3. first day of school


Clock hands show 5 in the morning, Dina stepped foot towards her daughter's room to wake Zea. She knocked on the door of her daughter's room several times.

tok... tok...

a loud sound of the door was knocked and several calls to the child, but there was no answer. Dina turned around to walk towards the kitchen.

Arriving in the kitchen, Dina met Anna's maid who was cooking for breakfast this morning.

"What do you cook? It smells good ..." said Dina.

"That is ... fried chicken, sauteed tofu and tempeh, tomato sauce and tamarind vegetables. Madam, do you want me to make a cup of coffee?" asked Anna.

"No need ... later breakfast, auntie can make me a cup of sweet tea. Now the waiter helps me wake up Zoey in her room, earlier I knocked on the door to her room and I called but there was no answer. again, I'm afraid of being late, "said Dina.

The servant goes to Zea's room. Arriving in the room, the maid knocked on the door and called Zea. The clock was 5.30 in the morning.

"Miss zea, this is Anna ... miss zea has already woken up yet, let it be late. You know, my aunt's school has already prepared breakfast at the table" said Anna.

"Yes ..... thank you, I'm already awake and already taking a shower too. This is getting ready to go down for breakfast, Zea.

Zea started down from her room to the dining table. In the dining room, you can see that her mother is waiting for her to have breakfast.

They both finished breakfast, Dina took Zea to school, then they did their respective activities.

* In school

All students gather on the lawn to perform the flag ceremony. After the ceremony is completed, grade 11 and 12 students enter the classroom to receive the subject matter, while grade 10 students carry out the Student Orientation Period/MOS for 3 days.

"Welcome and good morning, the new students of Senior high school XX. Congratulations on joining our school, I hope our dreams can be together in studying well and the benefits can be achieved" said Mr. Anton.

Mr. Anton is a teacher who at that time served as a speaker at the MOS event. He explained the vision and mission of the school to all new students.


time keeps running. The MOS event continued until finally, the clock showed noon. there was a loud sound of a recess bell, all students scattered out of the classroom, both students 1, 2, and 3.

* At the School stall

It can be seen that Zea is sitting alone enjoying her lunch because it's still new so she doesn't have many friends, let alone her appearance is a little different from other female students who wear skirts.

yups .... as you can imagine zea wearing a uniform with trousers bottoms. This appearance attracted the attention of other students, both new students in her class and seniors.

Zea feels uncomfortable with the other students' glances at her, who seem like she's weird. tall posture, short hair, not too big breasts, white skin.

"Duarr ...." said Reza, patting Zea's shoulder to startle her younger class at Junior high school X.

"Ahh ... damn you just surprised. By the way, how come you know I'm in the canteen" said Zea.

"Haha .... a girl like you is rare, even though I saw her from Surabaya I can also introduce you to it, you have not changed your appearance from elementary to high school. Still, her appearance is a boy but still a girl inside" Reza said.

"Shut up ... I'll punch you if you're still really nagging" zea chirped.

"Forgive boss .... not anymore". Said Reza

The two of them chatted here and there until finally, they heard the bell to enter the class, a sign that recess had ended. They stepped out of the canteen towards their respective classes.

Time is running out, the clock shows 2 p.m., the bell which indicates that the learning time is over, sounds loud. all students leave the classroom to return to their respective homes or take part in extracurricular activities again.

Zea is seen in front of the gate waiting for a pick-up car from her mother. behind her, Reza was seen on a motorbike approaching.

"Let's go home together ... we are in the same direction as close to the house" Reza offered to Zea.

"No ah..your girlfriend is jealous, it could hurt me, I'm waiting for my mom to say she wanted to pick up earlier but how long it took me," Zea said, Zea.

"Haha ha ... which Girlfriend is going to be jealous of you, if I poke you and you hold it when you think it is a fagot, how can you be together or not ???" said Reza laughing while holding his stomach.

"Wait a minute, rez .... so, mom can't pick up Tante Rosa at home" Zea stopped Reza's motorbike.

The two of them went home on Reza's motorbike.

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