Chapter 018

Bakugo's POV

I wake up, Deku is laying on top of me shivering, I touch his forehead to make sure he's not sick. My second thought is... He's having a nightmare.

"Hey De- Izuku... Wake up, it's not real..." I said softly rubing his back.

He flutters his beautiful emerald eyes and looks at me, I can see the tears climb and overflow before spilling out of his gorgeous eyes.

"Shhh I got you... Whatever your dream was, it wasn't real..." I say pulling him closer to me.

"No... It... It was true Kacchan... Shigaraki did rape me..." he says in a broken tone.

My eyes widened, the nightmare he just had... Was of that night, that awfull night he was kidnapped and raped by that fucking Delta. I pull him into a kiss, sending my scent to him, I could feel tears trying to escape my eyes. But for his sake, I held them back. We seperated for air, his tears now gone and his eyes glowing with happiness. The face I fell for was staring right into my eyes again.

"How about we go to school aye? We don't want Aizawa to kick our ass do we?" I say, kinda scared of Aizawa's wrath.

He nods and we change into our shool uniforms. Deku lets out a growl as he tries to button the bottom of his vest. Unfortunately, the little bump on his stomach was now too big to fit in his older size. I can't help but laugh, making him tear up. Oh great here comes the mood swings, I grab my spare one and hand it to him.

"T-thanks... K-Kacchan... *sniff*" he sobs out.

He then places the vest on, since I'm a little wider than he first was, the vest fits him perfectly. He smiles and grabs my hand to run to school, I pull him back growling.

"DEKU! No running! God... Your pregnant babe... You have to be careful..." I say as he pouts.

God this is getting worst and worst. I still love him but the mood swings are not easy to deal with. We continue our way to walk to class.


At the Crimson dawn headquarters

3rd person POV

Todoroki and Dabi are having a conference to introduce new members and talk about a new raid their gonna do on a villain group. As they talk, they mention that the UA school is supposed to be going near where the villains are posted and to NOT harm any of the students. They warn that there is an omega in there and so to be careful if encountering with the young wolf. As Todoroki and Dabi presents their 3 new members, two vigilantes start to wisper to each other.

"Could it be the omega Todoroki spoke of when he joined?" The grey haired alpha says.

"I don't know, but I've heard that Omega males are worth a fortune online, we barely make shit with this..." the yellow haired delta states.

"Then you know what we gotta do... This is our chance to get out of this hell of a town. If we sell him, then we will for sure have enought to leave." The grey alpha said.

"Fair enought, we'll split the cash... Now let's figure out a way to not get caught... and how to get him." The yellow delta said.


Midoriya's POV

Aizawa explains how we would be going out on the fields to train and camp to learn more about villains, they have a private property rented for the event just outside of town, he says that we will stay ghere for 5 days.

(The whole week of school basically) For security messures, we weren't aloud to walk out of the perimeter of the property, we we're placed in tents of two, and we're to stick with the class or our tent mate at all times, even when to use the bathroom. We headed to the dorms to pack our stuff that we would need, of course, I wasn't aloud to train, but would need the lessons so Aizawa let me go with them. As I packed my stuff, I glanced at Kacchan, he looked very worried.

"Kacchan? What's on your mind?" I said as he was still staring at his phone.

"Icyhot texted me... It's not important tho... Don't worry he was just wondering how you we're doing..." he says with a nervous tone.

I squinted my eyes at him, I could tell he was lying. I chose to trust him on the fact that it wasn't important. We finished packing and met outside where Aizawa told us our tent mates. For safety reasons, me and Denki we're put with our alpha's, then the tents teams we're like this. Mina and Jirou, Sero and Sato, Iida and Tokoyami, Uraraka and Asui. Iida then told us to sit with our tent mates in the bus, we placed our stuff in there and went to our respective seats. When I sat next to Kacchan, he didn't even look at me, I waved in his face. He gave me no response, this behavior scared me, making me release some scared pheromones. That got his attention pretty fast since he wiped his face around to me with worry in his eyes.

"Hey what's scaring you Deku!?" He says in a worried tone while gently rubing my cheek.

"You... we're spacing out... I was worried that something was wrong... Did I make you upset?" I say as tears start to rise in my eyes.

"WHAT!? Baby no you didn't! Of course you didn't! Im so sorry I just had something on my mind..." he says pulling me into a hug.

Bakugo's POV

I hug the poor nerd. I can't tell him the info that Icyhot gave me, he would panic and be terrified. Icyhot said not to worry and that he'd deal with the supposed villains that are near where we are going. As long as I keep Deku near me, he'll be safe.

Or at least that's what I thought...

1 hour later...

Midoriya's POV

I feel shaken, I open my eyes as I had fallen asleep in Kacchan's arms, I look up to see him smirking at me before Aizawa pulls us out of our moment.

"Alright everyone... We are here, now I'm not gonna repeat the rules, allmight is here to supervise the tents building, I will help with the cooking team. If any injuries happens, recovery girl will be on the sideline." Aizawa said.

Now the teams are:









Tent building:








"Now that the teams are made get going.. We don't have all day..." Aizawa says before going in his yellow cocoon.

I walk over to the grills and counters that the teachers had pulled out. I look at the wood, if Todoroki was here, he would have lit it up for me... I miss my bestfriend... The wood suddenly gets lit up, I look at Shinsou standing next to me with gasoline and a lighter.

"Sorry to have scared you... Yaomomo gave me theses and I saw you mumbling while staring at the wood. So I chose to lend a hand." He says smiling slightly.

