Chapter 019

Midoriya's POV

It's already the morning, I look over my shoulder and see Kacchan still asleep. I decide to try and move out of his grasp, but unfortunately he pulled me closer. I let out a little growl to tell him that I want to go, but he's still asleep, I can tell that it's almost time. I almost immediately hear Aizawa scream at us to get out of the tents. Kacchan wakes up and groans as he lets me go, we dress up and get out as we all gather to see the 3 teachers waiting for us.

"Alright, as you guys can see, there's an obstacle course over there, and a sparing ring over here. There's gonna be some mental tests right here. Midoriya unfortunately I'll have to ask that you only do the mental one. And for the others... I'm expecting good results..." He says with his tired voice.

Everyone does the obstacle course, witch was required to do without their quirks surprisingly, Shinsou was first followed closely by Kacchan who was very mad for losing. Then it came to the fights, it would go in order of places, and so first was Shinsou vs Kacchan. Obviously Kacchan won, then it was Iida vs Tsuyu, Tsuyu surprisingly won that battle. Then it was Tokoyami vs Sato, Sato won the fight. Then it came to Kirishima and Kaminari to fight, but Kirishima... Resigned!?

"I can't fight him... I'm sorry..." he says looking down.

"Eijirou you can't back down unless you have a good reason. If you do not, please resume the battle." Aizawa said as Kirishima flinched.

"I-... I... I can't mister Aizawa please just let Denki sit on the bench..." he says now shaking.

The whole class we're now shocked, Kirishima would never back down for a fight... Even against his lover, he did it before. I took a glance at Denki, and immediately understood.

"I just can't hide it anymore. I know you weren't ready to reveal it but I can't risk it anymore... Kaminari is pregnant..." Kirishima said almost crying.

Everyone except me we're shocked. When I glanced at Denki, I could sense it. It must be an omega to omega thing, but I knew immediately.

"I see, in that case Kaminari you'll have to join Midoriya and stop all fighting and exhausting exercises..." Aizawa says slightly worried but comprehensive.

Denki then walked up to me, I knew how he felt and so I gave him a hug, I offered to go on a walk while they we're fighting. We decided to go in the woods, just east of the camp to relax together. We sat against a tree that was on the hill we we're at and talked about his pregnancy. He had only found out about it the day before we had left for camp, he said that he was around 3 or 4 weeks pregnant since that was how long ago that Kirishima had knotted him by accident. We talked and laughed when I heard branches crack, we we're on a hill so we couldn't see who or what it was, my maternity instincts kicked in and I pulled Denki behind me, ready to defend him. Two figures popped over the hill, they looked at us and smiled, Denki started shaking as he saw the the figures get closer.

"Midoriya... Denki... What are you two doing so far from camp..." Todoroki said in a worried tone.

"You guys shouldn't be so far from your alpha's... It's dangerous for you omegas.." Dabi stated.

"How do they know us!?" Denki says now trembling.

I laugh and point at Todoroki's scar, Denki looks at the now black haired, both brown eyes and masked Todoroki. His eyes widdens with realization.

"OMG IS THAT YOU TODOROKI!?" He says surprised.

"Long time no see... So will you answer or not Midoriya?" He says in a soft tone.

"Well since I'm pregnant, I can't train, and eh... Denki is also pregnant so he joined me, I offered to go on a walk and we sat down to relax that's all..." I said smiling.

"It's dangerous, bring an alpha with you next time... Please be careful and go back to camp..." Todoroki says with a worried tone.

"What do you mean, dangerous... This is a private property... Also why are YOU here?" I say now questioning why they would be near our camp.

"Izuku it has nothing to do with you two, now please go back to camp..." Dabi says.

We sighed, we both knew they wouldn't answer us, we turned around and headed down the hill. When we made it to the bottom, I looked at Denki, he had removed his communicator when we sat down and forgot it there.

"Ah Denki you forgot your communicator... I'll go grab it real quick, just go to camp and I'll catch up." I say turning around to go grab it.


Todoroki's POV

We watch as the two omegas leave our line of sight, we decide to walk back to our post that is a little further away, as we walk there, we meet with the patrol squad, witch is composed of a grey haired alpha (Luffy) and a yellow haired delta (Zap).

"We finished scouting the other side. We're on our way to continue north ahead." Luffy said to me.

"Perfect, if you spot the villains, you're to report immediately." I requested of them.

They both nod and passes us to go check around the rest of the outside of the property. I can't help but feel uneasy, like something isn't right, I glance at Dabi who looks at me at the same time. We both feel that something isn't right. And it makes us worried.

3rd person POV

The two vigilantes are actually spies for the villain group they are after, they aren't here to protect the students or destroy their own association... They want omega's. Most male omega's are quirkless or have very weak powers, if the power is reasonable, they have awfull side effects (Denki's dumbness) but their group had their eye's on a very strong omega that just so happened to be there today. The two vigilantes we're patroling when they heard someone pant near them. When they peaked, they saw the omega they we're looking for.

