Chapter 032

Bakugo's POV

It's the summer break now, Deku is currently in his room, it is 7 am after all. Gou is craving his attention lately, he won't stop waking me up, I can't fucking sleep!

"Oi you fucking alpha can't you let me sleep, it's been like this for 3 days!"

I want my omega! Give him to me!!!




Your telling me you don't want to fucking hold Izuku in your arms right now?

"Of course I do... I miss him every seconds I'm not with him... But we see him every day... Also... He's... As strong as me, so he can take care of himself... BUT DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TELL ANYONEI SAID THAT!"

Tch... Who do you take me for!?

"My idiot of an alpha..."

Touche... Ouch man, you hit my pride hard.

"Oh fuck off!"

I suddenly feel Deku start to cry, I stand up and run to the door, but upon opening it, he was just standing there crying.

"Hey baby? What happened?" I asked as I gently rubbed my thumb along his jaw.

"Y-you... Was the fuck off not for me?" He says as he looks sadly in my eyes.

I felt Gou slap the back of my head, of course he stood at my door when I yelled fuck off.

"Hey baby don't cry... It wasn't for you okay? Gou was being an ass and was keeping me awake... What are you here for?" I gently asked.

"You we're screaming Kacchan..." He said looking at me confused.

I sighed and pulled him into a hug, of course he would be up with me screaming next door. I pick him up and close my door before laying on the bed, I place myself comfortably before wrapping my arms around Deku protectively.

"I love you... Damn nerd..."

"I love you too Kacchan..."

With that, we fell asleep till a loud banging happened on my door.

"BAKUBRO GUESS WHAT- Oh... Am I interrupting?" He said as he looked at us.

I growled at him, I hate it when this godamn idiot just walks in.

"N-no! Me and Kacchan we're just sleeping. What did you wanna say?"


I couldn't care less about it... I didn't want to have to deal with another extra. That was until Deku decided to ask a question I didn't wanna know.

"Ooh what gender are they!? What's their name, oh and what's their quirk!?" He says getting excited at the quirk.

"Get this, their quirk is body manipulation, upon looking at someone or an animal, they can manipulate them to their will!" He says all impressed.

I didn't like that, to be able to control someone just by looking at them? Now I feared the worst.

"What's their secondary gender?" I asked irritated.

I think Kirishima caught on to my worries as he looked down, I could feel he didn't like this either.


I felt my heart beat faster, everything about this sounded fishy and I hated it...

"Yeah... His name is Uso Tsuki... They aren't very nice from what I heard..." He said as his excitement disappeared.

(If you guys didn't know Uso-Tsuki means liar in Japanese! Just saying)

"Maybe they changed! We can't judge them by their past actions... I don't!" He says smiling at me.

Of course Deku would trust them, he forgave me for my actions in the past, so why would he not trust them too. I sigh and got up, Kirishima stepped outside as I dressed up along with Deku. I loved it when he wore my stuff, we walked out and made it to the kitchen to eat some food, I looked over to Icyhot, he looked pissed.

"Todoroki? Are you okay?" Deku asked.

"I swear if he fucking does anything to you... You scream Izuku... I'm not kidding." Icyhot says, confusing the both of us.


"Tsuki, he's an omega fanatic, he controls them to do what he wants and plays with their feelings... He's was sent to rehab but I don't trust him..." He says growling.

My suspicions we're true then, he was to be watched, I sigh as I pet Deku's back.

"If he does anything to you, connect to me okay?" I say as Deku nods.

Even if controled, he should be able to connect to me, so if he does I can see what happened and save him. Let's just hope it doesn't get to that...

1 month later...

Deku is now 2 months pregnant, he has a small bump that apeared, it's adorable, we are currently in my room cuddling. Well more like I'm cuddling him since he's asleep, he's been very tired since he trained alot, he only has another month before he needs to stop training and he hates it. I softly pet his stomach, there's no way I'm losing this baby again, I'd rather die then let myself fail Deku like that... again. He moves around alot before waking up abruptly and rushing to the bathroom, I stand up and follow him. I gently rub his back as he pukes, poor Deku, I can't even imagine how tired he must be... He stops puking and lays against the toilet, softly snoring, I roll my eyes and clean him up, brush his teeths, to witch he wakes up and spits it out in the sink. I pick him up and lay him in bed, he doesn't look too good, maybe I'll ask recovery girl to check him up if he gets worst... I soon join and fall asleep.

"Hey Bakugo you in there?"

I open my eyes, it's 1h47 pm, I sigh and let Deku go before walking to the door. I open it to see Tokoyami.

"The fuck you want?"

"Um... Are you the one making so much noise?"

"THE FUCK!? I was sleeping ya dumbass!" I yell angrily.

"Oh okay, sorry for waking you, see there was noise coming from around here and-"

*Loud tud*

I turn to look if Deku fell, to my surprise, he was sleeping soundly on my bed, I look at Tokoyami who's as confused as I am. I step out and walk to the vacant room on my right, I open the door to see a weird guy. He was sitting on a bed, barely dressed...

