A tough day.

Important note: I've decided to change names.

Kin Yun is now Kun Yin and Yàobān Heng is now Zhu Yán

That's all, hope you're enjoying the story so far!


(Damn! This is bad.... if this continues I'll die before I could even properly appreciate what this world has to offer..... I hate my luck!!)

Ky thought to himself in what he believes is the end of the road for him, and despite it having been such a short adventure right now there's nothing he can do to change the situation or so he believes.

The Scorpion-lion got closer with its Qi going crazy because of its immense rage and kill-intent towards Ky.

"You lousy mortal! You have brought this upon yourself by refusing my kind offer and even daring to offend me..... Such a waste of talent, but I guess your soul can mourn for eternity in your next life!"

The Scorpion-lion said as it jumped towards Ky and Zhu Yán wanting to devour both in its furry.

(Such a pity, I was already planning the tales of the great sage Kin Yun! But it seems that I'll never get to tell them.... Maybe if I reincarnate again... Anyway I've lived long enough at this point.)

"Divine punishment technique-Heaven's palm!"

And just when Ky was starting to accept the idea of death, maybe due to his old age, a voice could be heard and a giant shining palm came from the skies and hit the Scorpion-lion followed by a great explosion.


The strong explosion sent both Ky and Zhu Yán flying making them hit a couple of trees nearby destroying the first four they hit and stopping at the fifth tree.

Ky who was on the front was directly hit by the explosion and fell unconscious.

Zhu Yán who was on Ky's back took less damage from the explosion and in turn, was the one hitting the trees, falling unconscious once again.

*Cough* "How dare you sneak attack me?!.... You humans truly are the most vicious of creatures!!!"

The Scorpion-lion coughed blood as it laid down on the ground severely injured with multiple opened wounds.

A young man with orange hair walked near the Scorpion-lion and said.

"You have been running from me for a long while and I need your heart, so I had no other choice but to ambush you, besides you are way more vicious than I am. I will at least let you speak your last word."

"You foolish human! If you kill me, the Chameleon clan will never let you go!"

The Scorpion-lion said with an evil smile as the blood it coughed increased.

"If you have nothing else to say, die!"

The young man with orange hair killed the beast with one last blow of his fist.

"Why should I be afraid of a small clan like the chameleon clan?"

The young man said to himself as he removed the Scorpion-lion's heart from its body.

"Young disciple, just cause you won this time, you shouldn't get overconfident. But you did do a good job, now how do you plan on doing with those two?"

The Image of a handsome man appeared next to him with luxurious clothes and long black hair, floating with a translucent color.

"Master this disciple knows not to be arrogant, and I will take them back to the city after all that girl is the princess of the Flare panda sect.... Master truly has a great insight to have seen through her disguise."

The young man with orange hair said to his master.

"The magical tool in her possession is not bad but still far too weak to fool this master. Also, you said you'll take them to the city but before that, I'm more interested in this mortal and his sword, that sword is definitely a powerful artifact otherwise no mortal could ever do what he did.(If my student can master that sword his future will be even brighter than it already is, this mortal doesn't need such a powerful item anyways)"

The man said as he looked at Ky and his katana.

"Yes, master! That sword is surely a very powerful artifact I wonder how a mortal can use it or where he even found it in the first place."

The orange-haired young man got closer to Ky and tried to touch the katana.


Am impact of energy launched the orange-haired young man a few meters back with his hand now bleeding.

"Aarrrghh!! Such a powerful force!... Just what is that sword?!"

"That fierce sword Qi!! That sword is at least a 7th-grade artifact! Such a top-grade magical weapon actually fell in the hands of a mortal?!..... Such a waste!"

The man said as he used his Qi to help heal his student.

"Master, is there a way to take it?"

The orange-haired young man asked.

"There is but it requires us to prepare beforehand and right now it is impossible, you should just return to the Divine Judgment Academy. Your sister is waiting for you, is she not the reason you came in the first place?"

The man said with a calm and serious tone.

"But master, can we really miss such an opportunity?"

The orange-haired young man said worried and greedy.

"Don't worry this master of yours has already put a Qi tracing mark on this mortal, as long as he lives I'll know where he is. Let's leave now, the mortal can protect the girl, we can't lose any more time here."

The man said as Mark appeared on Ky's back then disappeared like it was never there in the first place. The Qi tracing mark is a technique, anyone from the core evolution realm or higher can use to track people regardless of the distance but it's usually not easy to properly hide and is usually easily found unless there is a big difference in cultivation between the target and the caster.

The technique works based on hiding and mixing with the condensed Qi found in the body of cultivators, the situation is different for Ky who is a mortal and has no Qi condensed Qi inside of him, since the Qi mark can perfectly fuse with him and becomes extremely hard to remove.

"Yes master! Lin Càn just wait a little more, I Wang Gāng will save you!"

The orange-haired young man said as he pulled out a sword that started floating and hopped on it then flew into the distance.

At the same time, Wang Gāng and his master left two figures came.

"Here my lady! There's the unruly mortal that harassment me before!"

Said a woman with golden eyes and green hair with yellow bangs that have a somewhat wield style.

"Can you stop making drama for once Xiao Shun?"

Asked the second woman with dark green hair and blue that have a very calming aura.

"But my lady! This runt was really going to-"

Xiao Shun said with an annoyed face but was interrupted mid-sentence.

"Just take them inside!"

The woman with blue eyes said to her servant.

"YES! My lady!"

Xiao Shun answered and immediately moved to get Ky and Zhu Yán to take them inside the cave once more but then she looked at her lady with a confused expression.

"Ma- My lady, what do I do about the weird sword?"

"Leave it there, If Wang Gāng and his master couldn't take it nobody here can. The mortal will just get it once he wakes up."

The woman with blue eyes said calmly with fierce eyes while looking at the corpse of the Scorpion-lion.

"Yes! My lady"

Said Xiao Shun as she ran inside carrying both Ky and Zhu Yán.

Once Xiao Shun was inside the blue-eyed woman walked close to Scorpion-lion's corpse and said.

"Finally our family is rid of such a pest, my father really has a good eye, not only did he notice how dangerous Wang Gāng could be, he even saw through an average looking mortal..... I should report to him."

The blue-eyed woman used a spacial ring on the Scorpion-lion's corpse and went inside.