Chapter 031

Bakugo's POV

After a couple of hour of sleep, we decided it was best to head back to the dorms. It was around 2 am at night when we arrived, I made it to the dorm and placed Deku on the bed. I went to say something to Shinsou but held my tongue, I trust him now, so I have nothing to worry about. I walk out to let them sleep as I make it to my bedroom where I see Icyhot... Crying?

"Hey... Icy- Shoto? You okay?" I say as he looks at me.

"O-oh... Y-yeah... Just my mark acting up..." He says as he scratches the mark on his neck.

"Sorry for teasing you earlier, I can't even imagine how much your body wants to mate him... I'm such an ass sometimes..."

"Yah thin-.... Nah... Your alright, I agreed on the ass part... But I can't blame you... I'm sure mating with Deku feels insanely good..." He says as he bit his bottom lip.

He has no idea, I snicker before patting is back.

"Well time to sleep, we have about what? 1 month and a half before the test? Let's get sleep so we aren't exhausted tomorrow." I say as I climb on the bed.

He joins me and lays on the opposite side, I can almost feel his back and it's annoying me. But I simply close my eyes and drift to sleep, it's almost over anyways.

1 month later

Midoriya's POV

I'm so happy that we're almost done the training for the test, witch is in 14 days. I'm currently sparing with Shinsou, no quirks obviously since I'd have a huge advantage on him.

"Are you getting tired Izuku?" He says slightly worried.

He is right, I feel slower and much more tired than usual, I nod and walk to the bench to grab some water, my head starts to spin. I look around to try and catch myself when Shinsou grabs me.

"Hey whoa you good!? You almost fell down, here sit on the bench." He says as he guides me to it.

I place a hand on my forehead as the world swirls around me, I feel awfully dizzy, it's starting to make me sick. I lay down on the bench to see if it'll help calm it down. It does indeed and so after 15 minutes of laying down, I get back up and continue our sparing. I won as Shinsou had focused on me too much, for some reason, he refused to hit me had only blocked my attacks until I won...

2 weeks later

It was the day of the test, god I felt sick, it was only 8 am and I felt like puking my life out, since I hadn't eaten yet, nothing came out when I gaged. I walk to the stadium, they say it's gonna be a rescue test, if you win you pass, thankfully, we fight robots so that's nice. I look around, the whole school is sitting on the  elevated benchs to watch us, I feel kinda nervous and dizzy, well I'm very dizzy lately anyways but that's beside the point. I look around to see my alpha talking with Shinsou and Todoroki, I walk up to them but catch myself before I slam the ground, god that was close, I can see them running to me.

"MIDORIYA ARE YOU OKAY!?" Todoroki yells as they approach me.

"Deku what happened!?"

"I eh... Felt dizzy again..."

"Your getting worst, I mean it happened alot while we spared, you shouldn't do this... What if you fall while fighting... You could get hurt or killed." Shinsou says with worry.

Kacchan helps me back up and I smile at them reasuring that I'm okay. I know it's dangerous, but if I step out now, I won't pass for next year. There's no way I'm doing that! They all sigh as we walk back to the center, they tell our order of fights.

"HEYYYY LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE FOR CLASS 2A!!! YEAHHHHH!!!" Present mic yells as Aizawa rolls his eyes.

"IS EVERYONE READY!? HERE'S THE ORDER!" He yells as the screen shows the order.

Ochaco Uraraka

Tenya Iida

Katsuki Bakugo

Yuga Aoyama

Mina Ashido

Tsuyu Asui

Mashirao Ojiro

Denki Kaminari

Eijiro Kirishima

Koji Koda

Rikido Sato

Mezo Shoji

Kyoka Jiro

Hanta Sero

Fumikage Tokoyami

Shoto Todoroki

Toru Hagakure

Hitoshi Shinsou

Momo Yaoyorozu

Izuku Midoriya

Damn, I'm last, that kinda sucks... I watch as everyone goes after another, Kacchan passed the fastest so far, Todoroki wasn't too far behing in speed, Shinsou almost didn't pass, since his quirk isn't for fighting so he had to do all hand to hand combat. Then finally, I see Momo win, I inhale and exhale slowly, trying to keep myself calm. I feel nauseous again, damnit that's annoying... I walk in looking around, looks like 76 robots are placed around, there's two dummies to rescues, one behind the robots and one in a minefield. I relax and take over my dizziness, this isn't the time to feel sick.


