38. don't try to run away

Zack's house.

today Zack has just been discharged from the hospital. Zulia packed their things while Steve solved the administrative problems after they had finished returning home.


brukkk ...

the sound of the car door opening and closing. Zack and his family have just arrived at their house. Steve took things out of the car to take him into the house while Zulia carried Zack to his room.

"Mom... I can walk alone," said Zack.

"Mom just wants to take you to your room... I'm afraid you'll also forget your room," said Zulia, slightly sarcastically.

"Ouch... this mother, how could I forget my room, everything in there is where the things are, I still remember it well mom," said Zack.

"Who knows... the proof is that you can forget Zea," said Zulia.

"hmm...that's a different problem ma'am, the mother also can't force Zack to remember Her," said Zack casually and left Zulia to her room.

"This kid was told he was even ignorant... but it's true what he said I can't force him to remember but I can help you remember everything little by little" muttered Zulia.


Anita's residence

a group of police officers came to Anita's house in the afternoon.

knock knock knock…

[.the sound of a knock on the door, Anita who just came home from school walked towards the door and opened it


The door was immediately opened easily. Both eyes Anita widened when she saw some people wearing police uniforms sitting in front of the door.

"Whom are you looking for?" asked Anita in a slightly nervous and frightened voice.

Anita's mother and father, who were in the house, went out to the door because they heard noise from outside the house.

"Who's a guest, dear ..." shouted Anita's father from inside the house.

"I..it...that's dad" Anita stuttered.

Anita couldn't speak normally because she was nervous, she was afraid that her crimes at that time would be exposed. Anita's mother and father were a little surprised by the arrival of the police officers.

"What do you need, gentlemen, come here, oh yes, please sit down first," he said, inviting the members of the police to enter the house.

one of the police officers handed over an arrest warrant against Anita to Anita's parents.

"This sir must be wrong ... my child can not possibly commit a crime like this," said Anita's father.

"We only carry out our duties to pick up Anita's brother, the rest can be explained by Anita's sister and her attorney at the police station.

"No...I don't want to come with you" shouted Anita who was trying to run away from the house.

"Stop... Anita's brother, you better turn yourself in or we will use violence" the police shouted a warning.

Anita kept running as best she could and with all her might. bang... bang.. the sound of bullets erupting from a policeman's gun as a warning sign to Anita. Anita finally stopped and handed Herself over, he didn't want to be shot dead silly.

" Honey... you just obey, later dad will contact our lawyer. now you go first and act nice" said Anita's father. the police took Anita to the police station for further questioning and if found guilty then Anita must receive punishment by applicable law.

After further investigation and interrogation, Anita was proven guilty but this time Anita is not alone, Cindy was also arrested along with Anita, it was Cindy who helped Anita commit these crimes.

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Zea's house

Zea is in the living room watching television together with Dina and her husband. Aunt Anne came to remind me that dinner is ready on the dining table.

" madam... I have prepared dinner on the dining table, it's still warm... who knows, Madam and Miss Zea want to eat. now" Aunt Anne offered the dinner she had served.