind.

They looked altogether..

But nothing they could find.

Never mind that,

Perhaps it's just them over thinking things.

Step. Step. Step.

Keep silent,

Keep silent,



They heard careful steps approaching in the darkness,

Almost as if coming forward to the bunch.

They kept still, unsure of what to do,

What if...even after all...

they'll end up being lunch?

In the darkness appeared two glowing eyes,

Looking with hatred, then after a while came a smile,

It freaked them out, that they run to escape demise,

Without knowing, that no matter what,

They cannot outrun the cat,

For they are the mice.

"If only they kept silent,

And left the sickly lady be,

Then she wouldn't have endangered you all,

As she had accidentally stepped on me..."

The demon ran, towards them while laughing,

And while he laughed, the people were crying,

He played along with the chase,

Even though he wanted so much,

To just take a bite and taste.

They should have just kept silent..