The Chameleon clan

Inside the same cave system that Ky had ran through to escape before there was a path hidden near the flame pond, a path that leads to the underground town of the Chameleon clan Xíngchéng, this is a medium sized town with the thousands of inhabitants and its connection to the cave system makes it so that they have easy access to most of the forest.

In the central area of the city there's a mansion that excludes an aura of dignity and its inside this mansion that Ky is resting, in a red room with golden patterns he's calmly sleeping in a comfortable looking single bed.

"F*ck! I still have a lot to do rather then simply dying!"

Ky yelled as he jumped of the bed very startled and nervous.

"Where the hell am?.... that vicious beast didn't kill me?... did someone save me?"

Ky questioned himself as he looked around the room trying to figure out if he's in some kind of illusion or after life zone.

"It looks like I'm alive meaning someone or something definitely helped me, the problem is I don't know who they could be and what intentions they have....."

Ky came his own conclusion and started getting worried about what comes next.

"Also.... where's my baby?! My dear katana! Where is it?! What will I ever do without my beloved?"

Ky started having a small and weird existential crisis because of his missing Katana.

While Ky was making a weird scene, Xiao Shun who at the door watching everything with the blue eyed woman are both uncomfortable with what they are seeing.

"Mortals are truly disgusting! Are you gonna die because you don't have your toy?!"

Xiao Shun said with an annoyed expression as she already disliked Ky for some reason and now it only worsened.

"Xiao Shun! Show some respect! He's our guest after all.(I didn't expect him to have such a weak will.... maybe he's not the one... but he acted very different before... was it an act because he haa powerful weapon.... that doesn't make sense he was clearly going to lose and still had such a powerful aura around him, maybe he's pretending right! Of course! Who would show their true ability to an unknown force that could turn out to be the enemy. He's even more exceptional than I expected.)"

The blue eyed woman said while she tried to figure out why Ky is acting this way when he looked like a dignified warrior before.

"Where is my beloved Katana?! Where have you brought me?!(I don't really like the idea of not having my katana in an unknown area but there's nothing I can do about it, I'll just pretend to be pathetic without my Katana get some info and leave this place, and if possible get the girl... After all the effort I put in to save her I'm gonna get my reward even if it's the last thing I do!)" Ky said almost crying for his Katana and grabbed onto the blue-eyed woman's legs while his thoughts were very different, and just how the blue-eyed woman guessed he's acting it out.

"How dare you?! Let go of my lady now! You lecherous mortal!! I'll kill you!"

Xiao Shun got furious and exploded before blue-eyed woman could even say anything in response.

the blue-eyed woman simply giggled seeing how good what she's convinced is Ky's acting is.

(If I haven't seen him battle before I would have been completely fooled, he's very talented in acting.) the blue-eyed woman thought as she just watched the scene unfold.

"Then you! Tell me where my beautiful Katana is!(This is going to be annoying with such a hot-headed person nearby, according to what the other woman said I'm a guest and she's still acting like this.... That woman with blue eyes she probably has a very important position in this place, let's not cause unnecessary trouble.)"

Ky said to Xiao Shun as he hugged her legs while his thoughts were almost completely unrelated to his actions.

"GET OFF ME!! You dirty mortal!"

Xiao Shun yelled at Ky with her eyes in flames and her ears fuming from how angry she is.

"Okay, okay! But you were the one who told me to not ask her! So of course I would ask you, sister if you're always so furious you'll never get married.(This one needs to chills!!)"

Ky continued acting oblivious to his own actions while his impression of Xiao Shun only got worse.

"Why you little!-"

Xiao Shun was just about to attack Ky but was stopped by the blue eyed woman.

"Hehehe!!.... ahem! Enough both of you! Xiao Shun he's our guest behave!", the blue eyed woman said to Xiao Shun with strict and serious eyes then turned to Ky and with a kind expression and tone said "Please forgive Xiao Shun, she's always been a little too protective of me... I'm sure you're quite confused so please follow me and we'll meet with the patriarch and he'll explain everything... oh, are you perhaps hungry or in need of anything before that?( He's so impressive I wasn't forget he's a mortal he must be dying of hunger.)", her thoughts were considerate but little did she know that even she would die of hunger before Ky, since he doesn't need to eat.

"(She's not too bad, I'm a human mortal in their eyes so I'll just act like one, besides who's crazy enough to refuse free food.) No problem and of course! I'm starving!", Ky's impression of the blue eyed woman improved slightly while he eagerly awaited for the food despite not having to eat.

"Then Xiao Shun, please show our guest to the dining room and come to the meeting room once he's satisfied, also please remember what are the consequences of disobedience.", the blue-eyed woman said to Xiao Shun with a kind expression that had a very ominous aura around it.

Xiao Shun felt chills down her spine as she nodded her head and forced a smile to Ky.

(This girl can't even properly force a smile, so incompetent.), while Ky's impression of Xiao Shun was only getting lower.

After that Ky followed Xiao Shun and the blue-eyed woman went her own way.

(I wonder where the girl is, maybe I should have asked.... Oh well, she's probably fine.), Ky thought to himself as he followed Xiao Shun who seemed to have lost all her energy and will live.