Chapter 033

Bakugo's POV

I look at Deku worried, his eyes light up like when he uses his power, I look at him stand up and walk to the kitchen, he comes back holding a knife.

"STOP YOUR QUIRK!" I yell to him.


"Oh Kaaaacchaaan, come here alpha~" Deku says seductively.

"Baby... Snap out of it... I don't know what you plan to do with that knife but stop..." I say a bit worried.

Kacchan run!



"TCH I'M NOT GONNA RUN!" I scrwam as I prepare to stop him.

At that moment Deku looked at me wickedly and lunged at me with the knife.

I avoided most of his body before the knife lodged in my shoulder, I fell back and yelled at the pain. I was however more concerned about Deku, he shouldn't be doing this, he's fucking pregnant! I stand up and run outside, trying to distance myself while I hear my omega crying my head.

Kacchan please run! Tell me your okay please!

"I'm fine Deku! A knife isn't gonna end me idiot..."


I turn around and dash into the common room, I push Kirishima off Deku.

"Deku you okay!?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"I will once I kill you! HAHAHAHA!" Deku screamed laughing.

He gets up and prepares a detroit smash at 100%, that would kill both me and Kirishima, destroy the building and probably rip his arm off. I stand infront of Kirishima, trying to protect him from the blast. He swings but stops his quirk, I look around expecting Aizawa, but he wasn't there. I looked at Deku who was crying, and looking at me desperately.

"Did I make it!? Did I stop in time!?" He cried out.

"You did... You... nerd..." I said before passing out.

Midoriya's POV

I see Kacchan flop infront of me, I crouch down and flip him over to stop the bleeding on his shoulder.

"Someone get recovery girl!" I yelled as Kacchan started to breathe heavily.

"She's almost there!" Iida yells as he ran inside.

Hold on Kacchan, why does theses stupid games always end badly!? I pressure a little more, making Kacchan scream in pain. My omega wants to let him go since I'm hurting him, but if I do, he'll bleed out and I can't let that happen. I rip my shirt off with a free hand and quickly wrap it around Kacchan's shoulder. I feel his free hand gently pet my stomach, he smiles and look at me.

"Are... You... Ikay?" He weakly asks.


"The baby... It wasn't good for him... to be pinned down..." He says smiling with his eyes closed.


"Watch... Your... lan...guage..." He said before passing out.

I started to scream at him, begging for him to stay with me when Recovery girl ran inside.

"Move aside young man..." Recovery girl says as they pulled me away.

"KATSUKI! LET ME GO! MY ALPHA NEEDS ME!!!" I yelled as Todoroki held me in his arms.

"Shhh he'll be okay... Stay calm Midoriya... I got you..." He wispers softly in my arms.

"I want him to be okay... Sho please let me go!" I cried out as he kissed my head.

"I know... Just wait a little longer..." He wispered again.

I turned around and hugged him tightly, I felt so guilty, this was all my fault... He hugged me back and wispered soft words while releasing calm pheromones. I smelled them and placed my head in the crook of his neck, Kacchan said if he wasn't there I was aloud to smell him, and I desperately needed it now.

Todoroki's POV

I feel Midoriya smell my glands before going numb, I gently pet his back as he sleeps.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think it would go south like that..." Uso said looking sad.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to idiot..." I say as he looks at me confused.

"Oh... He's asleep... I was talking to Izuku... Your strong you know, and lucky... He looks like a great omega to have." He says chuckling.

"I don't find myself really lucky... I want him so bad, he did mark me after all so it's to be expected... But I just wish I could move on... Oh looks like Bakugo is back." I say as Bakugo sits up.

"Holy fuck my head is spinning... Wait... WHERE'S DEKU!?" He yells before I stand up and walk to him.

"Here, he's asleep, he smelled me a little too much and fell asleep..." I say as I pass him in his arms.

"Thanks Todoroki..." He says as he look at Midoriya with love.

Bakugo's POV

I look at Deku asleep, I gently pet his belly and smile. I give a kiss on his forehead before standing up with Todoroki's help.

"Thanks for everything..." I say as everyone gasp.


We walk to the dorm rooms, we entered my room where I layed Deku on my bed. He whined as soon as I letted him go, making me chuckle.

"Mind cuddling with him, I need to go talk to someone..." I say growling.

"Yeah no problem, try and not kill anyone Katsuki..." he says as he lays next to Deku and gently pet him.

"Tch yeah sure..." I say as Deku latch onto him and purrs.

I giggle before leaving towards the room on my right, I knock on the door before it opens to a very depressed alpha.

"Oh... God it's you..." He says slightly scared.

I grab his collar and close the door before growling violently at him.

"I won't blame you for tonight, but fucking listen to me you trash, if you fucking force your quirk on Deku again, I will rip your head off, hero or not! Got that!?" I yelled in his face.

"Y-yeah of course! I heard you loud and clear!" He says as I let him go.


"Fuck your a terrifying alpha... Man I wonder how Izuku tolerates it." He said curious.

"Tch... He doesn't have to, I'm not like that with Deku..." I say as I leave the room.

I walk to my bedroom and see Deku on top of Todoroki, both sleeping. I smile and gently pet Deku before laying on the couch, for some reason, I don't feel jealous whatsoever... I soon enough fall asleep.

2 weeks later...