"Thank you Shinsou! I was wondering how I would lit it up!" I say, happy he solved my problem.

I start to cut vegetables and herbes that was given to us. I don't cook often since Kacchan usually does it for me. I try to cut a way too hard carrot to my taste. The knife slides, stabing me directly in my wrist. I let out a scream as blood gush out a little too fast for my liking.

"FUCK THAT HURTS!" I let out too loudly.

The entire class, including the tent group turns as they hear my scream. Shinsou rushes to me and tears part of his shirt, he then wraps it on my wrist tightly. Kacchan, Allmight and Aizawa rushes to my side to see what is happening as I sit down with Shinsou placing presure to stop the bleeding.

"I think he cut an artery... Can one of you go grab recovery girl quickly!" Shinsou said, panicked as I became dizzy.

Kacchan layed on his knees trying to pet my back. He sat down and started petting my hair as I layed back on him.

"What the fuck happened!?" Kacchan spit out.

"He was cutting the carrot over there, I turned to ask if he needed help since I heard him struggle. Next thing I saw was the kife slide right into his wrist..." Shinsou says more relaxed now that the bleeding had stopped.

Soon after that, recovery girl had arrived and healed my wrist. She recomended that I stayed down since I lost some blood and could feel lightheaded. We all agreed, Kacchan gave me a kiss on my forehead and rejoined Kirishima to finish the tent they we're doing moment's ago. I just sat down and watched Shinsou cook, he looked pretty good at cooking. He then frowns at the soup he had made, he picks a spoon (The big ones made for soups) and fills it, he blows on it and turns to face me.

"I dont have a scense of taste, so would you do me a favor and taste it for me?" He asked blushing and holding the spoon infront of me.

I nodded and he gently fed me the spoon filled with soup. From across the field, Kacchan saw him and boiled in anger, he knew that he was flirting with me. Although I was totally oblivious to it...

"OH WOW! This taste amazing Shinsou! The flavors are so great and distinctive! It's so warm, like it's filled with care and passion!" I say while smiling at him.

He blushes intensly and looks away from my face that was glowing with happiness.

"Ah... Well, when I was making this... I was thinking about y-" he said before being cut off.

Clearly angry, Bakugo grabbed Shinsou by his free arm (The one without the spoon) and pulled him to stand while pulling him away from me, cutting what Shinsou was gonna say.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO HERE DELTA!?" He says full of hate and disgust.

"You know... I don't see what you did for Midoriya to even like your jerk ass.. All you do is scream and bully others when displeased. I bet you forced yourself on h-" Shinsou said before I punched him.

Tears we're falling down my face, Kacchan had let go of Shinsou who had fell on the ground. I suddenly got dizzy when Kacchan caught me and held me up.


Kacchan hold me close as he rubbed my back to calm me down. He lowered his head and kissed my mark. Instantly making me calm.

"Please forgive me Midoriya. It wasn't my intention to insult you I just... I don't understand how you could love him... I mean he did bully you for years... Yet you let him mark you..." Shinsou said confused.

"Because I fell in love with him, he may be an asshole most of the time, and yeah he did bully me... But he said sorry and worked very hard for it... Also he's not as cold as you think he his." I say smiling at Kacchan who was lightly blushing and avoiding my eyes.

"I see... I'm really sorry again..." he says looking down.

"Just don't do it again, I forgive you Shinsou." I say smiling at him.

-Small time skip-

Soon enough the foods that was prepared was ready, and all of the tents we're up. We all ate the food. There was even enought for the next day as well. We headed to the tents to sleep since we would wake up the next day pretty early. I was getting ready to go to bed when I realized that my sleeping bag was missing, I looked around and started to whine, just then, Kacchan opened the tent and saw me.

"Hey Deku... What's wrong? Did you lose something?" He says now kneeling next to me.

"My sleeping bag... You said you packed it but I can't find it anywhere..." I say while sobbing.

He giggles and point's at his sleeping bag. I look at him confused and crawl to the sleeping bag, I look but still can't find mine. I look at him confused as tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"Deku you idiot, your sleeping in my sleeping bag, it's ours... I wanna sleep close to you so I only brought mine." He says with a sorry face.

I start to laugh at how cute he is and how stupid I am. Of course he would wanna sleep as close as he could to me. Alpha's who's mates are pregnant get very clingy and protective, I should have expected as much. We put our pajamas on and both slide in the large sleeping bag, he lays his head near my scent glands and pulls me close to him, avoiding to press on my belly of course. We then quickly fall asleep together.


Dabi's POV

We've arrived to the place, we're on a hill outside the property, but we have a clear view of 1A. The students are currently having some sort of picnic, I glance at my brother, he looks like he wants to join them. I give him a pat on the back as he sighs.

"It won't go, no matter how hard I try Dabi... He's finally out of my reach, and my soul still cries for his embrace." He says with his monotone voice.

I can tell he's hurting, his voice may be monotone, but if you listen carefully, it breaks at the mentions of his beloved Midoriya. He can't help it, his heart wont let him forget him. I sigh as well, I kinda understand him. When I kidnapped the poor omega, I almost immediately fell for him. Of course I knew I had no chance with him so it didn't hurt as much when Bakugo claimed him. But Todoroki had his chance, and he fucked it up... He probably still blames himself. I look over my shoulder, two of our associates are whispering to eachother but I can't hear them. When our eyes met, they jumped and separated.

That can't be a good sign...