OP Katana, shouldn't it be the mc?

Right now Ky is looking at two Rock Kongs and a girl/guy that is his main defense force, he has decided to let Yàobān Heng fight for him while he finds an opening to finish the Rock Kongs.

Ky doesn't have many options so this basic plan will have to do. He doesn't think the Rock Kongs will be too much to deal with but in his current state, most of the beast are not easy to deal with.

Deciding that fighting now will make the aftermath easier, Ky finally pulls out his precious katana that had been resting in the inventory for a long while. In that moment a katana with unknown symbols on its sheath.

While Ky was pulling out his Katana from the inventory, The fight between Yàobān Heng and the two Rock Kongs had already started.

The youngest Rock Kong jumps at Yàobān Heng at a high speed and sends out a punch towards Yàobān Heng with its rock fist that is the equivalent of 3 or 4 times Yàobān Heng's head. Yàobān Heng wanted to dodge and use the opportunity to counter, but the beast was much faster than she predicted, so she blocked it with her flame sword that has a fire Qi boost that allowed her to block the monstrous strength of the Rock Kong without suffering much any damage, only pushing her back a few meters and creating a distance between her and the Rock Kong, beasts at lower realms tend to be stronger than normal cultivators but Yàobān Heng is a genius that brings pride to her father and sect, having a 4th bone frame and a body talent at C+ also considering her high fire affinity that perfectly suits techniques used in her sect, all of that counts and makes it possible to fight the Rock Kong on a one on one directly.(AN: I'm sorry, I'm the last chapter I was so hurried that I forgot to mention Yàobān Heng's affinity with fire even though I believe that was really clear it would be a bad joke if she had an ice affinity though, anyway I've already added it to the last chapter, and also I added some of the martial arts she uses. Thanks for reading and once again sorry for that.)

Yàobān Heng escaped unharmed from the attack but her hands are numb from the heavy impact of the collision between her and the Rock Kong, the same could be said about the Rock Kong that seems a little hesitant to attack again before Yàobān Heng could recover from the numbness of the impact, the older Rock Kong had already come to attack her with it's two huge fists forming a hammer ready to smash her and just when it was about to hit her.

"Fire jumper style of the south:Consecutive jumps!" Yàobān Heng used one of her martial arts, that consists in flames out of your feet giving the user an impulse that boosts the speed and height of the jump also allowed the user to do it a couple of times before the fire goes out, how long it lasts depends on the tier in which it is.

(That was close if this goes on, I'll definitely die here. I can't let that happen! I still have to much to take care of!) Yàobān Heng thought as she used the martial art.

Yàobān Heng uses the 'Fire jumper style of the south:Consecutive jumps' martial art and jumps back very fast and the younger Rock Kong attacks again, and as she dodges the older one attacks not giving her time to counter the attacks at all, leaving dodging as her only option.

She wants to use her other martial art 'Flaming Panda's great fist' but she can't use it too much and if she misses the attack she'll be exposed to the Rock Kong's attacks that would be the worst situation since all her chances of winning would be gone.

(The situation doesn't seem to be getting any better, all that's happening is things getting worse! If only that useless mortal could attract their attention for only a little, I could easily get rid of these things!) Yàobān Heng thought as she seemed to be getting corned by the Rock Kongs bit by bit.

Yàobān Heng keep dodging for a bit before she realized she was slowing down and at that moment the older Rock Kong come to attack her with its huge fist.

"Fire jumper style of the south:High jump" Yàobān Heng used the second movement of her martial art, Allowing her to jump very high and even out of the range of the Rock Kongs, but right she thought she could prepare to use the 'Flaming Panda's great fist' and expect her luck doesn't fail her, The younger Rock Kong helped the older Rock Kong by throwing it as high as Yàobān Heng had jumped.

(At this height I should have enough time to get my attack ready.... No way, how can these creatures be so persistent?! Also shouldn't Rock Kongs be brainless?! Why are they working so well?!.... I have to at least defend myself as much as possible! I won't die easily you beast!) Yàobān Heng thought right before the Rock Kong was about to reach her.

Yàobān Heng not having any momentum while the Rock Kong came prepared to attack and punched her hard, Yàobān Heng who never expected the Rock Kongs to make such a bold move could only use her sword to try and protect herself by reducing the damage received, was sent flying to the ground and the hit it hard creating a small crater on the ground.

Yàobān Heng hit the ground and vomited blood, as the hit had a very high damage, even though it was not enough to break her bones it was definitely enough to put her out of combat.

""Kong!!"" The Rock Kongs were already celebrating their victory in this battle that lasted about 30 seconds.

While they were celebrating Ky had just started analyzing his Katana with the and there was a screen with information was in front of him right now.

{Weapon:Katana-Sword type}

Name:My worst work.

