I'll be back later.

Inside of a cave system deep underneath the Chimera's den forest, there's a young man with white hair and a peculiar detail is that the tip of his hair stands is purple creating an intriguing contrast that makes people focus on it with curiosity, they would most certainly get even more curious if they knew he was 'naturally' born that way.

This young man is our dear Ky who's now looking at a person he can't exactly see but can feel, and tell by the shape of the aura that it's a human, at least most probably.

(I would like to ask who this person, which is probably a guy from the voice I heard I presume is, and he says he's looking for me? Well, I do remember hearing voices when I fell in. Could it be Yàobān Heng's companion? But it makes no sense, this place is huge and I mean HUGE! I don't believe someone would be able to find another so fast if they got separate, and there's also the fact he was alone and also had to deal with at least one of those rock gorillas alone.... This is suspicious, I could only easily suppress those monkeys because of the terrible affinity they had with my katana's ability if it was an actual living creature and not rock monsters, I'm sure it would have been much harder) Ky isn't the kind to actually believe he's invincible even if he ever said it himself, he's aware that in a world like this reaching the top isn't easy and there are others who are lucky beside him. Knowing those facts Ky prefers to be prepared to be backstabbed by anyone, no matter how close to him and there's also the possibility of creatures with shapeshifting abilities like his own race.

The could help him if his vision wasn't blocked, so Ky has decided to depend on his .

{Memory Chameleon}


Age:25 years old.


Rarity:Super rare

Rank:2nd rank-low layer

Beast's growth potential:2

Description: This beast resembles a normal chameleon but much bigger, it's ability doesn't stop at changing color as it can change its own shape. Because of its high ability in shapeshifting it's highly wanted by cultivators, especially big factions. Usually, all cultivators below the core evolution realm have a hard time detecting it.


Shapeshifting-lv:8(low tier)

Camouflage-lv:5 (low tier)

Copy cat-lv:3 (low tier)

Language comprehension-lv:7 (low tier)

Memory spy-lv:6 (low tier)

Memory manipulation-lv:5 (low tier)

(Just like I thought a shapeshifter, but I really didn't expect it to have memory manipulation, I wonder why it's approaching us. It must want to either stab us on the back or take us into a trap, but I'm a little confused about this, is it just hunger? Or is something bigger going on here? Well, whatever it is I better use this guy as a guide, but even if I try to force it to take us out of here, it's most likely to guide us to a trap. I think it will be easier to deal with if it thinks I'm not aware of the situation.) Ky thought after discovering the identity of the creature trying decisive him, it most likely transformed into someone Yàobān Heng knows, Ky doesn't know anyone in this world and also he believes my mind or at least his memories are protected by the system.

"Y-you must be that guy.... Thanks for taking care of her, is she ok?" The creature looked exactly like the orange-haired young man, as it said these words.

(This chameleon is pretty good at this, if not for my I might have been fooled. For now I'll follow this thing and see where it leads, if it ends up being some weak monster tribe I believe it would be enough to level me up, and even if it's not there's the possibility of finding some treasure, I don't think Yàobān Heng and her servant(?) I guess? Would come here for no reason so there's a possibility of finding something good, It would be good if I found my Katana's sister here but that's just wishful thinking, for now let's see where this leads) Ky decided to just see how things go for now.

Ky's not really worried because he's aware that in overall power if we count his katana in his stronger than the chameleon, and he also has a escape plan in case things go wrong.

Ky simply nodded to the chameleon's words, since he can't really speak right now.

"Good, I found an exit while I was searching for her. So, we can get out of here and of course as our benefactor, you would be greatly rewarded for your help" The chameleon said obviously lying and not surprised by the fact Ky doesn't speak.

In this world, it is a common sight to see cultivators who don't speak, they are called silent cultivators, they are cultivators who have either taken an oath to not speak in order to improve their cultivation and talent, it's a pretty popular method but it's risky, not only the consequences of the breaking the oath are very high, there's also luck involved, you might get good talent and salvation or maybe nothing, and many people don't think it's worth the risk, even so, it's a pretty common thing and most silent cultivators wear masks and there are some crazy ones who destroy their own vocal cords. The most powerful and wealthy ones buy artifacts that allow them to transmit their thoughts in the black market auctions.

Once again Ky simply nodded and started following the chameleon calmly, the chameleon believes it's disguise is perfect and has no flaws making it Impossible for orders to discover it, but it's kinda confused by the fact Ky has no Qi, but it doesn't matter and the chameleon continued guiding Ky through the tunnel.

