Chapter 030

Bakugo's POV

Hawks leaves as I held onto Deku, he was indeed kinda cold, It wasn't normal since he was clearly in heat. I gently bring him closer to my chest as I walk back into the room, gaining two glares on me.

"Is he okay!?" Shinsou almost yelled.

"Yeah just cold... Hawks just brought him..." I say as I sit down with Deku still in my arms.

"Do you think he'll hate us?" Icyhot asked, making me flinch.

I didn't want to know the answer to that question, I knew full well that Deku would be pissed at us. I mean he clearly left because he was and now we forcefully put him back in my arms, he probably doesn't want to be... I sigh and look down at Deku, I know he's pissed, but he's too kind-hearted though... I'm pretty sure he's going to wake up, get angry, feel sorry, then apologize and jump in my arm, or at least that's what always happens. That's what I hope will happen... He looks so peaceful like this, I feel him shift into my arms before he opens his eyes.

"Hey Dek-"


"Let me go..." He says and I obey.

Deku stands up, wobbles away and falls on his ass. He backs up from all three of us into a corner and starts growling at the ground, I can tell he's pissed and this time it's not a joke.

"I'm sorry Izuku... I really am..." Shinsou says as he broke the silence.

Deku sighed, he slowly crawled to Shinsou, gently petting is head. He stayed next to him and then gave him a hug making me slightly jealous.

"It's okay, I forgave you a while ago, your not the one I'm mad at." He says with a smile.

He lets Shinsou go and crawls back to his corner, probably to give Shinsou some space since he was still in heat, he looked at me then at Icyhot.

"I'm disappointed in you two... I can't believe you guys would do this to him... I'm not angry I got caught up in this, I'm angry it even happened to begin with... Was beating him up not enough!? He literally controled himself a couple of days ago and you guys still didn't accept him!?" Deku said very angry.

"Look he needed to pay Dek-"

"Katsuki shut it I'm not fucking done talking!" Ryia said angrily.

He stood up, walked up to me and grabbed my collar, he was boiling with anger.

"Alpha I trusted you! You betrayed me!" Ryia screamed louder.

"N-no Ryia listen... I didn't realize he had changed! I swear, we both apologized when he woke up!" I said with my hands in the air infront of me.

He goes to say something but lets me go and violently falls on the ground, he was holding onto his stomach when his pheromones exploded in intensity. Both me and Icyhot pinched our nose due to the burning feeling it had caused. Shinsou whimpered as he quickly backed away. I couldn't touch him, meaning I couldn't pick him up, I needed his permission and this was looking bad.

"Aah~ Kacchan... It hurts!" He suddenly says as Ryia and vanished.

"Can I p-pick you?" I say as I try to stay under control.

"Y-yes... Aah~" He moans as I wrap my arms around him.

God he smelled good, I pulled him to my neck so he was sitting on my lap, he started to scent me and smell me. Icyhot grabbed Shinsou and quickly got out of the room, leaving me all alone with Deku. He was whining from the pain so I gently rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.

"A-alpha~ I forgive y-you..." He says between pants.

"Is it your heat speaking, Ryia or-"

"N-no... I f-forgive you... I l-love you too... m-much to stay a-angry..." He says trying not to moan.

"I'm glad... Then Deku? Um... how about I help you?" I say as I gently slip my hand down to his ass and squeeze.

"Aah yes... Please..." He moans out.

I can feel him grind against me, I've been hard ever since I first smelled him, I slip a moan out at the pleasure it was giving me.

"Let me plesure you baby~" I seductively said as I nimbled on his earlobe.


I stand up as we both undress, his body was indeed cold, but I'd soon warm it up. I pin him against the wall, sensually sucking on his neck, just next to my mark, making him let out mewls and soft moans, I gently lick the glands. His entire body heated up as his dick let precum leak out. I gently kiss his chest, making a hickey on each of my kisses, I continued to his dick, he was rock hard, I licked the precum off, getting a loud moan from Deku.