I deploy my black rods, slaching and impaling multiple robots, I'd say I got 36 of them just about now, so that leaves 40 of them. I smile as I Detroit smash some of them, avoiding the dummy of course, 34 left... I run in between them, 1, 4, 2... now theres 27 left, I send a powerful kick to push them way from me, I need to take them out before I head to the minefield, so I'll save this dummy first. I suddenly feel dizzy again, the strength is worst than before, I fall on one knee, barely conscious, I can hear the gasps and worry of the crowd, Kacchan is trying to connect but I blocked him out... I need to focus on this, ugh and the nausea is back too. I look up, and Manchester smask them away before slowly standing back up, my body feels drowsy, but I shake my head, I smile before crossing my arms in an X, the dummy behind me.

"CALIFORNIA SMASH!!" I says as 22 robots explodes.

I run towards the 5 remaining robots and smash them with my black rods. I look at the dummy behind me, time to save them! I gently pick them up and bring the to the safe zone before going to the minefield. I avoid the mines and save the dummy, marking the end of the test. I sigh, thank god it's over... I connect to Kacchan who's panicking.


"Kacchan I'm fine... You worry too much..."

Deku something is wrong with you, I can feel it...

At that moment, everything gets swirly, I try to catch myself but fall on the ground, I suddenly feel Shinsou petting my arm, he was one of the last candidates so he was closer. I can hear the crowd, they're very worried.


"I'll go grab Bakugo, just wait here, DON'T MOVE!" Sinsou says with a serious tone.

Not even 5 minutes passed before I felt Kacchan's soft hand on my face.

"Baby are you okay, did you get hurt?" He says as he gently drags his fingers along my jaw.

"I'm... So dizzy..." I manage to whimper as the world spins around.

I close my eyes trying to calm my heart down, I can feel Kacchan being nervous and worried through our link.

"Okay, Aizawa is coming baby. I got you, just breathe slowly Deku, you'll be fine..." He says as he sits on the ground and holds me on his lap.

"What's wrong Midoriya?" Aizawa asks in a worried tone.

"I don't know, I feel so tired and everything is spinning..." I say as I feel nauseous again.

Kacchan senses it and bends me forward, rubbing my back as I puke. He gently kisses my neck to try and calm me down, I'm all confused and tired so I close my eyes to try and sleep.

Bakugo's POV

Poor Deku just threw up, Shinsou hands me a clothe to clean Deku's mouth, he's passed out so I clean him. I pick him up and bring him to the side since Recovery girl is on her way. I look at him heavily breathing, did he overdo himself again... Damnit Deku you can't push yourself like that all the time...

"Young Bakugo are you there?" Recovery girl asked from the entrance of the stadium.

"Yeah we're over here!" I yell as I wave at her.

"Ah... Poor Midoriya, what is it this time?" She says disappointedly.

"Well he said he was very tired this morning and nauseous. He almost passed out mid battle earlier and well... Now he's out... Oh, also he also puked over there..." I said as she checked him out.

She listens to his heartbeat.... Then puts the heart listening thingy on Deku's stomach and smiles.

"They'll be just fine, make sure he eats more, seems he'll need to eat for two now~" She says smilling as she tells everyone that he's okay.

My jaw dropped, I'm not stupid, she clearly said he eats for two now and checked his stomach. My heart started racing, I couldn't believe what I had heard, he was pregnant again... I mean I knotted him twice in the last two months so it's to be expected, but I'm still surprised... I was a father again, I look at Deku.

"You should have told me sooner that you felt sick... You shouldn't be fighting pregnant... Damnit you nerd! You should know that!" I say as my protective instincts slaps my face.

He suddenly moves and opens his eyes to look at me.

"Hey baby, guess you passed the test... but um... No more training for 8 months okay?" I says as he frowns.

"But Kacchan school will be starting again in 2 months..." He says not understanding what I meant.

"No... You need to take care of the puppy..." I say as I gently rub his belly.

His eyes went wide as he looked at my hand and then my face.

"I-I'm pregnant!?" He says with tears in his eyes.

I pull him into a kiss as his tears spill out of his beautiful green eyes. I pulled away to see him smiling.

"I'm pregnant Kacchan, I have another puppy!" He says all joyful.

"And I'll protect it with my life Deku, your not leaving my side until this child of ours is born, got that?" I say as I kiss his forehead.

