The Reward

"So, who wants to meet me?" Argo asked the Principal after the other students had left.

"You'll know soon enough." The Principal chuckled as he answered.

Before he could mock the Principal about acting mysteriously, he heard a cough behind him.

"Little Argo, it's been a long time!"

Argo turned back.

"Grandpa!" He exclaimed as he ran forward and hugged him. Manuel Su returned the hug, a little teary in the eye. As he was Rema Talean's master, he had always seen Rema as his own son and treated Argo like his grandson.

"You've suffered a lot. Silly boy, I told you to call if you had any problem." Manuel Su mildly reprimanded.

Through his memories, Argo knew exactly what was happening. He knew that the former Argo refused to call Manuel Su because he was too proud, and did not want to take anyone's help.

"Sniffle...Grandpa, it was because I...sniffle. I lost your number." Argo fake cried.

Manuel Su was stunned. He always assumed that the reason Argo did not take up his offer of calling, was that Argo used this opportunity to temper himself through hardships. He did not know what to say.

Luckily, the Principal saw Manuel Su in an awkward situation, and rushed to help him out.

"Cough...Argo. I forgot to mention something. As the winner of the tournament, you will of course be rewarded with a treasure. Less our school look stingy. Hehe."

Argo looked at him, and muttered under his breath "You ARE stingy!"

As if he heard Argo, the Principal coughed dryly and continued. "Here, I present to you a Wolf Fang dagger." The Principal solemnly handed a black dagger to Argo.

Argo got excited seeing the way the Principal carefully handled the weapon. He assumed that the weapon was likely going to be an awesome treasure of maybe the 'Silver' or 'Gold' rank. He equally treated the weapon with care. He received the weapon with two hands, then he impatiently scanned it using the weapon scanning feature of the system.

After several seconds, DING!

[Ding! (Uncommon) grade weapon detected. Weapon name: Wolf Fang dagger.

Remark: More useless than a kitchen knife. Garbage in Garbage out.]

Alex was speechless. Only one thing echoed in his mind.




He sharply turned his head to the Principal, his eyes bloodshot.

"Where's my Gold weapon!?" Argo shouted feeling cheated.

"G-gold? What are you talking about?" Manuel Su and the Principal were both shocked and confused.

"I-i thought that my reward would be a Gold grade weapon?" Argo answered mildly. He was a bit flustered at the reactions of the two old men.

"Haha ha haha ha haha!" The two men burst out laughing at Argo's words, causing him to turn a bit red.

"Hah! Young and Foolish." the Principal sighed, shaking his head. "Do you really think it's that easy to get your hands on a Gold or even silver grade weapon?

There are probably less than two thousand Gold grade weapons in existence, and each of them are treated as godly treasures. One can seldom view them, talkless of owning one.

As for Silver grade; there should not be more than five thousand in total. And everyone of them is priceless. Even if our school sold everything we own, we do not have the resources or connections to purchase a Gold grade weapon."

Argo went into deep silence after hearing what the Principal said. Manuel Su thinking that he was disappointed, tried to cheer him up. "Don't feel down, little Argo. That only applies to common people. People like you and I, as long as we work hard even Celestial grade weapons won't be impossible to obtain."

The Principal was shocked by this statement, he nearly fell out of his chair. Even Gold grade weapons were out of his reach, so he could not even imagine how powerful Celestial grade weapons would be. They were stuff of legends!

Contrary to their belief, Argo wasn't silent because he was disappointed at not being able to obtain a Gold grade weapon immediately, but he was silent because he had just noticed how much of an advantage he possessed with the weapon.

Even Celestial grade weapon were sold in the system store for crying out loud!

Though he woul have to accumulate a ton of SP for them, at least he had something to work towards.

Still, he was shocked by his grandpa's boast of easily obtaining Celestial grade weapons.

"You better stop lying, old fart." He sneered. He had always had a good relationship with his grandpa, and they usually bicker like old friends.

"Just you wait and see little brat." Manuel Su replied with a mysterious, almost creepy smile.