"Ah~ p-please alpha... More~" Deku moaned as I saw his leg shake.

I looked and he was already dripping slick from his hole, I smiled before standing back up.

"Deku, wrap your legs around my waist." I said before he did exactly that.

I gently made circles aroud his hole with my finger while holding him secure with my other arm in case the pleasure made him limp. I slided a finger in as he moaned softly in my ears. I let out a low groan, god he turned me on, I capture his lips while gently entering a second finger, his moans muffled in my mouth. I slipped my tongue in his mouth as I looked around for his spot. He suddenly broke the kiss by throwing his head back with a loud moan. I had found his spot, I continued to finger his spot as he kept moaning with his tongue out, I gently pinned his top back against the wall to suck on his erected nipples while still fingering him.


I smiled and gently pulled his bud with my teeth while inserting a 3rd finger. He grabbed my back violently as he clawed to hold on.

"Aah~ Kacchan w-wait I'm gonna- Awgh!" He moaned as he came on our chests.

I smiled and removed my fingers, Deku was violently panting, he was still hard due to the heat.

"Alright, I'm going in..." I said as I position myself under him.

"Wah- Awgh gnn~ Ooh K-Kacchan~" He says as he fully takes my dick in.

He was so tight in that position, I could feel his walls perfectly wrap around my cock with heat. I had to hold everything in me to restrain from pounding him. I waited for him to get used to me before slowly moving.

"Gah! S-so deep~ Aah~ Faster alpha!" He moaned out.

I gladly obeyed as I pulled out until only the tip was in just to slam into him a little faster. He swung his head back screaming in pure pleasure, his insides squeezing me as I trusted in him, gosh he felt so good.

"Oh Deku, your so tight!" I moaned out.

"Faster alpha! Pound me good!" He screamed.

At that point, my inner alpha couldn't help but pound him. I started trusting faster and harder, crashing over and over in his spot, making his whole body shake. He suddenly comes on our chests again, making him squeeze around me, I could feel myself get insane.

"Fuck Deku... I'm so close~ You feel way too good Aah~" I say as his walls clamped around me.

"Yes~ Fill me up alpha! I want all of your cum~" He says as I felt my knot get bigger.

I tried to pull out but he locked me with his legs and slammed himself on me, the pleasure was too much making me cum in him intensly.

"Gah~ Deku... Fuck..." I says as I felt knotted.

I gently sat down groaning, he giggled and kissed me.

"Deku... I'm sorry..." I said as I internally slapped myself for knotting him.

"It's okay Kacchan... I don't mind having a tiny Katsuki around~" He said smiling.

"Gosh you and your fucking adorableness..." I growled as I passionately kissed him.

✅SFW Zone✅

25 minutes later...

I finally unknotted and separated from Deku who was aleep, I couldn't see any cum coming out, so I just dressed him up and sighed. Good gracious this omega is gonna be the end of me... But I love him so much. I lay a kiss on his forehead laying him down, I putted my boxers and pants on. I walked out and up the stairs, Dabi staired at me up and down as I came up.

"You guys we're loud~" Dabi says smirking.

"Where's Shinsou and Icyhot?" I say smirking back.

"They left because Deku's moans was turning them on, I told them to just step outside." He said giggling.

"Ah okay, I'll  go talk to them then..." I say as I stepped outside.

As I closed the door, I felt the cold breeze of the outside, Icyhot looks at me irritated as he walked towards me.

"Oh... You guys finally done... I'd like to go back inside..." Icyhot said with irritation in his tone.

"God he felt good too, sure go in~" I say purposely teasing Icyhot.

I can't help it, I like showing off what's mine, it's part of my nature. He growls and calls Shinsou who was across the field near the river.

"Oh... did they finish their mating session?" He asked blushing.

"Tch... Obviously dumbass I'm right here!" I yelled irritated.

