8. My book's

* At Home Zack

Zulia felt something was changing from her son's attitude. Zack's usual attitude is so cold, indifferent, and lazy to go to school. so that makes Zulia tease him often just to get Zack's attention. but now it is warmer, caring, so enthusiastic about learning that Anita is often caught daydreaming and smiling to herself.

"Ehem ... what's wrong with your mother's child, I think you're happy. Emm ..... don't be falling in love," teased Zulia.

"What is this mother? No" Zack refused with a blushing face.

"Um ... so your guess is wrong, but how come you see red tomatoes on your cheeks, huh .." Zulia said, increasingly teasing Zack by bringing her child's face closer.

"Ohh .. mom what the hell," said Zack looking away in embarrassment.

Zulia left Zack's room so that her son would not be more embarrassed. she wondered what kind of girl had succeeded in melting the heart of her son who was like the Himalayas.

Zack is a warm and caring boy, but that all changed immediately after his older sister left in a car accident when they were kids. Zack loves his sister who is kind and cheerful, Zack's sister always protects him from other kids who like to tease Zack. Since that incident, Zack has been a quiet and cold child with everyone.


At the dining table,

Zulia and her family enjoy breakfast together. Zulia stares at her son's face carefully and their smiles on her lips, she feels very happy if Zack can rise from his past slump. Steve also paid attention to his wife's movements he was curious about what could make his wife smile that happy. but he did not ask his wife because he had to leave as soon as possible. After all, he still had work to do. They finished their meal.

"Unfortunately daddy go ahead," said goodbye Steve

"yes dear .. be careful on the road," said Zulia to her husband

"Mom ... I also want to go out for a walk to the park for a while and also have a book I want to buy," said Zack.

"To the park ...appointment to meet again" teased Zulia

maybe it's an "ah..mother, no" Zack replied.

Zack took the backpack beside him and left before his mother guessed anything else.


"oh my ... Biology Iki's assignment, why is that so?" Zea grumbled.

Zea flipped through the books but still couldn't find anything that could solve this school assignment. Finally, she decided to leave the house to find the necessary materials.

"aunty .. ok Anne, I want to come out for a moment, I want to find material for my biology assignment," said Zea.

"yes, non-careful on the road" whispered Anne as she ran from the kitchen.

Zea exited in a pre-booked online taxi.


In the bookstore, you can

see a lot of books neatly lined up on the shelf. Zea went around looking for the biology book she needed, she caught a glimpse of the title of the book she was looking for. yes ... located in the second row of the shelf at the very top, when she wanted to take it.

she is startled by the hand of someone reaching for the same book she is holding. Zea looked up and saw Zack.

"You ... you also want to take this book?" Said Zea.

"Yes ... but I think this is the only book left" Zack replied.

They both were silent and thought. Both of them need the book for biology assignments.

"Just for you," they said together

"um ... no need" together again.

Both of them were silent for a moment. How delicious.

"We use it together, we are on the same bench," said Zea to solve the problem.

"You can," replied Zack.

Then both of them go to the cashier to pay. They decided to go to the park to do a task together.

"Take the book," said Zack.

handing her biology book to Zea.

"ok ... tomorrow I will take it to school," Zea said.

The two separated and returned to their respective homes.


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