Rank:10th Grade(Suppressed to 1st grade)


Smelting Level:10th smelt

Weapon type: Evolution weapon(Evolution effect limited due to grade suppression)

Attack power:100

Defense power:100

Speed power:100

Critical rate: 10%(suppressed due to grade suppression)

Description: It's a sword made with a mysterious material, by a mysterious master who considered it his/her worse work, regardless there's a legend about another Katana that was produced to be this one's sister but nothing detailed is said, only that it exists somewhere in this world. The sword is currently limited to 0.000001% of its full power, it also seems to have absorbed and assimilated with Host's bloodline, race, and soul, basically, none other than the host can even touch the sword.

Weapon ability: True swordsman's aura, Dual-wielding, eating/separation/fusion.

Number Owned:1

(So much information to process, I took about half a minute to get through this. So much time wasted...) Ky thought as he got the Katana out of its sheath. (AN: And it took me half an hour to plan all of the Katana's background thank you!)

Ky then attached the sheath to his waist and held his katana in one hand as he walked towards the Rock Kongs, who soon noticed him but Ky was completely different now, He is walking towards them with an evil open smile with his purple eyes shining bright like the devil himself, but all of that is negligible, what's making the Rock Kongs rethink their opinion of Ky is the extremely overwhelming aura around him, no matter how they looked at him there was no way Ky this devil in front of the Rock Kongs is a mortal!!

The Rock Kongs can't feel even a tiny bit of Qi inside of him but they are terrorized, this is the aura of a True swordsman, who dedicated all his life to the way of the sword and reached its peak!! How could mere Rock Kongs not be afraid of it?!

Every step closer made the pressure greater than before and even before Ky got to them, both the Rock Kongs had already died because of the too overwhelming aura that Ky is emitting.

"Hmm? (Did they really died before I did anything?) Ky who was confused by the effectiveness of the Katana's power, he's aware of the aura emitting from him thanks to .

(Isn't my precious Katana too overpowered?! How dare the one who made my beautiful Katana call it his worst work?!) Ky thought to himself biased without even knowing if the one who made his sword had much more powerful equipment done by him/her.

Ky looks at them with the to make sure.

{Rock Kong's corpse}

{Rock Kong's corpse}

[Host has killed two Rock Kongs. Attributing 72 points of experience]

"hhmm!(What is this scam?! I only get this much experience for killing enemies 39 lvs ahead of mine?! System explain!)" Ky felt robbed as he just killed two very powerful foes for the current him but the amount of experience gained is mediocre.

[Host, killing also offers exp but it's not the main focus. The host can't simply rush through his cultivation by killing if the host desires better results, the host has to either level up to level one and unlock the shop function or cultivate the 'traditional' way which shouldn't be hard with host's high talent]

(... So killing only gives off a miserable amount of exp.... Well, I guess I'll have to stick to cultivating, but I'll do that later. I don't know how many of these things are out there or what the limit of the aura produced by my katana is so I'll just leave this place..... I should also take this girl, it seems like she's a member of an important sect and the daughter of the leader at that if I take her I'll get my pass in easily, and even if I don't get to join their sect I can at least make a connection with a strong force, and even if all that fails I can still use her as a human shield while we're here, many would call me cold or whatever but I'm just surviving, if I was stronger I would just take her for the chance of acting cool. This is my life and I'll live it however I feel like!) Planning some steps ahead Ky decided to take Yàobān Heng with him while hoping he can get some extra benefits from it, some might disapprove but Ky never considered himself a hero, he might act like one if he has the power to but if he doesn't, why not act like a devil? Not that his actions right now are evil at all, Ky is just the type of person who's resolved himself to do what's necessary when it has to be done.

Ky picked Yàobān Heng up and carried her in piggyback, then he started using his in order to find an exit, even though most tunnels are covered up there are still some that are usable.

-10 minutes later-

After searching for a bit Ky finally found a tunnel that seems to lead out of there but it's high up and he'll have to climb the wall. Ky finally keeps his katana in its sheath, he didn't do it earlier because you never know when one of those things will appear, even though he would rather keep his katana unsheathed he decided to keep it in the inventory, which is much better than keeping it on his waist since he can easily call it out of the inventory just by thinking about it, that's one of the many advantages of having a system, even though Ky believes there must be some spatial rings that work the same way but he doesn't believe it has the same efficiency as the system.

Then Ky took off his shirt and ties Yàobān Heng to him by the waist so that he can focus on climbing the wall after Ky made sure that Yàobān Heng was properly tied to him, Ky began climbing the wall slowly, he could throw himself up and go faster but there's a risk it will collapse and their only way out might get blocked, so he decided not to take unnecessary risks and simple slowly advanced. There was a slide here and there but after 20 minutes or so Ky had finally reached the exit path tunnel with Yàobān Heng on his back.

Ky then began to walk in the hoping this tunnel is really the exit, it's really going to be a pain in the ass if it isn't.

Unsure of what he might find in this cave system, Ky walked in with a pretty chill mode, while walking like If he has no worries in this life Ky heard a voice call to him.

"Here you are! I thought you would already be dead by the time I got here..." Ky who couldn't currently see because the green substantive that had solidified and turned into a distorted mask, but he still looked at the person that spoke out of habit.