"Ah... I'm out of... Shape... I'll need to walk more.. Or I'll fall... Behind..." The omega says as he picks up a weird object.

"Hey there little omega~ You shouldn't be here all alone it's dangerous." Luffy says, sending dominant pheromones.

Midoriya however doesn't flinch, he looks at them with worry, but since Dabi and Todoroki are here, he asumes that they're part of the Crimson dawn. He lightly smiles at them.

"Yeah... I'm sorry but my friend had forgotten this, so I came to get it... I'll be going now." He said turning around.

But when he did, Zap was standing behind him, and was now face to face with him. Zap clenched his fist before talking.

⚠️Warning physical abuse,⚠️

⚠️murder and blood⚠️

⚠️Also explicit content⚠️

"Your gonna have to follow us omega or else." He says angrily.

Midoriya was now in panic, he could run, but then again he might not make it. He decide to try and diffuse the situation.

"Look, I'm a friend of Todoroki, you guys are from the Crimson dawn right? I don't know you guys so maybe if you went to talk to him and bring him here I'd gladly come along with y-"

That's when Midoriya's worst nightmare happened, the delta whose fist was clenched collided with his stomach. Midoriya fell to the ground as he spat blood, he grabbed his stomach now screaming his lungs out for his child to be okay. The scream resonated across the entire property, the students all stopped and ran towards the scream with the teachers. On the Crimson side, Dabi, Todoroki and their team ran to the screams. Midoriya started to bleed from his lower half, he beg for it to be a dream, the alpha then pick deku up who screamed and clawed at them, causing him to receive a punch to the face, knocking him, still holding his stomach he slowly drifted unconscious.

"Tch, why the fuck is he bleeding from his fucking ass, gross!" Zap stated.

They both walked towards their villain base that was up north with Midoriya on Luffy's back like he was a coat he had just removed.

Bakugo's POV

Im looking at the fight when Denki comes back to camp, I look around for Deku.

"Hey dunce face, where did Deku go? Weren't you with him?" I asked worried.

"Oh he shouldn't be too long he went to grab my communication gear and said to go wait for him at camp..." He said with a smile.

Suddenly we hear a piercing scream, it was full of despair and pain. We all knew who's voice it was as everyone froze and then rushed to the scream... As I ran along with the others, I could feel Deku's pain, the fear and tears that was coming out of him. I prayed I could save them both...

Todoroki's POV

Me and Dabi we're back at camp, we we're trying to figure out where in the world the villains base could possibly be. I lift my head up trying and talk to see if anyone saw anything suspicious. Then suddenly, the most pain filled scream I've ever heard resonates in the woods. And I knew exactly who made the scream, without thinking turn around running.  My entire group and Dabi we're right behind me as we all ran to the spot we last saw Midoriya.

When we arrived, I saw Bakugo and the whole class searching around. They saw us and braced for a fight before Bakugo shaked his head. He walks up to me when he stops... His eyes widdens and he kneels down to a puddle of blood, he sniffs it and freezes.

"This is... Deku's blood..." Bakugo states, his eyes filling with tears.

I step closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder.

"Your our only chance to find him... Bakugo, you need to save Midoriya..." I tell him holding my own tears.

"He was in alot of pain, but I think he's knocked out. When I linked, he was being pulled north..." he says trying his best to remember.

"Did you see the attackers?" Dabi asked.

"I didn't see the one who picked Deku up, but there was a yellow haired guy with two small claw scars under his right eye..." he says as I froze.

He had described Zap, Zap and Luffy we're on their way to patrol north earlier... We're they spies all along!?

"Okay lets head north! You guys try and assist as we recue Midoriya!" I screamed to the Crimson dawn.

"And why should we trust you!?" Aizawa yells at us cautious as he had already erased most of our quirks.

I remove my mask and eye contact to show my blue eye and face. The class gasp as they recognized me. I put everything back and ran with Bakugo north. Everyone followed my lead as we ran for 3 kilometers looking for a base.


Midoriya's POV

I'm chained from my hands, it's attached to the ceiling in the middle of the room. My stomach hurt crazy, I'm laying on the ground, I try to crawl, but the pain is unbearable. Its not as bad as the one in my heart, I pray that the child is somehow still alive. The room door opens and I see the two figures from earlier. They look at me and laugh as they grab the chain and pull it up, making me dangle in the air in pain.

"For a claimed omega, you sure smell good." The yellow one says.

They drop the chain making me slam against the cement floor, I scream at the pain this causes in me.

"Oh no, we can't have you screaming kid... You'll attract attention!" He says sending kicks in my stomach.

I try my best to shield it with no avail, as I cough more blood. At this point it obvious... I cry the lost of my child, it's slowly killing me. I do as I can to save myself and pray that someone is nearby and scream as loud as I can. Making them kick my face.

"Fucking tamed omega, they don't listen once claimed. Let see... Didn't you say he had a mother?" The yellow guy asks the alpha.

"Yeah let me check if Shagi got her like we requested..." The grey alpha says.