He nods and wipes his tears, I stand up with him in my arms and walk out of the building. Now that the test is done, we need to pack our stuff to go back to our previous dorms, I walk to Deku's dorm and sit him on the bed. Once his clothes are packed, I walk up to him and kiss him tenderly.

"I'm gonna go pack, I'll be right back okay? DON'T FUCKING LEAVE THE ROOM..." I say the last words in my alpha voice.

He smiles at me as I walk out, almost bumping into Shinsou.

"Oh sorry, hey Bakugo... How's Midoriya? Does he feel better?" He says slightly worried.

"Ask him in 8 months buddy~" I say all joyful as I walk to my room to pack.

Shinsou's POV

I look at him confused, in 8 months? I walk in the room to see Deku staring at me, well more like at the door, he looks like he was ordered to sit still, I walk up to him and he smiles.

"So uh... Whats in 8 months?" I ask as he flinch at my question.

"I eh... Kacchan said that didn't he..." he says blushing.

"Yeah... What happens in 8 months?" I ask again.

"I'm 1 month pregnant... I'm giving birth in 8 months..." He says as he happily rubs his belly.

I can't help but smile, he lost his baby 7 or 8 months ago, and now he had another. I was happy for him, he looked happy too.

"Do you have an idea of a name?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah I do... I had 2 names for my... My last little pup..." He says as pain fills his eyes.

"Do you mind telling me?"

"Kiseki, witch meant Miracle would have been a boy name... And Aisuru, witch means Love would have been a girls name... I... I really wanted that baby Shinsou... I loved him... I miss him so much..." He says as I pull him into a hug.

I can't even begin to imagine the pain he is in, to lose a child to an omega is like losing your soul, it's irreplaceable, irreparable... I hold him tightly as he cries in my shoulder, I gently rub his back to try and confort him. This was something that Izuku needed, to let it out, because it sure wouldn't leave on its own.

"Do you feel better?" I say as I pull him back and gently wipe his tears.

He nods and I smile, I wanted to kiss his forehead, but I knew that would probably break his borders, when suddenly Sou jumped in and took over without warning.

"Hey Midoriya it's Sou... This dumbass wants to give your forehead a kiss to console you but is too much of a pussy to ask... Can he kiss your forehead?" Sou says as I curse at him.

Izuku giggles and pets Sou's head before nodding, Sou smiles and pushes me back in control.

"S-sorry about that..."

"You can kiss my forehead if you want to... I don't mind." He says smiling.

I gulp and gently lay a soft kiss on his forehead, god his skin felt nice on my lips... I pull back and see terror in his eyes.

"Are you okay? Was it uncomfortable, I only did it to confort you..." I say hopping it didn't displease him too much.

"Kacchan connected..." He says slightly panicked.

My heart stopped, I only kissed his forehead in friendly terms, but Bakugo wouldn't know that... I hear loud growls down the hall, I stand up terrified as the door slams open. There stood a rather calm Bakugo, but I could smell his pure bloodlust from where I was.

"I saw that Delta... You think you can just kiss my omega you fuck!" He says slowly walking towards me.

"W-wait I was... It's not what it looked like! I just k-kissed his f-fore-"

"Spare the excuses, Deku, baby please wait outside, I want to talk to Shinsou in private" He says with the last part filled with anger.

"K-Kacchan, he only kissed my forehead, we didn't do anything!" He says desperately pushing Bakugo back.

"Baby stop pushing me, it's bad for the baby, come here..." He says as he picks Izuku up, ignoring his words.

He walks out of the bedroom and then closes the door once he puts Izuku out. The door locks and he turns around.

"Alright I'm willing to listen to you, but if you don't explain this in a good way... I'll fucking tear you to shreds." Bakugo says with venom in his words.

"R-right well you see, he was t-talking about is f-first child and we talked about the n-name he had come up with... He was really sad so I g-gave him a friendly forehead kiss to console h-him... I swear it had nothing else other than confort in it!" I say kinda scared for my life.

Bakugo is not only stronger than me, but he's an alpha, witch means he's much stronger than Sou... He suddenly soften, and turns around quickly to open the door. He looks at Deku still standing there and gently hugs him, it was kinda cute...

"I-is he okay?" Izuku asked.

"He explained me, are you okay?" Bakugo asks Izuku.

"I'm having a new puppy, I couldn't be happier Kacchan..." He says smiling.

God he's fricking adorable, Izuku is unbearably cute... I'm so fucking jealous of Bakugo, he really is lucky.