"Ignore him, that's what I do" Icyhot says.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING IGNORE ME I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!" I yelled pissed off scaring the delta.

"Don't worry, Midoriya will beat his ass if he does." He says glancing at me.

I flinch, he's right, if I do something against Shinsou, I'll probably get a Detroit smash up my ass...

No thank you.

"Shut up..." I wisper.

"See, a soft puppy is all he is." He says as he rubs my hair, making me growl violently.

"Um.. Shoto, you shouldn't do that... He looks ready to kill you or rip your arm off..." Shinsou says as I growl even louder.

"Nah, he's all bark no bite with Midoriya's protected friends, trust me." He says as I slap his hand off and walk inside.

"Come on you extras, it's freezing cold outside, I don't want to deal with you guys being sick!" I says as we all get inside.

I look at Dabi with Deku in his arms, he's koala hugging him as he rubs his back. I growl with anger as sparks comes out of my hands, I walk angrily towards them when Deku sniffs my scent, jumps off Dabi and into my arms. He was crying and trembling, I relax and held him close. Why was he trembling and so scared?

"K-Kacchan your okay! S-shigaraki is d-dead right!?" He cried out as my blood froze.

I looked at Dabi confused, I knew Dabi had killed Shigaraki, so why was Deku questioning me!?

"He had a nightmare with Shigaraki coming back to life and killing you... I was trying to confort him, I mean I killed him myself..." Dabi said with a sad expression.

"He... He won't k-kill you Kacchan? R-right?" He said trembling crazy as his breath became erratic.

"No he won't, your okay baby just breathe... I'm right here." I say as I rubbed his back.

Dabi moved off the chair so I could sit with Deku, eventually he fell asleep in my arms.

"Poor him, this Shigaraki guy sure broke him..." Shinsou said looking tenderly at Deku.

"Yeah, that's why I blew his dick off before Dabi had killed him." I proudly said as Icyhot flinched at the memory.

"Yeah... I'll never be able to remove that sight of Deku, on all fours... begging for help..." Icyhot said clenching his fists.

"W-what!? What happened!?" Shinsou said worried.

"Well you know that already... He was rapped by him..." I say as I hugged Deku closer to forget the images that was rushing in my head.

Flashback  ⚠️Rape warning⚠️

We we're re almost there when we heard awfull words...

"P-p-please! Stop... I... I want... Kacchan..."

"Well then I'll just take it away from him and get pups out of you!"

After that we hear a tud followed by painful screaming and moans. I explodes the door open, I will never unhear thoses words. On the floor, being violently raped by Shigaraki, layed a weak and pinned down Deku. With half his eyes open and one arm barely up he screams....


Flashback over  ✅SFW ZONE✅

I cringe at the memory, that awful sight just gives me murderous impulses towards Shigaraki. I feel soft lips on my scent glands, Deku gently kissing them, probably sensing my distress pheromones. Alpha's don't produce them often, so I was kinda surprised myself.

"You okay Kacchan?" He asked still half asleep.

"Yes, as long as your okay I'm fine..." I say before pulling his head to kiss him.

We kiss soflty and smile as we lean against eachohers forehead. I'll never let Deku go throught something like that again, and if he falls pregnant, I'll protect that baby with my life to avoid losing it again. We hear chuckles in the background, I look at the two alpha's and the delta laughing at me.

"See? All bark not bites" Icyhot says.


"Way to hell right Kacchan?" Deku says snickering.

Was he seriously siding with them!? I pouted, something I don't do often, or ever actually. I felt betrayed, how could he say that I'm all bark no bite.

"Trust me I bite~" I say as I pulled Deku's neck to me to lick his mark.

He gently moans as everyone else flinch and look away. I smile knowing they're jealous, they have no idea what they're missing. Deku is kind, gentle, he takes good care of me, he thinks of what I like and want, he's passionate about being a hero and always do what's best for others... Oh and he fucking feels great in bed... He's all mine, he always was.