4. Arogan boy

* At J city airport

inside the airport which is full of crowded visitors, prospective passengers who have just arrived, and others. Steve's family just got off the plane. Zulia asked her son to come out first and wait for them in front of the airport door.

Zea, who just got out of the taxi, ran towards the entrance without looking at the road so that it was broken ... the sound of the suitcase being thrown and some of the items inside messed out.

"Sorry, bro ... I was in a hurry, I didn't mean it" Zea said, walking away.

Zack was silent and looked at Zea coldly. Suddenly, the street ... grabbed Zea's hand roughly and almost made Zea fall. He hands Zea's hand to hold him away.

"Tidy up and tidy up like before" said Zack coolly.

"Sorry, it's not that I don't want to ... but I have to immediately deliver this bag" said Zea while showing the package in the bag she was carrying.

but Zack did not want to know about Zea's business, all he wanted was his suitcase back tidy. On the other hand, Zea was annoyed because Zack's hand was held by Zack and could not immediately meet her mother.

Zea had no other way but to tidy up the things. In between zea tidying up her luggage, her cellphone rang ... there was a short message in which her mother had boarded the plane because she waited too long to miss her flight later. Zea who read the short message immediately became emotional and angry, she stomped Zack's feet with all her might.

"Ohh ...." Zack said from his mouth in pain. immediately released her hand zea.

"You crazy guy, you jerk, arrogant, feel you ..... because of you I'm so late in giving this bag" Zea who was annoyed but satisfied seeing Zack in pain, Zea ran away without caring anymore with Zack's luggage.

Zea has been holding back her emotions that all this time wanted to beat Zack but was sent back due to a public place. On the other hand, Zack, who is in pain, grumbles, watch out for you if you see him again, you will pay for it.

Zulia and her husband, who was finished with matters inside the airport, immediately went out to their son. Zulia was surprised and smiled at the disorganized contents of her child's suitcase.

"Why is the suitcase dismantled here, at home dear ... do you want to open a shop selling clothes ... hehe" Dina teased her child.

"huh .... this is all because that stupid courier ran without using his eyes" said, Zack.

Zulia and her husband helped their son tidy up his suitcase and invited them to enter the car that had been waiting for them.

the way back home.


* Zea's House

Ting... tong ...ting... tong ...

the sound of the doorbell pressed. krek .... the sound of the door opened by servant anna.

"Miss Zea has come home," said Anna, who felt astonished when he saw her young lady return quickly.

"Annoyed ... really bad luck today" said Zea with a sullen and emotional face.

"What's wrong ... really annoyed. Why did you take the bag home again ?? she said it was delivered to Mrs. Dina" asked servant anna.

"not so aunty ... I was late in giving the bag to mama, mom rushed into the plane. all ther is because I met that crazy and arrogant boy, the bag didn't get to mother" said Zea as she walked to her room on the second floor. to rest.

* at Julia's house

Zulia's family had arrived home after an hour's drive from the airport. They get out of the car and enter the house. yes ... the old house they didn't live in since 10 years ago, only occasionally came home during the holidays or if Steve had work to do in the city of J. This house was still well maintained because even though Mr. Zulia and her family were not occupied, there were helpers who looked after and cleaned the home every day.

"Oh yes Zack ... tomorrow mama will go to your new school, you also have to come" said Zulia.

"Whatever mom" replied Zack by stepping away to the room.

Zulia and her husband did the same thing, they went to their room to rest because they were very tired.

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