37. but it's impossible

At school

today Zea has started to actively attend school again, but Zack has not been able to go to school because today Zack has just been allowed to come home from the hospital. Maybe a few more days before I can go back to school.

tin tin tin...the sound of Dina's car horn that drove Zea to school.

"Honey, what time will you be home?" asked Dinah.

"I don't know mom... usually at 2 pm, just like this... when Zea comes home, just call my mother to pick up Zea," said Zea.

"Ok.. honey, mommy goes home first, okay..." Dina said by kissing Zea's forehead.

Dina drove her car leaving Zea. While Zea was still looking at Dina's car that had just left, Reza sneaked behind Zea to startle her.

"Duuuaaaarr" Reza patted Zea's shoulder from behind.

"Eh... dislodged, you're crazy rez... surprised to know, I might be in the hospital again because of a heart attack way..." Zea said, surprised.

"Ala Mak... you're very serious, I'm sorry... when you were hospitalized I couldn't visit you, haiist... my brain feels like I've overdosed on additional lessons for the national exam," complained Reza.

"It's okay... the important thing is now I'm fine right... you just pay attention to the exam first ok" said Zea encouraging Reza.

"I miss you, dear..." said Reza teasingly, he wasn't nosy with Zea for a long time.


Zea flicked Reza's forehead "honey, nutmeg, you care," Zea grumbled.

" aiiiisss... very fierce miss, that's why you're still single" Reza muttered.

" Halah ... fellow singles are prohibited from bullying hey ...." Zea protested.

Reza and Zea kept talking to each other while walking towards their class.

"uh...you tell me, why did you guys experience such a terrible incident," said Reza

"I'm not ready to tell you about it, Rez...it's scary to remember, actually I had a glimpse of their faces before I fainted, but I wasn't so clear... but to accuse him, I don't have solid evidence yet," said Zea telling her suspicions about someone.

"What...you saw them, who?" said Reza curiously.

"Anita..." said Zea.

"Anita...but it's impossible, she has been expelled from this school. How did she know that your class had camping activities on Mount A that day," said Reza?

"That's the problem... is it possible that there are students here who are still in touch with him?" said Zea.

"Could be," said Reza, who was also curious.

"Well...let the police investigate all of this, if there are developments regarding this case, we will certainly get further news," said Zea.

Zea and Reza entered their respective classes. Meanwhile, at the same time in another place, Johan and Steve get a call from the police station regarding the progress of the case of Zea and Zack.

Johan, who had arrived at the police station, was talking to the police officers.

"Pak Johan and Pak Steve...we have found evidence in the form of a wooden block that was used to beat your daughters and sons, after being identified the fingerprints left on the evidence do match the suspect who was seen and suspected by Mr. Johan's daughter. Today we will arrest the perpetrators and their gangs," explained the police.

"Well... thank you, sir, for your hard work in solving this case. We hope that the perpetrators can be punished with a punishment commensurate with their actions following applicable law," said Johan.

"Yes ... I also agree with Mr. Johan," said Steve.

"Okay... Mr. Johan and Mr. Steve, after our team has caught the culprit, we will contact you again," said the policeman.

Johan and Steve leave the police station, they are a little relieved that at least the perpetrators of this crime are known.