10. Goes home together


Zea, who made an appointment with Reza

to go home together, waiting in front of the school gate.

Zea not long waiting to come

Reza with his favorite motorbike and approached zea.

"Here is the helmet," said Reza, handing him the helmet


"I'm not sure I want to go home with you ... I'm afraid

Your fans are crazy about me again, because of the prince I took him away, "she said

zea received a helmet from Reza.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ... it turns out that tomboyish princesses can be scared too huh,

I think your appearance that is like a boy is not afraid of girls "(said

Reza with a laugh)

"It's good you said .... I'm not afraid of them, it's just

I don't want to just look for it with the Alay girls "(said Zea emphasized)

"OK ... if you're not afraid, hurry up and hurry up in the afternoon

here "(said, Reza).

Zea immediately got on the Reza motorbike and put on a helmet.

Reza motorbike starts going fast. The trip was pretty smooth, the Reza motorbike was quite comfortable

to drive. It's known that Reza loves his motorbike so it's maintenance

he looks very much at the motorbike to be safe

and comfortable when driving.

The Reza motor

at first, going fast stopped suddenly. Sreet…. Nyeett. Zea who was shocked immediately

Reflex hugs Reza so that Zea's chest touches Reza's back


"Ah… crazy you brake suddenly, I still want to live

woyy… "shouted Zea hitting Reza on the back.

Miauuu… miauuuu… miauuu seen a cat passing by

suddenly in front of Reza motorbike which makes Reza stop the motorbike suddenly so

didn't hit the cat.

"Oh dear princess… servant

accidentally "said Reza hiding his red face because he felt there

something soft and soft sticks

on his back.

"Princess? Come down from heaven huff ... there is the princess into the ditch" said Zea fixing her seat position.

Reza started running his motorbike again. Smooth journey arrived

in front of zea's house.

"Thanks friend ... for taking me home," said Zea

give a helmet to Reza.

"Ok ... you're welcome. Oh yeah, how about tomorrow I pick you up,

we go to school together? "Asked Reza.

"It's okay ... calculating the time shorter than taking a taxi" Zea replied.

"OK ... I'll pick you up at 6 in the morning," said Reza.

Reza and zea are not only friends since junior high school but also

neighbors. Reza house which is only a few tens of meters from the house



Zack, who had just arrived at his house, immediately walked to his room. He threw his bag

to the sofa in the room then lay down on the mattress. He remembers

when he saw Zea being bullied by the ACS.Zack gang

smiling to myself.

"This girl is really attractive" Zack mumbled lyrics

Zack felt he was a very different girl from the girls

other girls who approached him. Her tomboyish appearance with a pretty face can't cover her femininity. Which are more

he likes from zea, is zea is not the type of girl who is easily divided by

other girls.

Zulia who had been paying attention to the behavior

her son from the door of Zack's room approached.

"Hey ... again smiling to myself, who are you dreaming about? .... Surely

girl. Introduce it to mama, "asked Zulia.

"Hey mom ... it's a habit not to knock on the door when you enter the room," she said


"halah ... just distract you. When did you meet him with mama "said Zulia, bringing her face closer to Zack's face.

"no .. no girl," said Zack while away from his face

her mother.

"Haisst ... you are very stingy, don't make you curious," said

Zulia insisted.

"Ouch mama.. it said you don't have a boyfriend either, what do you want

"said, Zack.

"Never mind. Let's go down to lunch first" said Zulia.

Zulia and zack come down for lunch.

------ **** -------

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