9. Cafetaria

* Biology Practice

The class is so noisy ... students who have not finished doing the assignment feel confused running around to ask for help from friends, so they can be taught how to do the assignment.

"Zack is yesterday's book," said, Zea. while taking out a book from his backpack.

Zack took the book and put it in a desk drawer.

"Good morning children, let's start this morning lesson with a happy heart so that the knowledge learned today can benefit our lives later. Pray starts" said, Mrs. Silvi.

Mrs. Silvi is a biology teacher who is quite fierce if her cool language is a killer teacher. Mrs. Silvia, a beautiful teacher with a fantastic body ... it's enough to make boys drool and melt when she sees her, especially with her single status.

The teaching and learning process began, all students issued biology books.

"Children collect all the assignments that mother gave last week and turn to Book Chapter 2 page 50" ordered Mrs. Silvi.

All students turn to page 50. In Chapter 2 the subject matter is about the human reproductive system.

"The reproductive system or the genital system is a system of sex organs in organisms that work together for sexual reproduction. Many non-living substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are important accessories in the reproductive system" explained Mrs. Silvia.

"The function of the reproductive system in men is for production and storage as well as delivering sperm for fertilization of an egg. While the function of the female reproductive system is to produce eggs and conceive a baby. The two functions complement each other in the reproductive system" explained Mrs. Silvi explaining the subject matter.

"Practice ma'am ... practice directly" shouted Ryan.

"Practice, you crazy ?!" Susi hits Ryan's shoulder.

Bu Silvi looked at Riyan with a scary look because she was not disciplined in class.

"Riyan stands in the corner of the classroom until the lesson is over" Mrs. Silvi ordered as punishment.

Ryan walked to the corner of the classroom with her mouth muttering softly.

"Uhh ... it's not fun, how can you be clever and not practicing" murmured Riyan.

"Huuuu ..." classmate cheers.

tick tock tick tock ... the hands keep turning until the class ends.

Mrs. Silvi greeted and left the classroom.


As usual, Reza always comes to Zea's class during recess, he waits outside the class until Zea exits the class to invite him to eat in the cafeteria together.

Zack prefers to spend time off

In the classroom or library, he doesn't have to worry about food because there are always female fans who bring him lunch every day even though he never asks for all of that.

"zea ... let's go to the canteen" called Reza.

"Haist ... Reza, what are you doing here? If you see the girls fans you see it could be bad again" zea chirped.

"That's cruel, Zoey ... we've been friends since junior high school, cook because our fans are far apart from each other. Eemm ..... don't tell me you're jealous" Reza teased.

"jealous nutmeg you" zea chirps while walking to the canteen

They both eat together in the cafeteria as usual.

"Zoey ... let's go home together" invite Reza.

"It's up to you ... as long as your fans don't just go mad," said Zea.

"Don't care about them" Reza said coolly.

Reza, who is never sensitive to Anita's feelings, makes Anita even more jealous of Zea.

The class start bell rang, Zea and Reza returned to their respective classes. The next lesson starts before it's time to go home.


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