I was on the verge of breaking down, the throbbing pain in my stomach reminding me of the child I had just lost, suddenly, I feel Kacchan connect.

Hey baby its me, are you and the child okay?

I couldn't talk or they would know... I looked at the yellow guy to show Kacchan my situation, avoiding to mention... The worst...

"Oh what is this, do I see anger in your eyes? That's cute, now let me see hatred." He says as his friend comes back... holding my mother.


I could feel Kacchan's worry as he watchedthe scene that was about to play before my eyes.

"You see this, it's the one person you should always protect. Yet look at her, she's in a villains grasp, and your tied on the ground beated up... How pathetic am I right?" The yellow hair says laughing.


"What would you do, if..." The yellow hair says pulling a blade out of his pockets.


"You'll always be at the bottom omega, you'll never be anything but a burden and a constant danger to thoses around you!" He says screaming.

Deku listen to my voice, what he's saying isn't true!

"You'll always be an alpha's bitch whether you want it or not!"

Deku ignore him baby, please we're about to reach the door just hang on.

"And no matter what you do.... You'll always be too late to protect thoses you love."

At those words he unwrapped my mother's mouth, she looked down at me and smiled.

"I love you my baby Izu-"

My eyes widened and I screamed as the yellow hair sliced her throat open, her blood splashing infront of me. I looked at her fall to the ground as she slowly bled out.

"MOMMMMM!!!!" I screamed as I felt my whole world collapse.

Oh god... Deku baby I'm here... It's going to be... To be okay...


Deku just close your eyes baby dont watch just listen to my voice...

I stood still watching her blood fill the floor, at that point I had lost my will to live, my eyes went dull.

"HEY HEY HEY! THE FUCK KINDA REACTION IS THIS!?" He says screaming as he grabs my hair and pulls my head up to look in my eyes.


That's when an explosion was heard, Aizawa, was the first to enter the top floor. The delta and alpha ran out to fight them off, they we're soon outnumbered and pinned down. They ran around until they found us.

Bakugo's POV

As I run around looking for the room, I bust a door open and see the scene. Deku is laying on the ground naked, his eyes look like he's dead, I look to the side to see Inko... In a huge puddle of blood. I run to check her pulse, it's already gone, I run to Deku and check his pulse... He's still alive... I sigh in relief when I see blood at near his bottom, I beg that he wasn't raped. As I melt the chain off his hands I see his face is pretty bruised up, It's killing me, Aizawa has already picked Inko to send her to recovery girl, but I know it's too late. I finally remove the chain and move Deku around, and my worst nightmare came to light.

Todoroki's POV

After tying up all the villains, I see Aizawa run out with Deku's mother... She's covered in blood and her throat is slit open. I fear the worst as I run down the stairs, when I arrive, I see Midoriya, limp in Bakugo's arms as he gently rubs Midoriya's stomach.

"IS HE DE-" I start to ask before Bakugo shakes no with his head as tears fall down his face.

I approach them and kneel down. Bakugo's hand is still softly brushing agains Midoriya's stomach. I take a closer look and gasp, not only was his stomach flattened, but it was covered in  large dark bruises. I lift my hand up to my mouth resisting the urge to cry myself... I reach my other hand on Bakugo's back and rubs it as he breaks down infront of me.

"It's dead... Our child... IT'S FUCKING GONE! I'LL NEVER SEE IT WALK, SAY IT'S FIRST WORDS, SEE IT'S FACE!!!" He screams shaking as he still gently holds Midoriya in his arms.

"I'm so... So very sorry... Katsuki..." I say as my chest burns even more.

I've never liked Bakugo, he was an annoying jerk. But he brought happiness to Midoriya... And now... He was in serious pain. I couldn't help but feel awful for him.

"What's... Wrong with... Midoriya?" I dared to ask, worried as I point to his blank eyes wide open.

"I don't... I don't know..." he says as he stops rubing Midoriya's stomach.

"I can't... Live anymore... I feel.... Dead." Midoriya says, breaking our hearts.

"Deku don't say that baby, I know it fucking hurts, but well try again and get another child, I promise." Bakugo says, desperately trying to save Midoriya.

"I'll return to UA, we can hang out again, I'll be the godfather if you want..." I say trying to cheer him up.

Our words must have slightly worked as tears form on his eyes as they squint in agony.


Bakugo pulls Deku in his arms, I can see him shake as he tries to comfort Midoriya.

"Babe... That's not true, this isn't your fault and all that they said isn't true, your a strong omega that will strive through this pain and get stronger. I'll be by your side forever..." Bakugo says to Midoriya.

As if that's all he needed to hear, Midoriya grabs Bakugo's shirt and falls asleep. We sigh and lay back, as we know that he is somewhat back on his feet but barely. Soon enought the cops and ambulances we're here, they confirmed Midoriya's mother's death and brought Midoryia and Bakugo to the hospital, where they also confirmed the death of their child. This day was the worst day in everyone's life, as they had 2 fatal casualties in a rescue mission...

All we could do now, was await Midoriya's recovery. But would we ever see his smile again?