I open my eyes, Deku isn't in my bed anymore, I look at the couch where Todoroki is sleeping, weirdly Deku isn't there either.

"Yo Todoroki, wake up... ICYHOT!" I yell as he finally opens his eyes.

"The fuck you screaming at me for?" He says now grumpy.

"Sorry... Did you see where Deku went?" I asked as he shaked his head.

I sighed and we both stepped out to hear some giggles, I walk confused to the room next door (Deku's bedroom). On the couch layed Deku while Uso listened to his stomach.

"What the fuck?" I say confused and irritated.

"KACCHAN! WE CAN HEAR THE PUPS HEART!" He screams smiling.

I can't help but smile and walk in as Todoroki follows me, I kneel near his stomach since Uso moved away, I lay my head gently on his stomach and listen.




My heart raced as I felt my eyes tear up, that cute tiny sound was my childs heartbeat... I let the tears flow as I gently kissed his stomach, I felt my heart overwhelmed with love.

"Fucking hell I love you Deku..." I say through my sob.

"And I you~" He says trying to wipe my tears.

"You two are too much! My gay heart can't take it!" Uso says as he gripped his heart like he was dying.

We all started laughing, this idiot was kinda endurable, I guess he's not as bad as I expected him to be. We all stand up and get ready to leave, the whole class are going out to shop for baby stuff. Deku refused at first but with my help and Todoroki's, we convinced him, we all look at eachother to confirm we're all ready before leaving. Once at the mall, Deku started to jump around and look at all the omega stuff, of course Denki followed him, and now both me and Kirishima we're running after our balls of energy.

"Oi slow down idiots!" I yelled at the omega's.

"Kacchan look at all the omega stuff!" He yells all happy.

"Yeah Kacchan look at all this stuff man!" Denki says as I growl.

"Kami... Babe don't call him that if you wanna live..." Kirishima says as I laugh.

"Well this little baby is 8 months old and I need stuff for him!" He says pouting.

"I know I know..." Kirishima says smiling.

Denki did look like he could pop at any moment now. Deku only had a small bump right now, but it meant the world to me. I suddenly bump into a guy in a coat, I looked up at the alpha angrily until I see his eyes, thoses piercing blue eyes I had seen in Todoroki before, he smiled and tapped my shoulder before talking with Todoroki real quick.

"Hey you! You coming to the baby shower?" I say smirking.

The class turn to face us, he smiles at me and lift his tumbs up before walking away.

"Wouldn't miss it!" He says as he disappeared in the crowd.

"Who was that Kacchan?" Deku says grabbing onto my arm.

I giggle and lower my face to his ear.

"Dabi~" I wisper as he smiles.

We walk into a baby shop where they look around all exited. Kirishima however looked annoyed.

"Baby... Our drawers are filled with baby clothes... I won't buy anymore..." He said as we all laughed and Denki pouted.

"Kacchan... I have a request..." he says looking embarrassed as hell.

"Sure baby what do you want? Todoroki said he's paying with his dad's credit card so get what you want okay?" I say softly as he grabs a baby pj.

My eyes widens as he smile and shove it in my face giggling, it was a small baby pajama that looked like my costume. Everyone awed at me as I picked it up and smiled, I absolutely loved how Deku was basically fanboying over me.

"Of course I'm definitely gonna get that!" I say laughing.

People had gotten used to me laughing around Deku, but I guess they still get surprised by it as they all flinch but joined me laughing. We continue shoping until I look at the baby pj's, there was Todoroki's and Deku's costume as well, I smiled and grab one of each without them looking. Just cus I want them, doesn't mean I'm gonna show it to theses idiot's... We buy some baby supplies as well before we heard a scream and an explosion, we all rushed out to see Dabi fighting off a hero who recognized him. I turned around to stop Deku, but of course he had already jump down there.

Midoriya's POV

I activate my full cowling before running past Kacchan and jumping down the mall to reach the ground floor. I run and stand in between the two, I grab both their arms, stopping the fight.

"First off, I'm very disappointed in you Mr Gunhead... There's civilians everywhere, And you... What are you still doing here!?" I say pissed he didn't leave.

"There's villains following you... I was trying to keep you safe..." He says as Gunhead sighed.

"I'll let it slide, Dabi watch yourself..." He says before leaving.

I look at Dabi angrily as the rest of the class joined us.

"DEKU YOU FUCKING CRAZY IDIOT THAT WAS RECKLESS!" Kacchan screams as he hugs me tightly.

Todoroki quickly follows behind and hugs me as well, I sigh at how easy I can scare these two alpha's...

"It's my fault... Don't be too harsh on him, he did save all the people that would have been caught up in the fight..." Dabi says looking around.

"What did you mean by villains are following me?" I asked as Dabi turned white.

"I- Look... Do you remeber that nightmare you had that night you fell pregnant?" He says as my eyes grew wide.

"N-no... NO! YOUR LYING! YOUR LYING TO ME! KACCHAN! KACCHAN HE'S LYING RIGHT!?" I screamed as I violently started shaking.

"Deku what the fuck!? Hey calm down baby!" He says wrapping his arms around me as I screamed my lungs out and cried.

"What dream?" Todoroki asked terrified.

My entire body felt like it was dying as I awaited the worst word I could hear.

"They brought him back to life... Shigaraki is alive..."