-Half an hour later-

Ky has been following the chameleon for some time and they just keep getting deeper into the cave. But up until now nothing too suspicious has happened and Yàobān Heng hasn't woken up yet.

After a couple of more minutes, they could spot a light at the end of the tunnel, but Ky thought It was most likely a magma, they just keep going deeper into the cave and it has been getting hotter and hotter from not too long ago, there's no way this is the surface but this area has a very high and dense concentration of fire Qi which makes it hard for Ky to use his because he's still a mortal and this amount of Qi is not good for him if Ky wasn't an abnormally he would have suffocated long ago.

I'm this situation the chameleon should have been suspicious of something, but it was so convinced it did everything right that it neglected any additional details, 'why care if I have already won?' it thought. This kind of carelessness is unacceptable but it is not used to do anything, the chameleons here usually do nothing but lazy out since there's never intruders, after spending so much time lazying out and doing nothing productive its mentality seems to have regressed a bit.

So, as a consequence of the lack of people willing to venture their unusually be cave system, they become unproductive creatures that just want to rush everything to go back to their relaxing time without thinking much about the consequences of their acts, so basically they think similar to kids between 4 and 10 years generally speaking that is, there are many specific cases that differ.

Soon they reached the end of the tunnel and just like Ky expected there is magma in this place, it seems to be an inner cave.

"Well, it was nice knowing you. Not really! now die!" The chameleon said as it pushed Ky into the inner cave.

(You're a thousand-year too young to trick me!) Ky thought as he pulled his Katana out of his inventory, dodged the chameleon's move and placed his katana on its neck.

The chameleon was now cold-sweating rivers as its expression turned ugly. "Dear friend, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. I was being controlled by a powerful monster, but your bravery has saved me from its control. Now could you please put the sword down and follow me to the actual exit" Suddenly it turned swift and made up some random excuse in a flash, proving that even an idiot can think in a moment of crisis but it doesn't mean they'll think well, of course, there are some people naive enough to believe such thing but Ky is not one of those, even if he didn't know the beast's true identity only a fool would let it go after it clearly tried to kill him.

Ky wanted to say something but he couldn't thanks to the Torrga frog's green substance that solidified on his face making a weird mask that didn't break even with the strength of its current katana, according to the system he needs to at least take his katana to 2nd grade in order to break it. So upon the chameleon's words, he shook his head and moved the katana even closer to its neck.

The Chameleon is under the great pressure of the aura emitted by the sword and is completely suppressed and unable to move its body too much, only being able to make small or slow movements.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! I'm a chameleon who was ordered by the great Lord chimera to bring the intruders here! But if you kill me you'll face its rage, but if you let me go I can convince the lord Chimera not to kill you, I'm it's close subordinate and I'm sure it won't mind letting a moral getaway! But I can't do anything for the girl, what do you say? You don't even know her, who cares about some random girl right?" the chameleon began letting out info and many possible lies.

Ky was not interested but this lord chimera or mentioned made Ky even more hurried to kill it, even if Ky agreed to let the chameleon live it would most probably betray him, so Ky doesn't plan to waste more time with it but when he was about to move the Katana.

"Then what about this? I'll turn into any woman you want! Just tell me your type and you shall have it! I don't mind becoming a pet or even a slave! Please just spare me!!" At that moment the chameleon knew that had given up any dignity and just wanted to live, unfortunately for it, Ky wasn't feeling merciful.

(As if I would let precious exp slip through my hands, besides if it really intended to become my slave or pet wouldn't the system warn me? It's obviously lying! And I don't need it anyway, I'm a shapeshifter myself.) Ky thought and then pushed the katana forward and as it was just about to slice it.

"ROAR!!!" A very loud and strong roar was heard all over the place, Ky picked the chameleon up with his free hand and throw it in the direction from where the roar came which is the inner cave.

And as he did so the chameleon turned into a bird-like creature and flew.

"Stupid moron! I'm a shapeshifter! F*ck you! I'll definitely have my revenge for this humiliation! And just so you know it my inside is poisonous for other races males, had you had me you would have died! Haha! I'll definitely get you trashy mortal!" The chameleon is aware of the fact Ky is stronger than it, it's simply trying to provoke him into following it.

Ky who couldn't speak simply raised his middle finger and left in the opposite direction of the inner cave. (No way in hell I'm falling for that, I'll come back when I'm stronger and kill that thing, for now, this is enough) Ky said as he put his Katana on his waist and began to run, why did he keep the katana on him this time? Obviously, to boost his speed and get the hell out of here before the chimera or whatever the thing that roared was come to get him, so with Yàobān Heng on his back, Ky ran for his life!