"Aw man did I wake you guys? Sorry... I hit my head on my desk..." He says chuckling.

"Are you Uso Tsuki?" Tokoyami asked.

"Oh yes! That's me! And you must be Tokoyami and... Omg your Bakugo! I'm so honored to meet you, I'm a big fan!" He says smiling.

I didn't trust him, but I couldn't help but hear Deku yelling in my head to give him a chance.

"Tch... Fuck off" I say as I walk out.

3rd person POV

"Don't mind his attitude, he isn't very social... Or polite." Tokoyami says to the new student.

"Oh it's okay, I knew that already, he is know to be hot headed haha!" Uso said.

Tokoyami bowed before heading back to his room on the floor bellow. Uso stayed there for a minute before sniffing the air.

"I thought this school didn't have omega's anymore..." Uso said before getting up.

He closed his shirt and walked to the corridor where he saw a red hair alpha talk to and yellow haired omega. The yellow hair spotted Uso and waved at him to witch Uso waved back.

"They look friendly..."

In Katsuki's room, Deku had woken up and was hungry, he told Katsuki he would go and grab some snacks for the two of them. Katsuki agreed and offered to choose a movie in the meantime.

Midoriya's POV

I walk out of Kacchan's room to head down the hall, I wonder what I should get... I know Kacchan will want the spicy beef jerky, I guess I'll get myself some gummies... I hadn't realised that someone was standing infront of me before I bumped into them and fell back.

"Ow..." I said as I had now a bit of pain in my ass.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay... Um... Your an omega?" The person asked.

"Oh my name is Izuku Midoriya... And...  Um yes... I'm an omega..." I say a bit embarrassed.

"Wow your kinda cute... I mean... Sorry... Need help getting up?" He says as I look at him confused.

He was kinda hot with his silver hair, he didn't beat Kacchan of course but he had some good looks... He gives me his hand and helps me back on my feet.

"The names Uso Tsuki, it's nice to meet you Midoriya." He says smiling.

"Thanks! I'm glad to meet you too! I've heard alot about you already!" I say before he looks down.

"Oh... I guess you probably hate me too then..."

"Huh? Why would I hate you?"

"Because of how I was in middle school, I was a jerk..." He says as he turns around.

I grab his arm, making him flinch, he looks at my hand then my face in pure shock.

"I don't care about the past, let's be friends!" I say smiling.

His eyes widens, he smiles as tears fall off his face.

"I'd love to..."

I let him go and we chat for a while, he's a little older than me, he's 18, he likes Katsudon like me, he hates horror movies, he like Endeavor, to witch I cringe to.

"You don't like him?"

"Ah... Well, let's just say I dont hate him... Anymore... But Shoto does haha."


"Yeah he does..." Todoroki says from behind Uso.

"HEY SHOCHAN!" I say smiling.

He walks up to me and hugs me, I smile and hug back, surprisinf Uso.

Uso looks at me then at my neck and his eyes widdens.


"TO HELL THE FUCK NOT!" Kacchan yells behind me.

I giggled and let Todoroki go as Kacchan walked and wrapped me into his arms.

"Kacchan relax... You know I only have eyes for you." I say as he calms down and smiles at me.

"Sorry baby I just hate it when people believe Icyhot owns you..."

Uso looks at me like he's watching a miracle happen before his eyes. I mean I guess it's weird to see two powerful alpha's in love with the same omega...

"Well he owns me technically..." Todoroki says as he points his mark.

"Fuck off Icyhot he owns me too!" Kacchan says showing his mark."

"WAIT YOU... YOU MARKED TWO ALPHA'S!?" Uso screamed confused.

"Well I marked Todoroki by accident..." I say looking down.

I still felt bad for marking Todoroki when I didn't even mean to...

"Don't feel bad about it Midoriya... I don't regret it." Todoroki says smiling while Kacchan growls slightly.

"Wow, I'm surprised, your Endeavor's son! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

However, Todoroki gives him his casual uninterested glare before looking at me softly.

"Wanna go hang out today?" Todoroki ask me, completely ignoring Uso.

"Um..." I say as I look at Uso.

I could tell his actions hurt Uso and he glared at me and left in his room, I felt bad for him and ignored Todoroki, making the two alpha's frown.

"Uso can I come in?" I asked as I knocked on his door.

"Fuck off! Go hang out with your friends!" He yelled clearly trying not to cry.

"But... Your one of my friends Uso..." I say as I look down.

I hear shuffling before the door opens, his eyes we're teary but they hadn't fallen yet. He looked at the two alpha's before pulling me inside and locking the door.

"There you happy..." He says as he lays on his bed growling.

"Why are you angry at m-"



"Just as second Uso..." I say as I unlock the door and open it.

Both alpha we're standing there terrified, I sighed and pulled on their shirt to lower them to my height, I kissed Kacchan on his lips softly before giving a peck on Todoroki's cheek. I then pushed them back lightly before closing the door and locking it again.

"They jealous or something?" Uso says as he looks at me with questions in his eyes.

"Probably..." I say rolling my eyes.

"Must be nice... To have someone to love..." He says as he sighs.

"Do you... Have someone like that?"

"Family was murdered... Never found a lover... So no... I don't..." He says looking sad.

I couldn't help but feel bad, I wlked to his desk chair and sat down. We ended up talk the rest of the day, but when it came to 5 pm, I took his hand and pulled him out to the kitchen since I knew Kacchan would be cooking supper. I let him go and hug Kacchan who hugged me back.

"Hey baby did you have fun?"

"Yeah! He likes Katsudon like me Kacchan!" I say smiling.

I knew Kacchan wasn't too happy about me being with him all day, but that as long as nothing happened he'd keep his feelings down.

"Kacchan? I thought your name was Katsuki..." Uso said, witch made Kacchan flinch.

"It is, so don't fucking call me that!" He growled at Uso.

"He doesn't accept being called Kacchan other then by Izuku." Kaminari said smiling.

"Oh I see... Oh right Midoriya, if Shoto didn't mark you, does that mean he did?" Uso said curiously.

"Heck yeah I did, so you better fucking keep your hands to yourself or I'll kill you!" Kacchan yelled at Uso looked terrified.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the now trembling Uso.

"He doesn't actually mean that, he will beat you up pretty badly thought!" I say giggling.

Kacchan rolls his eyes and click his tongue before picking me up in a koala hug. Everyone aw's at us, exept Todoroki and Uso, we all eat together while I sit on Kacchan and Kaminari on Kirishima. We cleaned up and I helped Kacchan with the dishes, we then all agreed to play a game of truth or dare.I sat on Kacchan's lap, Todoroki sat on my left and Uso sat on my right.

"Alright Jiro! Truth or dare?" Mina asked since she was the one to propose the game... Obviously.


"Did you find a mate yet?"



"One truth Mina..."


"Sero, truth or dare?" Jirou asked.

"Dare..." Sero said a bit unsure.

"Kiss the cutest person in your eyes."

Sero gulped, he looked down and played with his fingers before looking back up.

"Can I skip that one? I'd like to keep my life thank you..."

"Why would you die?" I asked.

"Cus your mate will kill me..." He bluntly said.

Everyone was shocked at his remark, I felt Kacchan's grip tighten on me as he protectively wrapped his arms around me and growled.

"It's just a kiss on the cheek Kacchan..." I say as he stops and reluctantly backs up.

Sero gives a quick peck on my cheek before hurrying away from both Kacchan and Todoroki who we're both growling.

"Alright, since I'm still miraculously alive, Kirishima! Truth or dare?"

"Dare because I'm a man!" He says as Kaminari giggles.

"Place Kaminari on your shoulder and run outside for a minute before coming back!"

"WAIT I HATE HEIGHTS! N-NO- AAAAH PUT ME DOWN! HELP!" Kaminari yelled as Kirishima ran out the door.

We all bursted into laughter as they came back inside with Kaminari holding onto Kirishima's head like his life depended on it.

"Alright then, Bakubro my man, t-"

"Dare..." He said as most of us laughed.

"I dare you to let Izuku be cuddled by Todoroki" He says grining evily.

"You fucker..." He says as he lays me on Todoroki's lap.

Todoroki smiles as his tail and ears pop out, pulls me close to his chest and happily sniffs my glands. I giggle and let him be, most the class go aww as Kacchan growls and Uso looked amused.

"Alright floaty, truth or dare..." Kacchan says angrily.

"T-truth!" He stutters out a bit nervous.

"Ah fuck... Uh... What's your biggest secret?" He says uninterested.

"I eh... I can't tell you" she says embarrassed.

"Why Katsuki in particular?" Uso asked.


"But I've been calling you that all day..." Uso says confused.

"Calm down Kacchan it's not that big of a deal, oh and it can'tbe that bad Uraraka,  just tell us! We won't judge..." I say smiling.


We all looked shocked at her, Uraraka loved Kacchan!? What the actual fuck!?

"Eh!? You love me!? How in the actual fuck!?" Kacchan said confused.

"Enough about that... Deku... Truth or dare..." She said looking like she wanted revenge.

If I said truth I'd have to tell something I probably don't want to, If I say dare... I don't even wanna imagine what she's gonna make me do... I glanced at Kacchan who smiled at me, I could hear him I my head to chose truth, so I wanted to tease him.


"Dang Midoriya acting all manly!" Kirishima said giggling.

"Damnit you nerd!" Kacchan wispered yell.

"It can't be that bad right?" Uso said, not knowing how deep I had dugged my grave.

"Ask Uso to force you to do the one thing you can't do." She said smiling.

"W-what!?" Both me and Uso yelled.

"Make him force you to do the one thing you wouldn't do! Its simple." Uraraka said acting like it was nothing.

My eyes grew wide, I didn't know what that would be, there was so many things It could result into. She smiled as Uso sighed. Before I could say anything else, he looked at me and everything went blank.